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2015-10-11 19:34:45 来源:www.45fan.com 【


手术治疗:surgical management

抗肿瘤治疗:antineoplastic therapy

诱导治疗:induction therapy

巩固治疗:consolidation therapy

辅助治疗:adjunctive therapy

附加治疗:additional therapy

标准治疗:standard therapies

常规治疗:conventional therapy

长期维持治疗:long term maintence therapy

靶向治疗:targeted treatment

分程治疗:split course treatment

个体化治疗:individualized treatment

急救治疗:emergency treatment

家庭保健治疗:home health care

交叉治疗:cross-fire treatment

紧急强化治疗:acute intensive treatment

经导管治疗:transcatheter therapy

康复治疗:rehabilitation management

口服治疗:oral medication

内科治疗:medical treatment

序贯治疗:sequential therapy

一般治疗:general treatment

在家治疗:home treatment

支持治疗:Supportive treatment

中西医结合治疗:combined treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine

激素替代治疗:hormonal replacement therapy

专科治疗:specific treatment

综合治疗:combined therapy

暗示疗法:suggestive therapy


Tags: 各种 名称 治疗方法
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