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2016-07-14 11:36:02 来源:www.45fan.com 【


1 INT -- CABIN -- NIGHT (1946) ::内景 -- 小屋 -- 夜晚
A dark, empty room. ::一所黑黑的、空洞的房子
The door bursts open. A MAN and WOMAN enter, drunk and giggling, horny as hell. No sooner is the door shut than they’re all over each other, ripping at clothes, pawing at flesh, mouths locked together. ::门突然被撞开,一个男人和一个女人醉意地走了进来,吃吃地笑着,很是暧昧。不等门关上,他们就缠在了一块,互相撕扯着衣服,搓摸着对方的身体,两张嘴紧紧地粘在了一起。
He gropes for a lamp, tries to turn it on, knocks it over instead. Hell with it. He’s got more urgent things to do, like getting her blouse open and his hands on her breasts. She arches, moaning, fumbling with his fly. He slams her against the wall, ripping her skirt. We hear fabric tear. ::男人摸索着想打开台灯,却弄翻了它。顾不上管台灯,他有更急的事要做,他掀起她的上衣,用手按住她的乳房。她仰着身子,呻吟着,慌乱地解着他的钮扣。他猛地将她顶在墙上,撕扯她的裙子。可以听到织物被撕破的声音。
He enters her right then and there, roughly, up against the wall. She cries out, hitting her head against the wall but not caring, grinding against him, clawing his back, shivering with the sensations running through her. He carries her across the room with her legs wrapped around him. They fall onto the bed. 他粗鲁的进入了她,顶着墙壁。她大声叫着,扭曲着身体迎合他,抓着他的后背,随着插入的感觉颤僳,毫不在意她的头撞着墙壁。
CAMERA PULLS BACK, exiting through the window, traveling smoothly outside... ::镜头向后拉,退出窗户,平滑地向外伸展……
2 EXT -- CABIN -- NIGHT (1946) 2::外景 -- 小屋 -- 夜晚
...to reveal the bungalow, remote in a wooded area, the lovers’ cries spilling into the night... ::偏僻的小树林中展现出那间小屋,那对情人的叫声涌进黑夜……
...and we drift down a wooded path, the sounds of rutting passion growing fainter, mingling now with the night sounds of crickets and hoot owls... ::沿着林间小路,情欲之音逐渐减弱,与蟋蟀和猫头鹰的叫声混在一起……
...and we begin to hear FAINT MUSIC in the woods, tinny and incongruous, and still we keep PULLING BACK until... ::隐隐的音乐在树林中响起,既微弱又不协调,镜头继续后拉直到……
...a car is revealed. A 1946 Plymouth. Parked in a clearing. ::一辆轿车显现出来。是辆1946年的普利茅斯。泊在林中的一块空地上。
3 INT -- PLYMOUTH -- NIGHT (1946) 3::内景 -- 普利茅斯-- 夜晚
ANDY DUFRESNE, mid-20’s, wire rim glasses, three-piece suit. Under normal circumstances a respectable, solid citizen; hardly dangerous, perhaps even meek. But these circumstances are far from normal. He is disheveled, unshaven, and very drunk. A cigarette smolders in his mouth. His eyes, flinty and hard, are riveted to the bungalow up the path. ::安迪•杜方,二十五、六岁,金边眼镜,西装革履。正常情况下会是一位体面的、可靠的公民;没有危险,甚至还有些温顺。但现在的情况却很不正常。他头发凌乱、胡子未刮,醉意醺醺,嘴里还怄着雪茄。眼神又直又僵,死盯着小径前方的那间小屋。
He can hear them fucking from here. ::他听得到他们在做爱。
He raises a bottle of bourbon and knocks it back. The radio plays softly, painfully romantic, taunting him: ::他举起一瓶波旁威士忌,大口大口的喝。无线电里那绵绵的,令人心烦的浪漫小调,嘲弄着他。
You stepped out of a dream... You are too wonderful... To be what you seem... ::你走出梦境……你如此精彩……你仿佛……
He opens the glove compartment, pulls out an object wrapped in a rag. He lays it in his lap and unwraps it carefully -- ::他打开仪表板那儿的杂物柜,拉出一件破布包着的东西。他把它放在腿上,小心的打开 --
-- revealing a .38 revolver. Oily, black, evil. ::一支点38左轮,油油的,黑色,不祥之兆。
He grabs a box of bullets. Spills them everywhere, all over the seats and floor. Clumsy. He picks bullets off his lap, loading them into the gun, one by one, methodical and grim. Six in the chamber. His gaze goes back to the bungalow. ::他抓起一盒子弹,却洒的车里上下到处都是。他笨拙地从腿上拾起子弹,一颗又一颗坚定地依次把它们装入枪里,一共是6颗子弹。他再次盯住了那间小屋。
He shuts off the radio. Abrupt silence, except for the distant lovers’ moans. He takes another shot of bourbon courage, then opens the door and steps from the car. ::他关掉了无线电。四周猛的静了下来,除了远处那对情人的呻吟。他又喝了一口威士忌,然后打开门,走出了车子。
4 EXT -- PLYMOUTH -- NIGHT (1946) 4 ::外景 -- 普利茅斯-- 夜晚
His wingtip shoes crunch on gravel. Loose bullets scatter to the ground. The bourbon bottle drops and shatters. ::他的翼尖鞋轧在砾石路上,任子弹散落在地,波旁酒瓶也摔到地上,碎了。
He starts up the path, unsteady on his feet. The closer he gets, the louder the lovemaking becomes. Louder and more frenzied. The lovers are reaching a climax, their sounds of passion degenerating into rhythmic gasps and grunts. ::他朝前走去,跌跌撞撞。他走的越近,做爱的声音愈大并愈加疯狂。那对情人抵达高潮,激情的声音渐渐弱了下去,变成有节奏的喘息和低语。
WOMAN (O.S.) ::女人
Oh god...oh god...oh god... ::哦,上帝…
Andy lurches to a stop, listening. The woman cries out in orgasm. The sound slams into Andy’s brain like an icepick. He shuts his eyes tightly, wishing the sound would stop. ::安迪踉跄着停了下来,倾听。女人兴奋地喊着,那声音就像冰锥一样冲击着安迪的大脑。他紧紧的闭上眼睛,希望声音停止。
It finally does, dying away like a siren until all that’s left is the shallow gasping and panting of post-coitus. We hear languorous laughter, moans of satisfaction. ::最终,像渐渐消失的塞壬(传说中的女海妖,她用美妙的歌声诱惑船只上的海员,从而使船只在岛屿周围触礁沉没),它停了下来,只剩下交媾后的轻呼和喘息。可以听到柔弱的笑声和满意的呻吟。
WOMAN (O.S.) ::女人
Oh god...that’s sooo good...you’re the best...the best I ever had... ::噢,上帝!好极了!你是最棒的,我最棒的……
Andy just stands and listens, devastated. He doesn’t look like much of a killer now; he’s just a sad little man on a dirt path in the woods, tears streaming down his face, a loaded gun held loosely at his side. A pathetic figure, really. ::安迪只是站在那里听着,垂头丧气。现在,他看起来一点都不像个杀手。他只是一个悲哀的、渺小的男人,站在肮脏的林中小路上,提溜着一把装满子弹的枪,任凭眼泪淌过脸颊。可怜的人,真可怜!
FADE TO BLACK: 1ST TITLE UP ::屏幕渐黑,第一次字幕升起
But I think it would take months to finish this. Do you really want to do it?
If you keep on doing, I‘ll keep on reading. How‘s that?
Good Job!
5 INT -- COURTROOM -- DAY (1946) 5::内景 -- 法庭 -- 白天
THE JURY listens like a gallery of mannequins on display, pale-faced and stupefied. ::陪审员们如同展览中的人体模型排成一列,面色无光、怔怔地听着。
D.A. (O.S.) ::律师
Mr. Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. ::杜方先生,描述一下你妻子被谋杀的那天晚上,你与她的争执。
is on the witness stand, hands folded, suit and tie pressed, hair meticulously combed. He speaks in soft, measured tones: ::坐在证人席上,双手交叉,领带紧打、衣着严肃,梳洗整齐。说话温和又慎重。
ANDY ::安迪
It was very bitter. She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. She said she wanted a divorce in Reno. ::很激烈。她说她很高兴我知道了一切,她讨厌总是偷偷摸摸,她还说她想在雷诺离婚。
D.A. ::律师
What was your response? ::你怎么回应?
I told her I would not grant one. ::我告诉她我不会同意。
D.A. ::律师
(refers to his notes) ::看了一下他的文件记录。
"I‘ll see you in Hell before I see you in Reno." Those were the words you used, Mr. Dufresne, according to the testimony of your neighbors. ::“去雷诺前,先下地狱吧!”这是你说过的话,杜方先生,依据你邻居的证词。
ANDY ::安迪
If they say so. I really don‘t remember. I was upset. ::他们怎么说怎么算吧。我心烦意乱,真的不记得了。
FADE TO BLACK: 2ND TITLE UP ::屏幕渐黑,第二次字幕升起
D.A. ::律师
What happened after you argued with your wife? ::你们吵完之后呢?
ANDY ::安迪
She packed a bag, she packed a bag and go and stay with Mr. Quentin. ::她拾掇了一个包裹,她拾掇了一个包去和昆丁先生住在一起。
D.A. ::律师
Glenn Quentin. The golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club. The man you had recently discovered was you wife’s lover. ::格兰·昆叮斯诺顿·希尔斯乡村俱乐部的职业高尔夫球手,你最近发现他是你妻子的情夫。
(Andy nods) ::(安迪点点头)
Did you follow her? ::你跟踪她了吗?
ANDY ::安迪
I went to a few bars first. Later, I drove to his’s house to confront them. They weren‘t home...so I parked in the turnout...and waited. ::我先去了几间酒吧,然后,我开车去他家找他们。他们不在,所以,我把车泊到岔道,等着。
D.A. ::律师
With what intention? ::出于什么目的?
ANDY ::安迪
I‘m not sure. I was confused. Drunk. I think mostly I wanted to scare them. ::我说不清。我喝醉了,头晕晕的。我想,我只是想吓吓他们。
FADE TO BLACK: 3RD TITLE UP ::屏幕渐黑,第三次字幕升起
D.A. ::律师
When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them? ::他们回来后,你就走到屋子里杀了他们?
ANDY ::安迪
No. I was sobering up. I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off. Along the way, I stopped and threw my gun into the Royal River. I feel I‘ve been very clear on this point. ::不。我渐渐冷静了下来。我走回车里,开车回家睡觉来忘掉这件事。路上,我停了下来,把枪扔到了皇家河里。这一点,我一直记得很清。
D.A. ::律师
Where I get hazy, is where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning and finds your wife in bed with her lover, riddled with .38 caliber bullets. Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, Mr.Dufresne, or is it just me? ::使人感到困惑的是,第二天早上,清洁女工上班时,发现你的妻子和她的情夫,被多发点38口径的子弹打死在床上。你真地认为这是巧合
ANDY ::安迪
(softly) ::(轻轻地说)
Yes. It does. ::是的,是巧合。
FADE TO BLACK! 4TH TITLE UP ::屏幕渐黑,第四次字幕升起
D.A. ::律师
You still maintain you threw your gun into the River before the murders took place. That‘s very convenient. ::你仍然坚持你在命案发生前把你的枪扔到了河里?这样说很有利。
ANDY ::安迪
It‘s the truth. ::这是事实。
D.A. ::律师
The police dragged that river for three days and nary a gun was found. So there could be no comparison made between your gun and the bullets taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims. And that also is very convenient, isn‘t it, Mr. Dufresne? ::警方在河里打捞了三天,没有枪被找到。因此,无法鉴定从沾满鲜血的受害者尸体上取出的子弹,是否出自你的枪中,而这同样也很有利,是这样吧,杜方先生?
ANDY ::安迪
(faint, bitter smile) ::(无力地苦笑了一下)
Since I am innocent of this crime, sir, I find it decidedly inconvenient the gun was never found. ::因为我是清白的,先生,我认为找不到枪很显然对我不利。
FADE TO BLACK: 5TH TITLE UP ::屏幕渐黑,第五次字幕升起
6 INT -- COURTROOM -- DAY (1946) 6 ::内景 -- 法庭 -- 白天
The D.A. holds the jury spellbound with his closing summation: ::律师用他的最终结论诱导陪审团
D.A. ::律师
Ladies and gentlemen, you‘ve heard all the evidence, you know all the facts. We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have foot prints. Tire tracks. Bullets scattered on the ground which bear his fingerprints. A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints. Most of all, we have a beautiful young woman and her lover lying dead in each other‘s arms. They had sinned. But was their crime so great as to merit a death sentence? ::女士们、先生们,你们都听到了,知道了所有的事实。我们知道被告在现场,有足迹、轮胎印,洒在地上带有他指纹的子弹,同样带有他指纹的打碎的威士忌瓶子。然而最重要的,我们知道了一位美女和她的情夫相拥而去。他们是有罪,但罪该致死吗?
He gestures to Andy sitting quietly with his ATTORNEY. ::他示意安迪和他的律师安静地坐着。
D.A. ::律师
And while you think about that, think about this... ::而且,你们在考虑的时候,再想一下这点……
He picks up a revolver, spins the cylinder before their eyes like a carnival barker spinning a wheel of fortune. ::他拿起左轮枪,像狂欢节上幸运转盘的叫卖者一样旋转轮盘。
D.A. ::律师
A revolver holds six bullets, not eight. I submit to you this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion! That could at least be understood, if not condoned. No, this was revenge of a much more brutal and cold-blooded nature. Consider! Four bullets per victim! Not six shots fired, but eight! That means he fired the gun empty...and then stopped to reload so he could shoot each of them again! An extra bullet per lover...right in the head. ::左轮装六颗子弹不是八颗。我提出这一点,是说明这不是一时之怒的冲动而犯下的罪行,如果是一时冲动的话,即使不能被宽恕,至少也可以被理解。不,这是极端残忍和冷血的复仇。考虑一下!每个受害者身中四颗子弹。不是开了六枪,而是八枪!这意味着他把子弹打空后,又装上子弹以再次射杀!一人一枪补射在头部。
(a few JURORS shiver) ::几个陪审员忍不住一懔
FADE TO BLACK: 6TH TITLE UP ::屏幕渐黑,第六次字幕升起
INT -- JURY ROOM -- DAY (1946) 7 ::内景 -- 陪审团室 -- 白天
CAMERA TRACKS down a long table, moving from one JUROR to the next. These decent, God-fearing Christians are chowing down on a nice fried chicken dinner provided them by the county, smacking greasy lips and gnawing cobbettes of corn. ::镜头沿着长桌,从陪审员身上一个接一个的扫过。这些体面的、敬畏上帝的人正吃着法院提供的美味炸鸡餐,咂着油腻的嘴唇啃着玉米。
VOICE (O.S.) 人声
Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty... ::该判,该判,该判,该判……
We find the FOREMAN at the head of the table, sorting votes. ::首席陪审员在桌子一头整理投票。
FADE TO BLACK: 7TH TITLE UP ::屏幕渐黑,第七次字幕升起
8 INT -- COURTROOM -- DAY (1946) 8 内景 -- 法庭 -- 白天
Andy stands before the dias. THE JUDGE peers down, framed by a carved frieze of blind Lady Justice on the wall. ::
JUDGE ::法官
You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr. Dufresne. It chills my blood just to look at you. By the power vested in me by the State of Maine, I hereby order you to serve two life sentences, back to back, one for each of your victims. So be it. ::你的无情和冷血令我震惊,杜方先生,只是看着你就使我不寒而僳。依据缅因州赋予我的权力,特此判处你两项终生监禁,依次为你的受害者执行,退庭。
He raps his gavel as we ::他敲下了木槌。
Andy stands before the dias. THE JUDGE peers down, framed by a carved frieze of blind Lady Justice on the wall.这一段不知如何译?请各位指点。
He raps his gavel as we. 这里的as we 是怎么回事?
Andy stands before the dias. THE JUDGE peers down, framed by a carved frieze of blind Lady Justice on the wall.这一段不知如何译?请各位指点。
另:那段话的难理解之处在dias和blind Lady Justice,我只有两个猜想,不敢确定。dias可能是法官的审判台,为dais的笔误;而Lady Justice也许在美国的法律界是有一定的文化背景的,我就不得而知了,那个blind可能是讽刺这个Lady Justice的意思。呵呵瞎猜一气,惹人笑话了。
Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty... ::该判,该判,该判,该判……
Andy stands before the dias. THE JUDGE peers down, framed by a carved frieze of blind Lady Justice on the wall.
塑像自然是看不见东西的,此处应当是强调讽刺意味。哥们何必如此谦虚?google最近常常不灵光,没去搜索lady justice.
I feel I‘ve been very clear on this point.看电影时我理解为Andy向控方律师强调:对于这一点,我一直说的很清楚。带一点对那位律师的不满。
He gestures to Andy sitting quietly with his ATTORNEY。我觉得律师是示意陪审团看看Andy."draw their attention to sth".而"sitting quietly with his ATTORNEY”应该是定语从句修饰andy.不知道有没理解错。
Blind Lady of Justice
Themis is a figure from Greek mythology. She symbolizes the fair and equal administration of the law, without corruption, greed, prejudice or favor.
Themis is a character from Greek mythology who was responsible for upholding right and justice in human affairs. The scales in her left hand represent fairness; the sword and chain in her right hand are symbols of enforced justice. Themis was the wise and honest daughter of Uranos and Gaea, two of the Gods we learn about in Greek mythology. Themis gave sound advice to all of the Gods and Goddesses, and even Zeus listened to her counsel. Her name means "the right" or "divine justice."
"Justice is justly represented blind, because she sees no difference in the parties concerned. She has but one scale and weight, for rich and poor, great and small. Her sentence is not guided by the person, but the cause.... Impartiality is the life of justice, as that is of government."
-- William Penn
引用:‘I feel I‘ve been very clear on this point.‘
‘been very clear‘我觉得译成“说得很清楚”不如译成“记得很清楚”,因为安迪能拿出的证据只是他的记忆,所以,对安迪表示怀疑的人,就倾向于他是在“说”得很清,而安迪本人则强调他是“记”得很清。同意否?
引用:‘我觉得律师是示意陪审团看看Andy."draw their attention to sth".而"sitting quietly with his ATTORNEY”应该是定语从句修饰andy.不知道有没理解错。‘
引用:“Justice is justly represented blind...”
slides open with an enormous CLANG. A stark room waits beyond. CAMERA PUSHES through. SEVEN HUMORLESS MEN sit side by side at a long table. An empty chair faces them. We are now in: ::随着一声巨响铁门打开,远端是一所房子,镜头推近。七个人一本正经的在一张长长的桌子边挨着坐着,面前是是一张空椅。现在进入。
INT -- SHAWSHANK HEARINGS ROOM -- DAY (1947) ::内景 -- 听讯室 -- 白天
RED enters, removes his cap and waits by the chair. ::瑞德进入,拿下帽子,站在椅子边。
MAN #1 ::男1
Sit. ::坐。
Red sits, tries not to slouch. The chair is uncomfortable. ::椅子很不舒适,瑞德努力摆正坐姿。
MAN #2 ::男2
We see by your file you‘ve served twenty years of a life sentence. ::我们从档案上看到你已服了二十年的终生监禁?
RED ::瑞德
Yes,sir. ::是的,先生。
MAN #3 ::男3
You feel you‘ve been rehabilitated? ::你觉得你已经改过了吗?
RED ::瑞德
Oh, yes, sir. Absolutely, sir. I mean I learned my lesson. I can honestly say that I‘m a changed man. I’m no longer a danger to society. That‘s the God‘s honest truth. ::哦,是的,先生,的确如此。我是说我已接受教训。我真的已是一个改过自新的人,不再对社会有害,上帝做证。
The men just stare at him. One stifles a yawn. ::那些人只是看着他,一个人抑制住打呵欠。
CLOSEUP -- PAROLE FORM ::拉近 -- 假释表
A big rubber stamp slams down: "REJECTED" in red ink. ::图章猛地盖下,红色的“驳回”。
10 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- DUSK (1947) 10 ::外景 -- 操场 -- 肖申克监狱 -- 黄昏
High stone walls topped with snaky concertina wire, set off at intervals by looming guard towers. Over a hundred CONS are in the yard. Playing catch, shooting craps, jawing at each other, making deals. Exercise period. ::顶部装着蛇腹式铁丝网的高高的石墙,被渐渐隐现的哨塔隔开。院子里是百余号犯人。玩投接球的、掷骰子的、闲聊的、做交易的。放风时间。
RED emerges into fading daylight, slouches low-key through the activity, worn cap on his head, exchanging hellos and doing minor business. He‘s an important man here. 瑞德慢慢出现在日光下,戴上他的帽子,无精打采的穿过活动的人群,和人打着招呼并做着小交易。他是这里的一个重要人物。
He slips somebody a pack of smokes, smooth sleight-of-hand.::他驾轻就熟的顺手塞给某个犯人一包烟。
(译者注: 下面这段对话,剧本中没有,但影片中却有这段对话,并较好的点出了瑞德的身份,因此我还是译其如下)
(某犯人)Hey, Red. How‘d it go?::嗨,瑞德!怎么样?
(瑞德)Same old shit, different day.::还他妈那样,不同的日子而已。
Yeah, I know how you feel. I‘m up for rejection next week. ::是呀,我懂你的心情,我等着下个礼拜“驳回”呢!
(另一个犯人)Yeah, I got rejected last week.::是呀,我上个礼拜就“驳回”了。
(瑞德)It happens. 一向如此。
(旁边走过来一个小个子)Hey, Red, bump me a deck. ::嗨,瑞德,赊我一包烟。
(瑞德)Get fuck out of my face, man! You‘re into me for five packs already.::你他妈的从我面前滚开,你这个家伙!你欠我五包了!(与此同时小个子说了一句come on,可译成“赊给我吧”。)
(小个子)Four! ::四包!
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
There must be a con like me in every prison in America. I‘m the guy who can get it for you. Cigarettes, a bag of reefer if that’s your thing, a bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid‘s high school graduation. Damn near anything, within reason. ::美国的每所监狱一定都会有我这样的犯人。我就是为你提供东西的人。香烟、大麻,如果是自己人,还可以弄瓶白兰地来庆祝孩子的中学毕业,简直可以是你能用的到的任何东西。
RED (V.O.)::瑞德(画外音)
Yes sir, I‘m a regular Sears & Roebuck. 是的,先生,我就是希尔斯/罗巴克(邮购公司)。
TWO SHORT SIREN BLASTS issue from the main tower, drawing everybody‘s attention to the loading dock. The outer gate swings open...revealing a gray prison bus outside. ::两声急促的警报从主哨塔响起,所有人的注意力转向停车处。外面的大门旋开,露出一辆灰色的囚车。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him, I told him no problem. ::所以当安迪.杜方在1949年要我把丽塔.海沃斯(影星)带进监狱时,我告诉他没问题。
Red is joined by HEYWOOD, SKEET, FLOYD, JIGGER, ERNIE, SNOOZE. Most cons crowd to the fence to gawk and jeer, but Red and his group mount the bleachers and settle in comfortably.::海沃德、斯基特、弗洛伊德、齐格、厄尼、斯诺与瑞德聚到了一起。大多数围栏边的犯人都在观看或辱骂,但瑞德他们却蹬上看台,舒服地呆在一边。
11 INT -- PRISON BUS -- DUSK (1947) 11::内景—囚车—黄昏
Andy sits in back, wearing steel collar and chains. ::安迪坐在车尾,戴着锁链。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Andy came to Shawshank Prison in early 1947 for murdering his wife and the fella she was bangin‘.:安迪在1947年由于谋杀妻子及与其通奸的情夫进入肖申克监狱。
The bus lurches forward, RUMBLES through the gates. Andy gazes around, swallowed by prison walls. ::车子蹒跚前行,隆隆地驶进大门。安迪四处张望,视线被狱墙挡了回去。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
On the outside, he‘d been vice-president of a large Portland bank. Good work for a man as young as he was.:在此之前,他是波特兰一家大银行的副总裁,年轻有为。
All clear! 解除警报!
GUARDS approach the bus with carbines. The door jerks open. The new fish disembark, chained together single-file, blinking sourly at their surroundings. Andy stumbles against the MAN in front of him, almost drags him down. 拿着自动步枪的守卫们走近囚车。车门猛地一下开了,新犯人链成一列,走下车子,表情阴郁,对周围视若无睹。安迪与他前面的人磕拌了一下,差点拽倒了那个人。
BYRON HADLEY, captain of the guard, slams his baton into Andy‘s back. Andy goes to his knees, gasping in pain. JEERS and SHOUTS from the spectators. ::拜伦.哈德利,卫兵队长,用警棍猛击安迪的后背。安迪跪倒在地,痛得喘不过气。围看的囚犯们连骂带笑。
HADLEY ::哈德利
On your feet before I fuck you up so bad you never walk again. ::在我把你打得稀巴烂走不成路之前站起来!
A prisoner ::某犯人
Hey, fish! Come over here!::嗨,菜鸟!过来呀!
13 ON THE BLEACHERS 13 ::看台上
Never seen such a sorry-lookin‘ heap of maggot shit in my life. ::这辈子没见过一堆长得这么烂的人!
Takin‘ bets today, Red? 打赌吧,瑞德?
RED 瑞德
(pulls notepad and pencil) ::(拿出笔和本)
Smokes or coin, bettor‘s choice. 赌烟或者赌钱,你们眩
FLOYD ::弗洛伊德
Smokes. Put me down for two. 烟。我押两根。
RED ::瑞德
Hey, Who‘s your horse? ::嗨,你押哪匹马(戏指新犯为赌马)?
FLOYD ::弗洛伊德
That little sack of shit, eighth, eighth from the front. He‘ll be the first. 那个小矬子,第八个,前面数第八个,他定会拔得头筹。
HEYWOOD ::哦,狗屁!我跟你赌!
Oh, bullshit. I‘ll take that action.
ERNIE ::厄尼
Yeah, me too. 好,我也赌。
Other hands go up. Red jots the names. ::其它人也跟了进来,瑞德匆忙记下名字。
You‘re out some smokes, son. Take my word. ::你等着输烟吧,孩子。看我的。
FLOYD ::弗洛伊德
Oh, Heywood, you‘re so smart, you call it. ::好哇,海沃德,既然你聪明,你就来吧!
I’ll take that chubby fat-ass there. Fifth one from the front. Put me down for a quarter deck.::我赌那头肥猪,前面数第五个。我押五根。
Andy and the others are paraded along, forced by their chains to take tiny baby steps, flinching under the barrage of jeers and shouts. The old-timers are shaking the fence, trying to make the newcomers shit their pants. Some of the new fish shout back, but mostly they look terrified. Especially Andy. 安迪和其它新犯列队前行,由于锁链牵制只能挪动着脚步,畏缩地走在一片辱骂和讥笑中。
A prisoner shout: 某犯人大喊:
Fresh fish today! We‘re reeling them in! ::今天的新菜鸟!玩死他们!
RED (V.O.) ::
I must admit I didn‘t think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him. Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over. That was my first impression of the man. 说实话,起先我刚看到安迪时并没有想太多,似乎一阵大风就能把他吹倒。这就是我对他的第一印像。
SKEET ::斯基特
What do you say, Red? ::你赌谁,瑞德?
RED ::瑞德
That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass. ::那个屁股上挂着银勺(意指富贵像)的高个子。
That guy! Never happen! 那个人?不可能!
Ten cigarettes. ::我赌十根烟。
That’s a rich bet. ::那可是个大赌注!
RED ::瑞德
Hi, who‘s gonna prove me wrong? ::好哇,谁跟我赌?
(hands go up) ::(他抬起手)
Floyd, Jigger, Skeet, Heywood.. Four brave souls. ::弗洛伊德?齐格?斯基特?海沃德?四个勇敢人!
Red pockets his notepad. A VOICE comes over the P.A. speakers: ::瑞德收起本子。监狱的喇叭传来喊话。
VOICE (amplified) ::人声(经过扬声器的)
Return to your cellblocks for evening count. All prisoners, return to your cellblocks. ::返回牢房,例行点名。所有犯人,返回你们的牢房!
That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass.这里的“tall drink of water”是什么意思?
funny expression.
I was wondering about the expression, he was a "Tall drink of water."
Alan - Fairfax, VA USA
Submitted by ( - )
The first time I heard a friend of mine use this expression many years ago in reference to a women walking down the street, I asked him for a definition. He said it meant a tall women with long legs. I guess I did see the relationship except I kind of visualized a tall glass of beer (each to his own). In the intervening years, I’ve heard it used in reference to any tall person (not really that many times all told, though, and mostly with respect to women) including a teenage boy and now you reference a definite “he.” So, I’m not positive, but I think that the necessary but not sufficient condition is just “tall person.” What the qualifiers are (such as possibly being slim, or having a good build, or being young and athletic looking), I’m not sure, but I do have the feeling that a tall, fat, septuagenarian, with a limp might not work. I hope this helps a bit, Alan, and I would be interested in hearing further from anyone who knows what the specific requirements actually are.
Ken Greenwald (Fort Collin, Colorado – U.S.A.)
Response from ( - )
呵呵,虽然还未弄清‘tall drink of water‘ 的真正来历,但高个子是不会错的啦。还是谢谢长发。对了,啥时能交流一下,如何用goole搜索到你想知道的英文意思?
14 INT -- ADMITTING AREA -- DUSK (1947) 14 ::内景--通道—傍晚
The new fish are marched in. ::新犯人排着队走了进来。
HADLEY ::哈德利
Turn to the right! Eyes front. 右转!向前看!
WARDEN SAMUEL NORTON strolls forth, a colorless man in a gray suit and a church pin in his lapel. He looks like he could piss ice water. He appraises the newcomers with flinty eyes. ::监狱长塞缪.诺顿踱步上前,面无表情,一身灰色的西装,衣领上别着枚教会的徽章。
This is Mr. Hadley, captain of the guard. I am Mr. Norton, the warden. You are convicted felons, that‘s why they sent you to me. Rule number one: no blaspheming. I‘ll not have the Lord‘s name taken in vain in my prison. The other rules you‘ll figure out as you go along. Any questions? ::这是哈德利先生,守卫队长。我是诺顿先生,这里的典狱长。你们都是被宣判有罪的恶人,这就是你们被送到我这里的原因。规则一:不得亵渎神灵。我不会允许主的名字在我的监狱里得到不敬。其它的规则,你们以后就知道了。有问题么?
CON ::犯人
When do we eat? ::我们什么时候吃饭?
Cued by Norton‘s glance, Hadley steps up to the con and screams right in his face: ::诺顿看了哈德利一眼,哈德利走到那个犯人跟前,冲着他的脸吼叫。
HADLEY ::哈德利
Hadley rams the tip of his club into the con‘s belly. The man falls to his knees, gasping and clutching himself. ::哈德利用警棍猛地捅了一下犯人的肚子。犯人跪倒在地,紧紧捂住肚子。
Hadley takes his place at Norton‘s side again. Softly:哈德利返回他的位置,温和的站在诺顿身旁。
I believe in two things. Discipline and the Bible. Here, you‘ll receive both.
(holds up a Bible)
Put your trust in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank. ::我相信两样事物:纪律和圣经。在这儿,你们都会得到的。
HADLEY ::哈德利
Unhook them. ::解开锁链!
Hadley shoves the FIRST CON into a steel cage open at the front. TWO GUARDS open up with a fire hose. The con is slammed against the back of the cage, sputtering and hollering. ::哈德利把第一个犯人推进一个前面开着口的铁笼子。两个守卫打开消防栓,犯人站在笼子的后部被水猛烈地冲着,水花四溅。
HADLEY ::哈德利
Turn around.That’s enough. Move to the end of the cage. Turn around. Delouse him! The con gets a huge scoop of white delousing powder thrown all over him. Gasping and coughing, blinking powder from his eyes. ::转身。行了。到笼子那头去。转身。给他消毒。一大勺白色的去虱粉洒在犯人身上,犯人咳嗽着、喘着,揉着眼中的粉未。
HADLEY ::哈德利
Turn around. Move out of the cage. Go to your left and pick up your clothes and Bible. Next man up! ::转身。出笼。到左边去拿衣服和圣经。下一个!
he gets shoved to a trustee‘s cage. The TRUSTEE slides a short stack of items through the slot -- prison clothes and a Bible. All the men are processed quickly -- a blast of water, powder, clothes and a Bible... ::他被推搡到保管笼边。保管人把一叠东西扔到递口处 -- 犯人的衣服和一本圣经。每个人都被处理的很快 -- 喷水、扑粉、衣服和圣经。
15 INT -- INFIRMARY -- NIGHT (1947) 15 内景 – 医务室 – 夜晚
A naked CON steps before a DOCTOR and gets a cursory exam. A penlight is shined in his eyes, ears, nose, and throat. 全裸的犯人走到医生前草草进行地检查,用小电筒照眼睛、耳朵、鼻子和喉咙。
Bend over. ::弯腰。
The con does. A GUARD with a penlight in his teeth spreads his cheeks, peers up his ass, and nods. Andy is next up. He gets the same treatment. 犯人弯下腰。一个守卫咬着小电筒,捌开他的屁股,检视肛门和nods。安迪是下一个,他也被如泡制。
17 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1947) 17 ::内景 -- 五号囚楼 – 夜晚
Three tiers to a side, concrete and steel, gray and imposing. Andy and the others are marched in, still naked, carrying their clothes and Bibles. The CONS in their cells greet them with TAUNTS, JEERS, and LAUGHTER. One by one, the new men are shown to their cells and locked in with a CLANG OF STEEL. ::一边三层,钢筋和混凝土建造,灰色而压抑。安迪和其它的人仍然光着身子,拿着衣服和圣经,排着队走进来。囚房里的犯人们冲着他们谩骂、讥讽和嘲笑。一个接一个的,随着铁门的咣铛声,新犯们被关进各自的牢房。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
The first night‘s the toughest, no doubt about it. They march you in naked as the day you‘re born, skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit they throw on you... ::第一个晚上最难熬,毫无疑问。他们让你像刚出生时那样赤裸着在地上走,洒在身上的劣制去虱粉,烧灼着眼睛和皮肤,近乎于盲人。
Red watches from his cell, arms slung over the crossbars, cigarette dangling from his fingers. ::瑞德在他的牢房里向外看着,手臂支在门栓上,手里摆弄着香烟。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
...and when they put you in that cell, those bars slam home, that‘s when you know it‘s for real. Old life blown away in the blink of an eye......nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it. ::当你被扔进牢房,铁栏把回家的大门砰的关住,此时你会知道,这就是现实。过去的生活转眼间消失…周围的一切都离你而去,只剩下无尽的思考。
Red listens to the CLANGING below. He watches Andy and a few others being brought up to the 2nd tier. ::瑞德听着下面的咣啷声,注视着安迪和其它几个人被带到二层。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Most new fish come close to madness the first night. Somebody always breaks down crying. Happens every time. The only question is, who‘s it gonna be? ::很多新进的犯人在第一个晚上简直都要发疯,有些会禁不住大哭起来,毫无例外。唯一的问题就是,谁会是第一个?
Andy is led past and given a cell at the end of the tier. 安迪被领过去分到了这层最头的一间。
RED (V.O.) 瑞德(画外音)
It‘s as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. I had my money on Andy Dufresne... ::这是用来打赌的最好的方式,我想。我把宝押到了安迪.杜方的身上。
(请教:’ A GUARD with a penlight in his teeth spreads his cheeks, peers up his ass, and nods.’这里的cheeks和nods的含义?)
I just simply input what i want in google,then press enter.
"A GUARD with a penlight in his teeth spreads his cheeks, peers up his ass, and nods."
In my humble opinion, it is the guard who spread his cheeks(脸颊) because he has a penlight in his mouth. and he nods when he find nothing in con‘s "ass hole"( i mean 屁眼)...lol
引用:‘and he nods when he find nothing in con‘s "ass hole‘
在google中搜索spread his cheeks,立刻连到许多黄色站点。该词组通常用于男同性恋活动的描写。难怪俺们不太熟悉。呵呵
18 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 18 ::内景 – 安迪的牢房 – 夜晚
The bars slam home. Andy is alone in his cell, clutching his clothes. He gazes around at his new surroundings, taking it in. He slowly begins to dress himself... ::铁栏砰的关上,安迪一人在牢房里,手中抓着衣服,环顾四周,想适应这陌生的环境。他慢慢地穿起了衣服。
19 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- NIGHT (1947) 19 ::外景 -- 肖申克监狱 – 夜晚
A malignant stone growth on the Maine landscape. The moon hangs low and baleful in a dead sky. The headlight of a PASSING TRAIN cuts through the night. ::缅因州的大地上长着一块邪恶的石头,不祥的月亮在死寂般的天空中低垂着,一列疾驶的火车亮着前灯穿过黑夜。
20 INT -- RED‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 20 ::内景 – 瑞德的牢房 – 夜晚
Red lies on his bunk below us, tossing his baseball toward the ceiling and catching it again. He pauses, listening. FOOTSTEPS approach below, unhurried, echoing hollowly on stone. ::瑞德躺在他的铺位上,把手中的棒球抛向天花板再接祝他停了下来,倾听楼下那不慌不忙的脚步声在地上回荡。
21 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1947) 21 ::内景 -- 五号囚楼 – 夜晚
LOW ANGLE. A CELLBLOCK GUARD strolls into frame. ::低视角。一个监狱守卫漫步进入镜头。
GUARD ::守卫
Lights out! ::熄灯!
The lights bump off in sequence. The guard exits, footsteps echoing away. Darkness now. Silence. CAMERA CRANES UP the tiers toward Red‘s cell. ::灯一盏接一盏的灭掉,守卫走了,脚步声慢慢地消失。一片黑暗,镜头上升冲着瑞德的牢房。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
I remember my first night. Seems like a long time ago . ::我记得我的第一个晚上,似乎已经是很久的事情了。
Red looms from the darkness, leans on the bars. Listens. Waits. From somewhere below comes faint, ghastly tittering. VOICES drift through the cellblock, taunting: ::瑞德在黑暗中隐现出来,斜靠在铁栏上,倾听、等待。某处传来模糊的、恐怖的吃吃的笑声,在囚楼中漂动。
Hey, fishee fishee fisheeee...Come on, catch me!Boy, you’re scrae of the dark A whooole lot...Make you wish your daddies never dicked your mommies... Piggy! Pork! I want a meal. Gonna be a quiz later!
(somebody LAUGHS)
OK! I’ll give me the first love! Sshhh. Keep it down. ::嗨,新来的、新来的、新来的……来呀,抓我呀!孩子,怕黑嘛?完全……会让你希望你爸从未干过你妈……小猪、猪头,我想吃一顿!一会就玩成傻子啦!
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
The boys always go fishin‘ with first-timers...and they don‘t quit till they reel someone in. ::那些人总是做弄第一次进来的人……直到某个新人被戏弄成功。
The VOICES keep on, sly and creepy in the dark... ::声音继续,在黑暗中显得阴森、恐怖。
22 INT -- VARIOUS CELLS -- NIGHT (1947) 22 内景 – 各个牢房 – 夜晚
thru thru 25 2g ...while the new cons go quietly crazy in their cells. One man paces like a caged animal...another sits gnawing his cuticles bloody...a third is weeping silently...a fourth is dry-heaving into the toilet... 镜头扫过25、26……新囚们慢慢地接近疯狂。有一个像笼子里的动物走来走去……另一个坐在那儿把手指啃得鲜血淋漓……第三个在静静地哭泣……第四个趴在马桶边干呕……
26 INT -- RED‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 26 内景 – 瑞德的牢房 – 夜晚
Red waits at the bars. Smoking. Listening. He cranes his head, peers down toward Andy‘s cell. Nothing. Not a peep. ::瑞德在铁栏那儿等着,抽着烟,倾听着。他探起头向下朝安迪的牢房看去。无声无息。
HEYWOOD (O.S.) ::海沃德
Fat-Ass...Faaaat-Ass. Talk to me, boy. I know you‘re in there. I can hear you breathin‘.I know you listen to these nitwits, you hear me? ::胖屁股!胖屁股!说话呀,小子。我知道你在那儿,我听到你的呼吸了。我知道你听信这些傻瓜了,你听着我说话嘛?
27 INT -- FAT-ASS‘ CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 27 ::内景 – 胖子的牢房 – 夜晚
Fat-Ass is crying, trying not to hyperventilate. ::胖子正在哭,并试图抑止住抽泣。
HEYWOOD (O.S.) ::海沃德
This place ain‘t so bad. Tell you what…I‘ll introduce you around, make you feel right at home. I know a couple of big old bull queers just love to make your acquaintance...especially that big white mushy butt of yours... ::这地方并不太坏。告诉你……我会给你介绍这里的,让你感觉和在家一样。我知道有几个壮得像公牛一样的老鸡奸犯正想认识你呢……尤其是你那又白又嫩的大屁股……
And that‘s it. Fat-Ass lets out a LOUD WAIL of despair: ::终于,胖子发出绝望的哀号。
GOD! I DON‘T BELONG HERE! 上帝!我不能呆在这儿!
We have a winner! The fat guy! ::有人胜出喽!那个胖家伙!
FAT-ASS ::胖子
I WANNA GO HOME! ::我要回家!
28 INT -- HEYWOOD‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 28 ::内景 -- 海沃德的牢房 – 夜晚
AND IT‘S FAT-ASS BY A NOSE.‘ ::是胖屁股抢先一步!
The fat guy! The fat guy! ::那个胖家伙!那个胖家伙!
29 INT -- CELLBLOCK -- NIGHT (1947) 29 ::内景 – 囚楼 – 夜晚
The place goes nuts. Fat-Ass throws himself screaming against the bars. The entire block starts CHANTING: ::环境变得狂乱起来。胖子趴在铁栏上哭喊,整个囚楼的人开始有节奏的重复着喊着:
Fresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish...fresh fish... 新菜鸟……新菜鸟……新菜鸟……
FAT-ASS ::胖子
VOICE (O.S.) ::人声
I had your mother! She wasn‘t that great! ::我上过你妈妈,她不怎么样!
The lights bump on. GUARDS pour in, led by Hadley himself. ::灯光猛地打开,哈德利领着守卫们涌进。
HADLEY ::哈德利
What the Christ is this happy horseshit? ::这帮天杀的瞎叫什么呢!
VOICE (O.S.) 人声
He took the Lord‘s name in vain! I‘m tellin‘ the warden! ::他对神不敬,我要告诉狱长!
HADLEY(to the unseen wit) ::哈德利(冲着黑暗中的人)
You‘ll be tellin‘ him with my baton up your ass! ::屁股上会挂着我的警棍告诉他吧!
FAT-ASS ::胖子
GOD! LET ME OUT OF HERE! ::上帝!让我出去!
Hadley arrives at Fat-Ass‘ cell, bellowing through the bars: ::哈德利来到胖子的牢房,隔着铁栏大吼:
What‘s your malfunction you fat barrel of monkey-spunk? 犯什么病了,你个疯猴似的肥桶?
FAT-ASS ::胖子
HADLEY ::哈德利
I ain‘t gonna count to three! I Not even count to one! You would shut the fuck up or I’ll sing you a lullaby! ::我可不会数到三!我连一都不数!你要是不他妈的闭嘴,我就送你回老家!
HEYWOOD(murmur) ::海沃德(小声的喃喃)
Shut up, man. Shut up! 闭嘴,哥们,闭嘴!
Fat-Ass keeps blubbering and wailing. Total freak-out. ::胖子依然嚎哭,完全失去控制:
Please! Please! You don‘t understand. I‘m not supposed to be here. ::求求你!求求你!你不明白!我不该在这儿的!
Hadley draws his baton, gestures to his men. ::哈德利抽出警棍,示意手下:
Open that cell! 打开牢门!
A CON ::某犯人
Me neither! They run this place like a fucking prison! ::我也不该在这儿!他们把这儿弄得像个他妈的监狱!
A GUARD unlocks the cell. Hadley pulls Fat-Ass out and starts beating him with the baton, and cursing ‘son of a bitch’ from his mouth, brutally raining blows. ::一个守卫打开牢房,哈德利拖出胖子用警棍开始击打,嘴里咒骂着“你这个婊子养的”,狠狠的殴打。
Captain, take it easy! God damn it! 长官,冷静些!该死!
Fat-Ass falls, tries to crawl. The place goes dead silent. All we hear now is the dull THWACK-THWACK-THWACK of the baton. Fat-ass passes out. Hadley gets in a few more licks and finally stops. ::胖子倒在地上,试图爬动。四周逐渐死般的寂静,所有能听到的就是那警棍闷声地发出嘭—嘭—嘭的重击。胖子昏了过去,哈德利又打了几下才最终停了下来。
HADLEY (peers around) ::哈德利(巡视四周)
If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night, I swear by God and Sonny Jesus, you‘ll all visit the infirmary. Every last motherfucker in here. Call the trustees. Take that tub of shit down to infirmary. ::今天晚上,如果我再听到有耗子放屁大点儿的动静,我对上帝和耶稣发誓,你们所有的人都会住院的!这儿的每一个王八蛋!招呼保管人员,把这坨肥屎弄到医务室。
The guards wrestle Fat-Ass onto a stretcher and carry him off. FOOTSTEPS echo away. Lights off. Darkness again. Silence. ::守卫们把胖子费力地挪到担架上抬走了。脚步回荡,灯光熄灭,黑暗再临,一片宁寂。
请教:‘Red lies on his bunk below us‘ 中的below us做何解?
come on !
below us可不可以这么看
这里的below us我认为就是交代镜头的语言
所以用了below us.
30 INT -- RED‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 30 ::内景 -- 瑞德的牢房 – 夜晚
Red stares through the bars at the main floor below, eyes riveted to the small puddle of blood where Fat-Ass went down. ::瑞德透过铁栏望着楼下的地板,眼睛死死的盯住胖子倒地处的那滩鲜血。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
His first night in the joint, Andy Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. He never made a sound... ::安迪.杜方入狱的头一个晚上,就让我输了两包烟。他,始终一言未发。
31 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- MORNING (1947) 31 ::内景 -- 五号囚楼 – 早晨
LOUD BUZZER. The master locks are thrown -- KA-THUMP! The cons step from their cells, lining the tiers. The GUARDS holler their head-counts to the HEAD BULL, who jots on a clipboard. Red peers at Andy, checking him out. Andy stands in line, collar buttoned, hair combed. ::蜂鸣器大声作响,囚楼的主锁被打开。囚犯们走出他们的牢房,在楼层上排成行。守卫们大声喊出人头数,卫兵头则匆匆记在登记册上。
32 INT -- MESS HALL -- MORNING (1947) 32 ::内景 – 食堂 – 早晨
Andy goes through the breakfast line, gets a scoop of glop on his tray. WE PAN ANDY through the noise and confusion...and discover BOGS DIAMOND and ROOSTER MacBRIDE watching Andy go by. Bogs sizes Andy up with a salacious gleam in his eye, mutters something to Rooster. Rooster laughs. 安迪走过早餐台,托盘里得到了一勺糊糊状的食品。镜头跟着安迪穿过那片噪音和混乱……映出伯格斯.戴蒙德与鲁斯特.麦克布莱德,他们看着安迪走了过去。伯格斯露出色情的目光打量着安迪,并小声跟鲁斯特说了句什么,鲁斯特笑了起来。
Andy finds a table occupied by Red and his regulars, chooses a spot at the end where nobody is sitting. Ignoring their stares, he picks up his spoon -- and pauses, seeing something in his food. He carefully fishes it out with his fingers. 安迪找到了一张瑞德和他的那伙人占着的桌子,他走到桌一头,选了个没人的地儿坐下,毫不在意他们的目光,拿起了勺子 – 他停了下来,看着食物里的东西,小心的用手指把它捏出。
It‘s a squirming maggot. Andy grimaces, unsure what to do with it. BROOKS HATLEN is sitting closest to Andy. At age 65, he‘s a senior citizen, a long-standing resident. ::一条蠕动着的蛆虫!安迪一脸苦相,不知该怎么办。布鲁克斯.海特伦离安迪最近,他65岁,一个老年人,长期服役者。
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Are you…are you going to eat that? ::你,你要吃下去它么?
ANDY ::安迪
Hadn‘t planned on it. ::没这打算。
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Do you mind? ::能给我吗?
Andy passes the maggot to Brooks. Brooks examines it, rolling it between his fingertips like a man checking out a fine cigar. Andy is riveted with apprehension. ::安迪把虫子递给布鲁克斯。布鲁克斯用手指头拔弄着虫子,好像某人在审视手中的上等雪茄。安迪即疑惑又担心的紧盯着。
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
That’s nice and ripe. ::呵呵,又肥又大。
Andy can‘t bear to watch. Brooks opens up his sweater and feeds the maggot to a baby crow nestled in an inside pocket. Andy breathes a sigh of relief. ::安迪有些看不下去。布鲁克斯掀开毛衣,把虫子喂给了依偎在内兜里的一只幼小的乌鸦。安迪终于松了一口气。
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Jake says thank you. Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop. I‘m gonna look after him till he‘s big enough to fly. ::杰克说谢谢你。它从巢中掉了下来,我要照料它长大直到能飞为止。
Andy nods, proceeds to eat. Carefully. Heywood approaches. ::安迪点点头,小心翼翼地开始吃饭。海沃德过来了。
Oh, no… no, here he comes. ::哦,不,不,不,他来了!
Mornin‘, fellas. Fine morning, isn’t it. You know why it‘s a fine moring, don’t you? ::早晨好,伙计们!很爽的早晨,不是吗?你们知道为什么这么爽,对吧?
Heywood plops his tray down, sits. The men start pulling out cigarettes and handing them down. ::海沃德砰地一声撂下盘子,坐了下来。大家纷纷掏出香烟,放到桌子上。
Come on, send ‘em down. I want them all lined up just like a pretty little chorus line. ::来吧,把它们放下。我要把所有的香烟排成一排,就像小小的歌舞队。
An impressive pile forms. Heywood bends down and inhales deeply, smelling the aroma. Rapture. ::一小排香烟。海沃德低下头使劲地闻着香烟的气味,高兴不已。
Yea, look that, look that… Yes! Richmond, Virginia.::耶!看,看。弗吉尼亚里士满(烟草产地)
FLOYD ::佛洛伊德
Smell my ass... ::闻我的屁股吧……
After he, smells mine. ::闻完他闻我的吧。
Gee, Red. That’s a terrible shame about your horse comin‘ in last and all. But, I sure do love that winning horse of mine, though. I believe I owe that boy a great big sloppy kiss when I see him. ::哎呀,瑞德。你的马落到了最后,真丢人呢!但不管怎样,我可是真地喜欢我的头名马呀!见到他之后,我非得狠狠地亲他一大口!
RED ::瑞德
Why don’t give him some of your cigarettes instead. Lucky fuck!. ::怎么不拿出你的烟给他?狗屎运!
Hey Tyrell, you pull infirmary duty this week. How‘s that horse of mine doing anyway? ::嗨,泰瑞尔!这周你在医务室候勤,我的马怎么样啦?
TYRELL ::泰瑞尔
Dead. ::死了。
(the men fall silent) ::(大家静了下来)
Hadley busted his head pretty good. Doc’d already gone home for the night. Poor bastard lay there till this morning. …. ::哈德利把他的头打的稀巴烂。医生,晚上也回家了。可怜的家伙一直躺到早晨……
He shakes his head, turns back to his food. The silence mounts. Heywood glances around. Men resume eating. ::他摇摇头,接着吃东西。气氛越来越静,海沃德四周环视,大伙都接着吃起饭来。
ANDY Softly: ::安迪轻轻地问:
What was his name? ::他叫什么名字?
What‘d you say? ::你说什么?
ANDY ::安迪
I was just wondering if anyone knew his name. 我只想知道,是否有人知道他的名字?
What the fuck do you care, new fish? ::关你屁事!新来的!
(resumes eating) (接着吃饭)
Doesn‘t fucking matter what his name was. He‘s dead. ::知道他叫什么有屁用!他已经死了!
33 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 33 ::内景 – 监狱洗衣房 – 白天
A DEAFENING NOISE of industrial washers and presses. Andy works the laundry line. A nightmarish job. He‘s new at it. BOB, the con foreman, elbows him aside and shows him how it‘s done. ::工业用洗涤机和熨烫机发出震耳欲聋的噪音。安迪工作在流水线上,一份极糟的工作,他是新手。鲍勃,犯人头,把他挤到一边,给他做示范。
34 INT -- SHOWERS -- DAY (1947) 34 ::内景 – 淋浴间 – 白天
Andy showers with a dozen or more men. No modesty here. At least the water is good and hot, soothing his tortured muscles. Bogs looms from the billowing steam, smiling, checking Andy up and down. Rooster and PETE appear from the sides. The Sisters. ::安迪与十几个犯人在淋浴,这里可没有体面,但幸好水还很热,安抚着他疲惫的肌肉。伯格斯从翻滚的蒸汽中走出,微笑着,上下打量着安迪。鲁斯特和皮特也出现在两边 – 三姐妹。
BOGS ::伯格斯
Anybody come to you yet? Anybody get to you yet? Hey, we all need friends in here. I could be a friend to you. ::有人找过你么?有人得到你了么?嗨,这里人人都需要朋友,我能够做你的朋友。
Andy tries to step past them. He gets shoved around, nothing serious, just some slap and tickle. Jackals sizing up prey. Andy breaks free, flushed and shaking. He hurries off, leaving the three Sisters laughing.::安迪试着躲开他们,色狼们与他轻轻的碰撞,打量着他们的猎物。安迪挣脱后,有些慌张。他赶紧走开,身后是嘲笑他的三姐妹。
BOGS ::伯格斯
Hard to get. I like that. ::难上手,我喜欢。
请教:Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop. 这里的plate shop做何解?
Hadley busted his head pretty good. Doc’d already gone home for the night. Poor bastard lay there till this morning. …. ::哈德利把他的头打的稀巴烂。医生,晚上也回家了。可怜的家伙一直躺到早晨……
morning 后边的那句话。我已经把这句话截了下来,下载地址:http://www.jroclee.com/temp/mixdown.mp3
"By then, hell, there was nothing we could do."
you can find it in google :)
I luuuuuuuuuuuuuv Stephen King.
By then, hell和we could do都对,但中间的那几个词不对。郁闷中……
35 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 35 ::内景 – 安迪的牢房 – 夜晚
Andy lies staring at the darkness, unable to sleep. ::安迪躺在床上,盯着黑暗,未能入睡。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Andy kept pretty much to himself at first. I guess he had a lot on his mind, trying to adapt to life on the inside. Wasn‘t until a month went by he’d finally opened his mouth to say more than two words to somebody. As it turned out that somebody was me. ::安迪起先很是封闭自己,我猜他一定心事重重,努力地在适应监狱里的生活。一个月之后他才对人说过两句以上的话,正如人所见,那个人就是我。
36 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- DAY (1947) 36 ::外景 – 操场 – 白天
Exercise period. Red plays catch with Heywood and Jigger, lazily tossing a baseball around. Red notices Andy off to the side. Nods hello. Andy takes this as a cue to amble over. Heywood and Jigger pause, watching. ::放风时间。瑞德与海沃德和齐格在玩接球,他懒洋洋地投着球,看见安迪走到他们玩球的边线,对他点头示意。安迪沿着边线缓步走上前来,海沃德和齐格停下来,看着。
ANDY ::安迪
(offers his hand) (伸出手)
I‘m Andy Dufresne. ::我是安迪.杜方
Red glances at the hand, ignores it. The game continues. ::瑞德看看他的手,没有理会,继续游戏。
RED ::瑞德
The wife-killin‘ banker. Why‘d you do it?::杀妻的银行家?为什么这样做?
ANDY ::安迪
I didn‘t, since you ask. ::既然你问了我就告诉你,我没做。
RED ::瑞德
Ha, you’re going fit right in. ::哈!你很能适应这里。
(off Andy‘s look) ::(扭过脸)
Everybody in here’s innocent, don‘t you know that? Heywood! What you are in for? ::这里每个人都是无罪的,你不知道么?海沃德!你为何入狱?
Indeed, lawyer fucked me! ::其实是,律师坑了我!
RED ::安迪
Rumor has it you‘re a real cold fish. You think your shit smells sweeter than most. That right? ::有传言说你是一个冷血动物,还觉得自己比谁都尿得高。是吗?
ANDY ::安迪
What do you think? ::你怎么看?
RED ::瑞德
I’ll tell you the truth. Havn‘t made up my mind. ::说实话,我还没看出来。
Heywood nudges Jigger. Watch this. He winds up and throws the ball hard -- right at Andy‘s head. Andy sees it coming out of the corner of his eye, whirls and catches it. Beat. He sends the ball right back, zinging it into Heywood‘s hands. Heywood drops the ball and grimaces, wringing his stung hands. ::海沃德碰了一下齐格:看这个。他抓紧垒球使劲投了出去 – 直奔安迪的头部。安迪从眼角看到球飞了过来,猛得转身抓住 了它。他把球投了回去,带着风声掷进了海沃德的手中。海沃德扔下球,一脸苦相,紧握着被击痛的手。
ANDY ::安迪
I understand you‘re a man that knows how to get things. ::我知道你是个能弄到东西的人。
RED ::瑞德
I‘m known to locate certain things from time to time. 我常常知道如何找到人们想要的东西。
ANDY ::安迪
I wonder if you might get me a rock-hammer? ::你能弄把石锤吗?
RED ::瑞德
A what? ::一把什么?
ANDY ::安迪
A rock-hammer. ::一把石锤。
RED ::瑞德
What is it and why? ::什么石锤?干什么用?
What do you care? ::管那么多干嘛?
RED ::瑞德
If for a toothbrush, I would not ask questions. I‘d just quote a price. But a toothbrush, is a non-lethal object, isn’t it? ::如果是把牙刷,我就不会问你,而直接说价钱。必竟牙刷没什么杀伤力,明白?
Fair enough. A rock-hammer is about six or seven inches long. Looks like a miniature pickaxe. ::算公平。一把石锤,大约六到七英寸长,看起来就像一把微型的铁镐。
RED ::
Pickaxe? ::铁镐?
For rocks. ::敲岩石用的。
RED ::
Rocks. ::岩石?
And some mica, shale limestone Andy squats, motions Red to join him. Andy grabs a handful of dirt and sifts it through his hands. He finds a pebble and rubs it clean. It has a nice milky glow. He tosses it to Red. ::还有云母、页岩、石灰岩……(安迪蹲下来,瑞德跟着蹲了下去。安迪抓起一把土,在手中拔拉。他找到一块硅石,擦干净,硅石发出乳白色的光芒。他把它扔给瑞德。)
RED ::
Quartz? So?::石英?做什么?
So I‘m a rock hound. At least I was, in my old life. I‘d like to be again, on a limited basis. ::我是一个石头迷,至少原来是。我想找回一些原来的感觉。
RED ::
Or maybe you‘d like to sink your toy into somebody‘s skull. ::或许你想把你的玩具敲到别人的脑袋里去吧?
No, sir. I have no enemies here. ::不,先生,我这里没有仇敌。
RED ::
No? Wait a while. ::没有?等一下。
Red flicks his gaze past Andy. Bogs is watching them. (瑞德向安迪身后望去。伯格斯正看着他们。)
RED ::
Word gets around. The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you. Especially Bogs. ::话可传开了,三姐妹可喜欢你了!尤其是伯格斯。
Don‘t suppose it would help if l explained them I‘m not homosexual. ::如果我给他们解释我可不是同性恋总该有用吧?
RED ::
Neither are they. They have to be human first. They don‘t qualify. Bull queers take by force. That‘s all they want or understand. If I were you, I‘d grow eyes in the back of my head. ::他们又哪儿是啦!同性恋首先也得是人,他们连人都不是。
Thanks for the advice. ::谢谢提醒。
RED ::
That’s free. You understand my concern. ::这是免费的。你知道我担心什么。
If there‘s any trouble, I won‘t use the rock-hammer. OK? ::就算有麻烦,我也不会用石锤的。好吗?
RED ::
Then I guess you wanna escape. Tunnel under the wall maybe? ::那我猜你是想逃狱,也许会在墙底挖道?
(Andy laughs politely) ::(安迪轻轻地笑了笑)
I miss something of you. What‘s the funny? ::我不明白,有什么好笑的?
You‘ll understand when you see the rock-hammer. ::你见到石锤时,就会明白了。
RED ::
What‘s an item like this usually go for? ::这种东西通常多少钱?
Seven dollars in any rock and gem shop.::在玉石店卖七美元。
RED ::
My normal mark-up‘s twenty percent, but this is a specialty item. Risk goes up, price goes up. Let‘s make it an even 1 0 bucks.::通常我加20%,但这是个特殊的东西。风险大,价格高。公道价,十美元。
Ten it is. 十元就十元。
RED ::
(rises, slapping dust)::(站起来,拍拍手中的土)
Waste of money, if you ask me.::如果你问我,我就会告诉你,那是白花钱。
Why‘s that?::为什么?
RED ::
Folks around this joint love surprise inspections. They‘ll find it, you‘re going to lose it. If they do catch you with it, you don‘t know me. You mention my name, we‘ll never do business again. Up for shoelaces or a stick of gum. Now you got that? ::这所监狱的人喜欢突击搜查,他们会发现并没收的。如果真得抓住你,你可不认识我。你要提到我的名字的话,就再也别想从我这儿买到东西,连鞋带和口香糖都别想!你现在明白了吗?
I understand. Thank you, Mr...? ::我明白。谢谢你……
RED ::
Red. Name‘s Red.::瑞德,我叫瑞德。
Red. Why do they call you that?::瑞德?为什么这样叫你?
Maybe it‘s because I‘m Irish.::也许因为我是爱尔兰人吧。
They shake. Andy strolls off. Red watches him go. ::他们握握手,安迪漫步走开,瑞德看着他离开。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby. He had a quiet way about him, a walk and talk that just wasn‘t normal around here. He strolled like a man in a park without a care or worry in the world. Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place. ::我知道为什么有人觉得他自命不凡了。他很从容的做事情,走路、说话都与众不同。他就像一个无忧无虑的在公园闲逛的人,如同身上穿着一件可以保护他的隐身衣。
(resumes playing catch) ::(继续玩投球)
Yeah, I think it would be fair to say I liked Andy from the start. 是的,说实话一开始我就喜欢上了安迪。
楼主做了我想做而还没做的事情。good job!
37 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1947) 37::内景 – 食堂 – 白天
Red gets his breakfast and heads for a table. Andy falls in step, slips him a tightly-folded square of paper. ::瑞德拿到早餐走向一张桌子,安迪跟在后面,塞给他一个叠得很紧的纸包。
38 INT -- RED‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 38::内景 – 瑞德的牢房 – 夜晚
Lying on his bunk, Red unfolds the square. A ten dollar bill.::瑞德躺在他的铺上打开纸包,一张十美元的钞票。
39 EXT -- LOADING DOCK -- DAY (1947) 39::外景 – 装卸处 – 白天
Under watchful supervision, CONS are off-loading bags of dirty laundry from an "Eliot Nursing Home" truck. ::在严密的监管下,犯人们正在从一辆标有“埃利奥特疗养院”的卡车上卸下装着脏衣物的袋子。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Years later, I found out he‘d brought in quite a bit more than just ten dollars... ::若干年后,我发现他这十美元花得可真值……
A certain bag hits the ground. The TRUCK DRIVER shoots a look at a black con, LEONARD, then ambles over to a GUARD to shoot the shit. Leonard loads the bag onto a cart... ::一个特殊的袋子落在地上,卡车司机对一个黑人囚犯—兰纳德盯了一眼,然后溜达到守卫跟前闲聊起来。兰纳德则将袋子装入一辆手推车。
40 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 40::内景 – 监狱洗衣房 – 白天
Bags are being unloaded. We find Leonard working the line. ::袋子被卸下来,兰纳德正在工作。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
When they check you into this hotel, one of the bellhops bends you over and looks up your works, just to make sure you‘re not carrying anything. But a truly determined man can get an object quite a ways up there. ::当他们让你进入旅馆(指监狱)时,其中某个侍者(指守卫)会贴身检查,以确定不能夹带任何东西。但一个坚持原则的人却很有办法将其带入。
Leonard slips a small paper-wrapped package out of the laundry bag, hides it under his apron, and keeps sorting... ::兰纳德偷偷地从装着脏衣物的袋子里拿出一个纸裹着的包,藏到了他的围裙下面,然后继续分捡衣物。
4l INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY EXCHANGE -- DAY ::内景 – 洗衣房换领处 – 白天
Red deposits his dirty bundle and moves down the line to where the clean sheets are being handed out. Leonard catches Red‘s eye, turns and grabs a specific stack of clean sheets. He hands it across to Red --::瑞德放下他的脏包袱,走入领干净床单的队伍。兰纳德对瑞德使了个眼色,转身抓起一叠干净的床单,递给瑞德。
-- and more than clean laundry changes hands. Two packs of cigarettes slide out of Red‘s hand into Leonard‘s. 随着更多的衣物交换,两包烟也偷偷的从瑞德的手中转到了兰纳德的手里。
42 INT -- RED‘S CELL -- DAY (1947) 42::内景 – 瑞德的牢房 – 白天
Red slips the package out of his sheets, carefully checks to make sure nobody‘s coming, then rips it open. He pulls out the rock-hammer. It‘s just as Andy described. Red laughs softly.
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Andy was right. I finally got the joke. It would take a man about six hundred years to tunnel under the wall with one of these. ::安迪是对的,我终于明白他为什么发笑了。如果用这把石锤挖在墙下挖隧道,会让一个人挖上六百年!
43 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- 2ND TIER -- NIGHT 内景 – 五号囚楼2层 – 夜晚
Brooks Hatlen pushes a cart of books from cell to cell. The rolling library. He finds Red waiting for him. Red slips the rock-hammer, wrapped in a towel, through the bars and onto the cart. Next comes six cigarettes to pay for postage. ::布鲁克斯.哈特伦推着放书的小车一个牢房一个牢房的走—移动图书馆。他看到瑞德正等着他。瑞德把裹在毛巾里的石锤通过栅栏塞进小车,并递出六根烟作为运送的酬劳。
RED ::瑞德
Dufresne. ::杜方
Brooks nods, never missing a beat. He rolls his cart to Andy‘s cell, mutters through the bars: ::布鲁克斯点点头,显得十分从容。他把车推到安迪的牢房前,小声的说:
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Middle shelf, wrapped in a towel. ::中间那层,毛巾裹着的。
Andy‘s hand snakes through the bars and makes the object disappear. The hand comes back and deposits a small slip of folded paper along with more cigarettes. Brooks turns his cart around and goes back. He pauses, sorting his books long enough for Red to snag the slip of paper. Brooks continues on, scooping the cigarettes off the cart and into his pocket. ::安迪从栅栏中探出手,把东西拿走。然后又伸出手放下一张小纸条和几根烟。布鲁克斯转过小车返回,他停下来装作整理书以便将给瑞德的纸条夹好。接着,他又从小车中取出香烟装在兜里。
44 INT -- RED‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1947) 44 ::内景 – 瑞德的牢房 – 夜晚
Red unfolds the slip of paper. Penciled neatly on it is a single word: "Thanks." 瑞德打开纸条。只见上面用铅笔整齐的写着一个词儿“谢谢。”
45 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1947) 45 ::内景 – 洗衣房 – 白天
We are assaulted by the deafening noise of the laundry line. Andy is doing his job, getting good at it. 巨大的噪音响了起来,安迪在洗衣房干着活,他已逐渐适应他的工作。
BOB ::鲍伯
Andy nods. He leaves the line, weaving his way through the laundry room and into -- 安迪点头离开,迂回着走出洗衣房进入……
46 INT -- BACK ROOMS/STOCK AREA -- DAY (1947) 46 内景 – 后屋 – 储藏区
-- a dark, tangled maze of rooms and corridors, boilers and furnaces, sump pumps, old washing machines, pallets of cleaning supplies and detergents, you name it. Andy hefts a cardboard drum of Hexlite off the stack, turns around -- 黑暗的,凌乱的房间和曲折的过道,蒸汽炉、油泵,陈旧的洗衣机,放着清洁剂的货台,说不清叫什么名字。安迪从杂货堆上搬起一个装着HEXLITE的硬纸桶,转身……
-- and finds Bogs Diamond in the aisle. blocking his way. Rooster looms from the shadows to his right, Pete Verness on the left. A frozen beat. Andy slams the Hexlite to the floor, rips off the top, and scoops out a double handful. 发现伯格斯站在过道上挡住他的去路,路斯特从他右侧的阴暗处逼进,皮特.佛尼斯则在左边。安迪紧张得心都不跳了,他把HEXLITE扔到地上,撕开桶顶,捞出两把HEXLITE.
ANDY ::安迪
You get this in your eyes, it blinds you. 眼睛里要是进了它,会瞎的。
BOGS ::伯格斯
Honey, hush. 安静,亲爱的。
God , you are so diligent!
Andy backs up, holding them at bay, trying to maneuver through the maze. The Sisters keep coming, tense and guarded, eyes riveted and gauging his every move, trying to outflank him. Andy trips on some old gaint sugglies. That‘s all it takes. They‘re on him in an instant, kicking and stomping. 安迪往后退,在墙角处与他们僵持并试图移出曲折的过道。三姐妹跟着,死盯住他,不放过他的每一个举行动,并试图包抄。安迪拌倒在巨大的旧sugglies上,这已足够。三姐妹立刻抓住了他,拳打脚踢。
Andy gets yanked to his feet. Bogs applies a chokehold from behind. They propel him across the room and slam him against an old four-pocket machine, bending him over it. Rooster jams a rag into Andy‘s mouth and secures it with a steel pipe, like a horse bit. Andy kicks and struggles, but Rooster and Pete have his arms firmly pinned. Bogs whispers in Andy‘s ear: 安迪的一只脚被拽住,伯格斯从后面勒住他的脖子。他们推搡着安迪把他猛得按在一台有着four-pocket的旧机器上,压着他弯下腰去。鲁斯特把一块破布塞进安迪嘴里,并用一根钢管别住,就像一副马嚼子。安迪挣扎着踢着,但鲁斯特和皮特紧紧地扭住他的双臂使他动弹不得。伯格斯在安迪耳边轻语:
BOGS ::伯格斯
That‘s it, fight. Better that way. 对极了,反抗吧。这样最好!
Andy starts screaming, muffled by the rag. CAMERA PULLS BACK, SLOWLY WIDENING. The big Washex blocks our view. All we see is Andy‘s screaming face and the men holding him down... 安迪开始大叫,但被嘴里的破布闷祝镜头后拉,慢慢地拉宽。粗大的华氏(品牌)配件挡住我们的视线,能看到的只是安迪正在大喊的脸庞和按住他的两个人……
...and CAMERA DRIFTS FROM THE ROOM, leaving the dark place and the dingy act behind...MOVING up empty corridors, past concrete walls and steel pipes... 镜头在房间里移动,移出了这黑暗的地方和肮脏的行为,向上移过空空的走廊,穿过钢管和水泥墙……
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that, but prison is no fairy-tale world. 我真想说安迪反抗的很成功,三姐妹们也拿他无可奈何。我真想这样说,但,监狱可不是讲童话故事的地方。
WE EMERGE into the prison laundry past a guard, WIDENING for a final view of the line. The giant steel "mangler" is slapping down in brutal rhythm. The sound is deafening. 镜头掠过一个守卫进入洗衣房,对工作线扩展成一个全景,巨大的钢铁“压榨机”以无情的节奏轰隆做响,震耳欲聋。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
He never said who did it...but we all knew. “他从未说过是谁干的,可我们都知道。”
PRISON MONTAGE: (1947 through 1949) ::监狱的蒙太奇镜头(1947年到1949年)
Andy plods through his days. Working. Eating. Chipping and shaping his rocks after lights-out... 安迪艰难的过着日子。干活、吃饭,熄灯之后削凿他的石头。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Things went on like that for a while. Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine. “日子一时就这样继续着,监狱的生活由一系列常规的事情组成,并会越来越常规。”
Andy walks the yard, face swollen and bruised. 安迪在院里走动,鼻青脸肿。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises. “经常可以看到,安迪带着新伤出现。”
Andy eats breakfast. A few tables over, Bogs blows him a kiss. 安迪在吃早餐,隔几张桌子,伯格斯对着他来了个飞吻。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
The Sisters kept at him. Sometimes he was able to fight them off... sometimes not. “三姐妹坚持纠缠着他,有时他能尽力摆脱,有时则不能。”
Andy backs into a corner in some dingy part of the prison, wildly swinging a rake at his tormentors.监狱某处灰暗的地方,安迪后退到一角,狂乱的冲着他的骚扰者们挥舞着手中的耙子。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
He always fought, that‘s what I remember. He fought because he knew if he didn‘t fight, it would make it that much easier not to fight the next time. “我记得,他总是反抗。他反抗是因为他知道如果他不反抗,下次就更不会反抗了。”
The rake connects, snapping off over somebody‘s skull. They beat the hell out of him. 耙子击中一个人的头顶,猛地折断。他们拼命的揍他。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Half the time it landed him in the infirmary... “这种情况多半都会让他住进医务所。”
A stone closet. No bed, sink, or lights. Just a toilet with no seat. Andy sits on bare concrete, bruised face lit by a faint ray of light falling through the tiny slit in the steel door. 一个石室,没有床、洗脸池,甚至灯,只有一个无座的马桶。安迪坐在光秃秃的水泥地上,一束微弱的光透过铁门上狭小的出气口照在他瘀伤的脸上。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
...the other half, it landed him in solitary. Warden Norton‘s "grain & drain" vacation. Bread, water, and all the privacy you could want. “另一半情况,他则会被关禁闭--典狱长诺顿的“吃饱与消耗”休假。面包、水,所有独处(禁闭)用的必需品。”
52 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1949) 52::内景–洗衣房–白天
Andy is working the line. 安迪在工作线上工作。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
And that‘s how it went for Andy. That was his routine. I do believe those first two years were the worst for him. And I also believe if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him. But then, in the spring of 1949, the powers-that-be decided that... “这就是安迪的生活,这就是安迪的常规生活。我的确认为对他来说最糟糕的就是头两年了,而且我还认为如果断续这样下去的话,这个地方会毁了他。但是,在1949年的春天,监狱的掌权者决定……”
53 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1949) 53::外景–监狱操场–白天
Warden Norton addresses the assembled cons via bullhorn:
...the roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing. I need a dozen volunteers for a week‘s work. We‘re gonna be taking names in this steel bucket here... “车牌厂的房顶需要重铺,我需要12个人,工作一周。我们会把名字放进这个铁桶里……”
Red glances around at his friends. Andy also catches his eye.
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
It was outdoor detail, and May is one damn fine month to be workin‘ outdoors. “这是件可以出去的话儿,而且五月可是个在外干活的绝好月份。”
54 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1949) 54::外景–监狱操场–白天
Cons shuffle past, dropping slips of paper into a bucket.
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
More than a hundred men volunteered for the job. “有一百多人都想干这个活儿。”
Red saunters to a guard named TIM YOUNGBLOOD, mutters discreetly in his ear.
55 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DAY (1949) 55::外景–监狱操场–白天
Youngblood is pulling names and reading them off. Red exchanges grins with Andy and the others. 杨伯拉德正在拿出写着名字的纸条并念着上面的名字,瑞德与安迪及其它人则咧着嘴笑着。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Wouldn‘t you know it? Me and some fellas I know were among the names called. “还不知道吗?我和我的伙计们已经被选中啦!”
56 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1949) 56::内景–监狱走廊–夜晚
Red slips Youngblood six packs of cigarettes. 瑞德塞给杨伯拉德六包香烟。
RED (V.O.) (画外音)
Only cost us a pack of smokes per man. I made my usual twenty percent, of course. “只花费了我们一人一包烟。当然,如同往常,我照拿20%。”
57 EXT -- LICENSE PLATE FACTORY -- DAY (1949) 57::外景–车牌厂–白天
A tar-cooker bubbles and smokes. TWO CONS dip up a bucket oftar and tie a rope to the handle. The rope goes taught. CAMERAFOLLOWS the bucket of tar up the side of the building to – 煮沥青的锅里冒着烟气和泡泡还有,两个犯人捞起一桶沥青,在提手上系上绳子,系紧。镜头跟着那桶沥青从楼房的一边往上升……
58 THE ROOF 58::房顶
-- where it is relayed to the work detail. The men are dipping big Padd brushes and spreading the tar. ANGLZ OVER to Byron Hadley bitching sourly to his fellow guards:
HADLEY ::哈德利
...so this shithead lawyer calls long distance from Texas, and he says, Byron Hadley? I say, yeah. He says, sorry to inform you, but your brother just died. “这个蠢蛋律师从遥远的得克萨斯打来电话,他说,拜伦.哈德利?我说,是的。他说,很遗憾的通知你,你的兄弟刚去世了。”
Damn, Byron. Sorry to hear that. “见鬼,拜伦。听到此消息,我很难过。”
HADLEY ::哈德利
I ain‘t. He was an asshole. Run off years ago, family ain‘t heard of him since. Figured him for dead anyway. So this lawyer prick says, your brother died a rich man. Oil wells and shit, close to a million bucks. Jesus, it‘s frigging incredible how lucky some assholes can get. “我可不难过。他就是个王八蛋。数年前出走,家里就再也没有他的消息,认为他已经死掉了。那个狗屁律师说,你的兄弟死时很富有,他有油井和近百万的钞票。天,简直不可思议有些王八蛋怎么那么幸运!”
TROUT ::特劳特
A million bucks? Jeez-Louise! You get any of that? “一百万?老天!有你的份吗?”
HADLEY ::哈德利
Thirty five thousand. That‘s what he left me. “三万五,他留给我的。”
TROUT ::特劳特
Dollars? Holy shit, that‘s great! Like winnin‘ a lottery... “美元?真他妈的,太棒了!如同中了彩票!”
(off Hadley‘s shitty look)(哈德利的脸色极其难看)
...ain‘t it? “不是吗?”
HADLEY ::哈德利
Dumbshit. What do you figure the government‘s gonna do to me? Take a big wet bite out of my ass, is what. “操他妈的!你知道政府会怎样对我吗?狠狠地从我这儿挖走一大块!”
TROUT ::特劳特
Oh. Hadn‘t thought of that. “哦,真没想到。”
HADLEY ::哈德利
Maybe leave me enough to buy a new car with. Then what happens? You pay tax on the car. Repairs and maintenance. Goddamn kids pesterin‘ you to take ‘em for a ride... “也许能给我剩下钱买一辆新车,但接下来呢?你要付车税,修理费和保养费。天杀的孩子们也会缠着你带他们坐车。”
MERT ::摩特
And drive it, if they‘re old enough. “还有驾车,当他们长到年龄时。”
HADLEY ::哈德利
That‘s right, wanting to drive it, wanting to learn on it, f‘Chrissake! Then at the end of the year, if you figured the tax wrong, they make you pay out of your own pocket. Uncle Sam puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it‘s purple. Always get the short end. That‘s a fact. “没错,想开车,想学车,看在上帝的面子上!到了年底,如果你把税弄错,他们就会从你的腰包里掏钱。只要沾上,就会被榨干!这是事实!”
(spits over the side) (扭头吐了一口)
Some brother. Shit. “兄弟,去它妈的!”
The prisoners keep spreading tar, eyes on their work. 犯人们一直在铺沥青,盯着自己的活。
Poor Byron. What terrible fuckin‘ luck. Imagine inheriting thirty five thousand dollars.
RED ::瑞德
Crying shame. Some folks got it awful bad. “奇耻大辱,有些人就那么倒霉!”
Red glances over -- and is shocked to see Andy standing up,listening to the guards talk. 瑞德扫了一眼,吃惊发现安迪站起身,倾听守卫们的谈话。
RED ::瑞德
Hey, you nuts? Keep your eyes on your pail! ::“嗨,你疯了?看着你的桶吧!”
Andy tosses his Padd in the bucket and strolls toward Hadley.::安迪把拖布扔到桶里朝哈德利走去。
RED ::瑞德
Andy! Come back! Shit! “安迪,回来!妈的!”
What‘s he doing? “他在做什么?”
FLOYD ::费洛伊德
Gettin‘ himself killed. “自杀。”
RED ::瑞德
God damn it... “该死!”
Just keep spreadin‘ tar... “铺沥青吧……”
The guards stiffen at Andy‘s approach. Youngblood‘s hand goesto his holster. The tower guards CLICK-CLACK their rifle bolts. Hadley turns, stupefied to find Andy there. 看到安迪走过来,守卫们顿时紧张起来。杨伯拉德的手伸向枪套,哨兵也“咔啦”拉上枪栓。哈德利转过身,惊讶地发现安迪在那儿。
ANDY ::安迪
Mr. Hadley. Do you trust your wife? “哈德利先生,你信任你的妻子吗?”
HADLEY ::哈德利
That‘s funny. You‘re gonna look funnier suckin‘ my dick with no fuckin‘ teeth. “这很好笑,用你他妈的没牙的嘴来吸我的老二看起来会更好笑的。”
ANDY ::安迪
What I mean is, do you think she‘d go behind your back? Try to hamstring you? “我的意思是,你认为她会背叛你吗?会加害于你吗?”
HADLZY ::哈德利
That‘s it! Step aside, Mert. This fucker‘s havin‘ hisself an accident. “好吧!让开,摩特。这个王八蛋就要出事了。”
Hadley grabs Andy‘s collar and propels him violently toward the edge of the roof. The cons furiously keep spreading tar.哈德利揪住安迪的衣领粗暴的把他拖到屋顶的边缘,犯人们飞快的铺着沥青。
Oh God, he‘s gonna do it, he‘s gonna throw him off the roof... “哦,上帝,他就要干了,他就要把他从屋顶扔下去啦……”
Oh shit, oh fuck, oh Jesus... “哦,妈的,哦,我靠,哦,天呢!”
ANDY ::安迪
Because if you do trust her, there‘s no reason in the world you can‘t keep every cent of that money.
Hadley abruptly jerks Andy to a stop right at the edge. In fact, Andy‘s past the edge, beyond his balance, shoetips scraping the roof. The only thing between him and an ugly drop to the concrete is Hadley‘s grip on the front of his shirt.哈德利猛得在房顶边扯住安迪。事实上,安迪已越过房沿,失去平衡,只剩脚尖踩着房顶边儿。唯一使他摔不到水泥地上的凭借就是哈德利抓着他的前领。
HADLEY ::哈德利
You better start making sense. “你最好给我说明白点儿。”
ANDY ::安迪
If you want to keep that money, all of it, just give it to your wife. See, the IRS allows you a one-time- only gift to your spouse. It‘s good up to sixty thousand dollars. “如果你想保住你的钱,所有的钱,只要把它送给你妻子就可以了。是这样,国税局允许一次性的送礼物给配偶,最多可以到60,000美元。”
HADLEY ::哈德利
Naw, that ain‘t right! Tax free? “不,那不可能!免税的嘛?”
ANDY ::安迪
Tax free. IRS can‘t touch one cent. “免税的,税局碰不到一分钱!”
The cons are pausing work, stunned by this business discussion.
HADLEY ::哈德利
You‘re the smart banker what shot his wife. Why should I believe a smart banker like you? So‘s I can wind up in here with you? “你就是那个精明的杀妻银行家?我为什么要信你这种滑头的银行家?让我完蛋后跟你一起坐牢吗?”
ANDY ::安迪
It‘s perfectly legal. Go ask the IRS, they‘ll say the same thing. Actually, I feel silly telling you all this. I‘m sure you would have investigated the matter yourself. “完全合法。去问国税,他们也会这样说。实际上,我感到我很傻告诉你这件事,我想你定会亲自调查此事的。”
HADLEY ::哈德利
Fuckin‘-A. I don‘t need so smart wife-killin‘ banker to show me where the bear shit in the buckwheat. “去你妈的!我才不需要如此狡猾的银行家来告诉我呢!”
ANDY ::安迪
Of course not. But you will need somebody to set up the tax-free gift, and that‘ll cost you. A lawyer, for example... “当然不用。可你需要人来想出免税的礼物,那会花钱的。还有律师,比如……”
HADLEY ::哈德利
Ambulance-chaaing, highway-robbing cocksuckers! “卑鄙下流的抢劫犯!”
ANDY ::安迪
...or come to think of it, I suppose I could set it up for you. That would save you some money. I‘ll write down the forms you need, you can pick them up, and I‘ll prepare them for your signature... nearly free of charge. “或者这样想,我或许能帮你做此事,这会给你省钱的。我写下所需的表格,你领回来,我再帮你填好,你签字就可以了……”
(off Hadley‘s look) (看看哈德利的表情)
I‘d only ask three beers apiece for my co-workers, if that seems fair. “我只要求给我的同事们每人三瓶啤酒,如果还算公平的话。”
TROUT ::特劳特
(guffawing) (大笑)
Co-workers! Get him! That‘s rich, ain‘t it? Co-workers... “同事?他很牛哇啊!同事……”
Hadley freezes him with a look. Andy presses on: 哈德利冷冷地看了他一眼。安迪接着说:
ANDY ::安迪
I think a man working outdoors feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds. That‘s only my opinion. “我想在户外干活要是能有啤酒喝的话,感觉就会更像一个正常人,这就是我的想法。”
The convicts stand gaping, all pretense of work gone. They look like they‘ve been pole-axed. Hadley shoots them a look.囚犯们怔怔的站着,都装着无活可干,看起来就像被钉住了身子。哈德利瞪了他们一眼。
HADLEY ::哈德利
What are you jimmies starin‘ at? Back to work, goddamn it! “你们这些人看什么呢?接着干活,该死的!”
59 EXT -- LICENSE PLATE FACTORY -- DAY (1949) 59::外景 – 车牌厂 – 白天
As before, an object is hauled up the side of the building by rope -- only this time, it‘s a cooler of beer and ice. 像以前一样,一样东西沿着房子的一边被绳子拽了上来,但这次,是装着冰块和啤酒的保温桶。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
And that‘s how it came to pass, that on the second-to-last day of the job, the convict crew that tarred the plate factory roof in the spring of ‘49... “这就是事情的经过,在这件工作完成的倒数第二天,这群在房顶涂沥青的囚犯在49年的春天……”
60 EXT -- ROOF -- SHORTLY LATER (1949) 60 ::外景 – 房顶 --
The cons are taking the sun and drinking beer. 犯人们正在喝着啤酒,淋浴阳光。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
...wound up sitting in a row at ten o‘clock in the morning, drinking icy cold Black Label beer courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison. “在早晨10点钟坐成一排,喝着冰凉的肖申克州立监狱有史以来最狠的狱卒请客的黑标啤酒。”
HADLEY ::哈德利
Drink up, boys. While it‘s cold. “都喝了吧,孩子们,趁着凉。”
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous. “那个凶狠的家伙竟试着说话宽容些。”
Red knocks back another sip, enjoying the bitter cold on his tongue and the warm sun on face. 瑞德仰头又喝了一口,享受舌尖上那啤酒的清凉,温和的阳光映在脸上。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men. We could‘a been tarring the
roof of one of our own houses. We were the Lords of all Creation. “我们坐着喝酒,身披阳光,感觉就像个自由的人,就像在为自己的房子涂房顶,仿佛我们是一切的主宰。”
He glances over to Andy squatting apart from the others.他看到安迪独自坐在一边。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
As for Andy, he spent that break hunkered in the shade, a strange little smile on his face, watching
us drink his beer. “至于安迪,他蹲坐在荫影下小息,奇怪的笑容挂在脸上,看着我们喝着他的啤酒。”
(approaches with a beer) (拿着瓶啤酒走过来)
Here‘s a cold one, Andy. “这儿有瓶凉的,安迪。”
ANDY ::安迪
No thanks. I gave up drinking. “不,谢谢。我戒酒了。”
Heywood drifts back to others, giving them a look. 海沃德走回去,给其它人做了个表情。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
You could argue he‘d done it to curry favor with the guards. Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normal again...if only for a short while. “你可以认为他这样做是为了讨好守卫,或者想与我们这些人交朋友。我却认为,他之所以这样做是想再次回到正常的生活,即使是一小会儿……”
请教:where the bear shit in the buckwheat.的典故?pole-axed的确切含义?
61 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- THE BLEACHERS -- DAY (1949) ::外景 – 操场看台 – 白天
Andy and Red play checkers. Red makes his move. 安迪和瑞德在下跳棋,瑞德走了一步。
RED ::瑞德
King me. “我当王。”
ANDY ::安迪
Chess. Now there‘s a game of kings. Civilized...strategic... “象棋,是一个王者的游戏。文明……策略……”
RED ::瑞德
...and totally fuckin‘ inexplicable. Hate that game.“还有,完全搞不懂是他妈的怎么回事,我讨厌这游戏。”
ANDY ::安迪
Maybe you‘ll let me teach you someday. I‘ve been thinking of getting a board together. “也许哪天你会让我教你的,我一直在考虑一起弄个棋盘。”
RED ::瑞德
You come to the right place. I‘m the man who can get things. “这你可找对地方了,我就是能弄到东西的人。”
ANDY ::安迪
We might do business on a board. But the pieces, I‘d like to carve those myself. One side done in quartz... the opposing side in limestone. “棋盘可以买,但棋子我想自己刻。一方用石英,一方用石灰石。”
RED ::瑞德
That‘d take you years. “那得花好几年。”
ANDY ::安迪
Years I‘ve got. What I don‘t have are the rocks. Pickings here in the exercise yard are pretty slim. “时间我有,没有的是石头。这儿的操场上几乎捡不到的。”
RED ::瑞德
How‘s that rock-hammer workin‘ out anyway? Scratch your name on your wall yet? “那把石锤用的还行吧?把你的名字刻到墙上了吗?”
ANDY ::安迪
(smiles) (微笑)
Not yet. I suppose I should. “还没有,我想我会刻的。”
RED ::瑞德
Andy? I guess we‘re gettin‘ to be friends, ain‘t we? “安迪,我们正在做朋友,对吧?”
ANDY ::安迪
I suppose we are.“我想是的。”
RED ::瑞德
I ask a question? Why‘d you do it? “问个问题,你为什么那样做?”
ANDY ::安迪
I‘m innocent, remember? Just like everybody else here. “我是无辜的,记得吗?就像这里所有的人。”
Red takes this as a gentle rebuff, keeps playing. 瑞德认为这是礼貌的回绝,继续玩棋。
ANDY ::安迪
What are you in for, Red? “你怎么进来的,瑞德?”
RED ::瑞德
Murder. Same as you. “杀人,跟你一样。”
ANDY ::安迪
Innocent? “也是无辜的吗?”
RED ::瑞德
The only guilty man in Shawshank. “肖申克监狱唯一有罪的人。”
62 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 62::内景 – 安迪的牢房 – 夜晚
Andy lies in his bunk after lights out, polishing a fragment of quartz by the light of the moon. He pauses, glancing at all the names scratched in the wall. He rises, makes sure the coast is clear, and starts scratching his name into the cement with his rock-hammer, adding to the record. 熄灯后安迪躺在他的铺上,借着月光打磨着一小块石英。他停了下来,扫视着那些刻在墙上的名字。他往上看,直到确定一块干净的地方,然后开始用石锤在水泥墙上刻上他的名字,添此记录。
63 RAY MILLAND 63雷米兰(演员名)
fills the screen in glorious (and scratchy) black & white, suffering a bad case of DT‘s... 屏幕上被凌乱繁杂的黑白色填满,影片一时间断了……
64 INT -- PRISON AUDITORIUM -- NIGHT (1949) 64内景 – 礼堂 – 夜晚
...while a CONVICT AUDIENCE hoots and catcalls, talking back to the screen. We find Red slouched in a folding chair, watching the movie. Andy enters, backlit by the flickering glare of the projector, and takes a seat next to him. 囚犯观众们叫着、喊着,嘘声四起。瑞德则懒懒地蜷在折椅上,看着电影。安迪走了进来,放映机闪烁的光束照着他的后背,他找了个座位坐在瑞德旁边。
RED ::瑞德
Here‘s the good part. Bugs come out of the walls to get his ass. “这个地方是影片最好的片段,虫子从墙里爬出来跑到他的屁股上。”
ANDY ::安迪
I know. I‘ve seen it three times this month already. “知道,我这个月已经看三回了。”
Ray Milland starts SCREAMING. The entire audience SCREAMS with him, high-pitched and hysterical. Andy fidgets. 雷米兰开始大叫,所有观众也与他一起大叫,高声尖叫、歇斯底里,安迪坐立不安。
ANDY ::安迪
Can we talk business? “我们能商量点儿事吗?”
RED ::瑞德
Sure. What do you want? “当然,你想要什么?”
ANDY ::安迪
Rita Hayworth. Can you get her? “蕾塔.海沃斯,你能找到她吗?”
RED ::瑞德
No problem. Take a few weeks. “没问题,得过几周。”
ANDY ::安迪
Weeks? “几周?”
RED ::瑞德
Don‘t have her stuffed down my pants this very moment, sorry to say. Relax. What are you so nervous about? She‘s just a woman. “她现在又没塞在我的裤子里,抱歉我这样说。放松些,你怎么这么紧张?她只是个女人罢了。”
Andy nods, embarrassed. He gets up and hurries out. Red grins, turns back to the movie. 安迪点点头,有些尴尬。他站起来,匆匆走了。瑞德咧嘴一笑,继续看电影。
65 INT -- AUDITORIUM CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1949) 65内景 – 礼堂走廊 – 夜晚
Andy exits the theater and freezes in his tracks. Two dark figures loom in the corridor, blocking his path. Rooster and Pete. Andy turns back -- and runs right into Bogs. Instant bear hug. The Sisters are on him like a flash. They kick a door open and drag him into – 安迪走出剧场,突然停了下来。两个黑影在走廊中隐现出来,阻挡住他的去路,鲁斯特和皮特。安迪转身,伯格斯也从右边冲了过来。短暂的扭打后,三姐妹快速的控制住他,踢开一扇门,把他拖了进去……
-- where they confront the startled PROJECTIONIST, an old con blinking at them through thick bifocals. 放映室里他们碰到目瞪口呆的放映员--一个老囚犯,透过厚厚的眼睛片惊愕的看着他们。
BOGS ::伯格斯
Take a walk. “出去。”
I have to change reels. “可我还得换片。”
BOGS ::伯格斯
I said fuck off. “我说你给我滚蛋!”
Terrified, the old man darts past and out the door. Pete slams and locks it. Bogs shoves Andy to the center of the room. 吓坏了的老人赶忙走出门外,皮特砰得关上门并锁住,伯格斯把安迪猛推到屋子中间。
BOGS ::伯格斯
Ain‘t you gonna scream? “你不打算尖叫吗?”
请教:suffering a bad case of DT‘s. “DT’s”的含义?
Andy sighs, cocks his head at the projector. 安迪叹口气,头斜靠在放映机上。
ANDY ::安迪
They‘d never hear me over that. Let‘s get this over with. “人们从未听到过我那样,让我们来个了断吧。”
Seemingly resigned, Andy turns around, leans on the rewind bench -- and curls his fingers around a full 1.000 foot reel of 35mm film. Rooster licks his lips, pushes past the others.似乎很顺从,安迪转过身去,倚住倒片台,手指缠上一整卷1000尺的35毫米胶片。鲁斯特舔舔嘴唇,挤上前去。
Me first. “我先来。”
ANDY ::安迪
Okay. “好的。”
Andy whips the reel of film around in a vicious arc, smashing it into Rooster‘s face and bouncing him off the wall. 安迪猛得将那卷胶片舞成一条弧线,狠狠地砸在鲁斯特的脸上,把他撞击到了墙上。
Fuck! Shit! He broke my nose! “我操!妈的!他打碎了我的鼻子!”
Andy fights like hell, but is soon overpowered and forced to his knees. Bogs steps to Andy, pulls out an awl with a vicious eight-inch spike, gives him a good long look at it. 安迪拼命的反抗,但不一会儿就被制服、被压着跪在地上。伯格斯走到安迪面前,拔出一把足有八英寸锥头的锥子,让安迪仔细看了看。
BOGS ::伯格斯
Now I‘m gonna open my fly, and you‘re gonna swallow what I give you to swallow. And when you
d mine, you gonna swallow Rooster‘s. You done broke his nose, so he ought to have somethin‘ to show for it. “现在,我要解开裤子,我让你吞什么你就得吞什么。吞完我的再吞鲁斯特的,你打碎了他的鼻子,他应该有所补偿。”
ANDY ::安迪
Anything you put in my mouth, you‘re going to lose. “无论你把什么放到我嘴里,都会报废的。”
BOGS ::伯格斯
You don‘t understand. You do that, I‘ll put all eight inches of this steel in your ear. “你没弄明白,你要是那样,这把八英寸长的钢钉就会刺你的耳朵里。”
ANDY ::安迪
Okay. But you should know that sudden serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down. Hard.
(faint smile) (微弱的笑了一下)
In fact, I understand the bite-reflex is so strong the victim‘s jaws have to be pried open with a crowbar. “实际上,这种条件反射的咬合是如此之强,以至于受害者的牙关必须得用撬棍才撬得开。”
The Sisters consider this carefully. The film runs out of the projector, flapping on the reel. The screen goes white. 三姐妹认真的考虑了一下,放映机上的胶片已经放完,拍打着卷轴。电影幕布变成了白色。
BOGS ::伯格斯
You little fuck. “你这个混蛋!”
Andy gets a bootheel in the face. The Sisters start kicking and beating the living shit out of him with anything they can get their hands on. In the theater, the convicts are CHANTING AND CLAPPING for the movie to come back on. 安迪被一脚踢到脸上,三姐妹开始玩命的踢打,使用他们能拿到的任何东西。剧场里,犯人们拍着巴掌,不断地喊叫让影片接着放映。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Bogs didn‘t put anything in Andy‘s mouth, and neither did his friends. What they did do is beat him within an inch of his life... “伯格斯没有把任何东西放到安迪的嘴里,他的朋友们也没有。他们只是把安迪打了个半死。”
67 INT -- INFIRMARY -- DAY (1949) 67::内景 – 医务室 – 白天
Andy lies wrapped in bandages. 安迪混身绑着绷带躺着。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Andy spent a month in traction. “安迪做了一个月的牵引(医:对于骨、肌肉等的牵引术)。”
68 INT -- SOLITARY CONFINEMENT -- DAY (1949) 68::内景 – 禁闭室 – 白天
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
Bogs spent a week in the hole. “伯格斯则关了一个星期的禁闭。”
Bogs sits on bare concrete. The steel door slides open. ::伯格斯坐在光秃秃的水泥地上,铁门上的出气口打开。
GUARD ::守卫
Time‘s up, Bogs. “时间到了,伯格斯。”
69 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- 3RD TIER -- DUSK 内景 – 五号囚楼三层 – 黄昏
Bogs comes up the stairs, smoking a cigarette. Not many cons around; the place is virtually deserted. A VOICE echoes dimly over the P.A. system: 伯格斯抽着香烟,走上楼梯。周围没什么犯人;基本上空无一人。从扩音系统中传来微弱的声音:
VOICE (O.S.) 人声
Return to your cellblocks for evening count. “返回牢房,例行点名。”
Bogs enters his cell. Dark in here. He fumbles for the light cord, yanks it. The sudden light reveals Captain Hadley six inches from his face, waiting for him. Mert steps in behind Bogs. hemming him. ::伯格斯走入他的牢房,黑黑的,他摸索着找着灯绳,拉开。灯光映在哈德利队长的脸上,他在等着他。摩尔特站到伯格斯身后,围住他。
Before Bogs can even open his mouth to say "what the fuck," Hadley rams the tip of his baton brutally into his solar plexus. Bogs doubles over, gagging his wind out. “在伯格斯张开嘴说“怎么回事,”之前,哈德利就粗暴的将警棍狠狠的捅在他的心窝。伯格斯痛得弯下腰,哽咽着喘不过气来。”
70 GROUND FLOOR 70::底层
Ernie comes slowly around the corner, rolling a steel mop cart loaded with supplies. 厄尼推着一辆小车从拐角处慢慢地走了过来,车上装满供应品。
71 2ND TIER 71::二层
Red is darning a sock in his open cell. He pauses, frowning, hearing strange THUMPING sounds. What the hell is that? 瑞德正在他的牢房里织袜子,牢门开着。他停了下来,皱起眉,听着奇怪的重击声。究竟是怎么回事?
72 3RD TIER 72::三层
It‘s Hadley and Mert methodically and brutally pulping Bogs with their batons, and kicking the shit out of him for good measure. He feebly tries to ward them off. 哈德利和摩尔特正在用警棍有条不紊的痛殴伯格斯,并往死里踢他的要害部位。伯格斯无力的遮挡着。
73 2ND TIER 73::二层
Puzzled, Red steps from his cell, following the sound. It dawns on him that it‘s coming from above. He moves to the railing and leans out, craning around to look up – 瑞德很困惑,于是跟着声音走出了牢房。他逐渐听明白声音来自上层,他走到扶栏探出身子,伸着脖子往上看……
74 RED‘S POV 74
-- just as Bogs flips over the railing and comes sailing directly toward us, eyes bugging out, SCREAMING as he falls. 正在这时,伯格斯从栏杆上翻出,眼睛凸着,尖叫着跌落下来。
75 RED (SLOW MOTION) 75::瑞德(慢镜头)
jumps back as Bogs plummets past, missing him by inches, arms swimming and trying to grab the railing (but missing that too), SCREAMING aaaaalll the way down – 瑞德往后一跳,伯格斯从面前坠落,只差几寸碰到他,伯格斯挥舞着手臂试图抓住扶栏(也未抓住),一直尖叫着跌了下去……
76 GROUND FLOOR 76::底层
-- and impacting on Ernie‘s gassing mop cart in an enormous eruption of solvents and cleansers. The cart is squashed flat, shooting out from under Bogs and skidding across the cellblock floor like a tiddly wink, kicking up sparks for thirty yards. Ernie is left gaping in shock at Bogs and all the Bogs-related wreckage at his feet. ……重重的跌在厄尼的小车上,车上的溶解剂和清洁剂崩的到处都是,车被压扁后从伯格斯的身下迸出,车轮打着滑停在了牢房的地板上,火花溅起老远。厄尼在一旁张着嘴震惊的看着,脚边是散落的残片。
77 2ND TIER 77::二层
Red is stunned. He very tentatively leans out and looks up. Above him, Hadley and Mert lean on the 3rd tier railing. Hadley tilts the cap back on his head, shakes his head. ::瑞德目瞪口呆,他颤颤危危探出身子向上看。他的上面,哈德利和摩尔特靠着三层的护栏。哈德利把帽子往上斜了斜,晃了晃头。
MERT ::摩尔特
Damn, Byron. Look‘a that. “见鬼,拜伦,你看!”
HADLEY ::哈德利
Poor fella must‘a tripped. “笨蛋总是会跌倒的!”
A tiny drop of blood drips off the toe of Hadley‘s shoe and splashes across Red‘s upturned cheek. He wipes it off, then looks down at Bogs. Cons and guards are racing to the scene. 一滴鲜血从哈德利的鞋尖上滴下,溅到瑞德向上仰着的脸上。他拭去血滴,向下看伯格斯。犯人和守卫们向这里跑了过来。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Two things never happened again after that. The Sisters never laid a finger on Andy again... “自此之后,有两件事再也没有发生。三姐妹再没碰过安迪一指头……”
请教:The sudden light reveals Captain Hadley six inches from his face. “six inches”在这里的含义?rolling a steel mop cart loaded with supplies.什么是steel mop cart?
我也想要剧本,可以用the Forrest的跟你交换
78 EXT -- PRISON YARD/LOADING DOCK -- DAY (1949) 外景—操场/装卸处—白天
Bogs, wheelchair-bound and wearing a neck brace, is loaded onto an ambulance for transport. Behind the fence stand Red and his friends, watching. 伯格斯,被固定到轮椅上,脖子套着支架,正在被弄上运送他的救护车。隔着围栏站着瑞德和他的朋友们,观看。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
...and Bogs never walked again. They transferred him to a minimum security hospital upstate. To my knowledge, he lived out the rest of his days drinking his food through a straw. “伯格斯再也不能走路,他们把他转到了州北部的一家看守最松的医院。依我来看,他要用吸管进食以度过下半生了。”
RED ::瑞德
I‘m thinkin‘ Andy could use a nice welcome back when he gets out of the infirmary.“我正在想等安迪从医务所出来时,给他送个见面礼。”
Sounds good to us. Figure we owe him for the beer. “说的好,我们还欠着他的啤酒呢!”
RED ::瑞德
Man likes to play chess. Let‘s get him some rocks. “他喜欢下象棋,我们给他弄些石头吧。”
79 EXT -- FIELD -- DAY (1949) 79 ::外景 – 田地 – 白天
A HUNDRED CONS at work. Hoes rise and fall in long waves. GUARDS patrol on horseback. Heywood turns up a rocky chunk, quickly shoves it down his pants. He maneuvers to Red and the
others, pulls out the chunk and shows it to them. 上百个犯人在干活,用锄头翻地。守卫则在田埂上巡逻。海沃德发现一个石头块,立刻塞到裤子里。他悄悄挪到瑞德他们那儿,取出石块给他们看。
FLOYD ::弗洛伊德
That ain‘t quartz. Nor limestone. “这不是石英也不是石灰岩。”
What are you, fuckin‘ geologist? “你他妈的是谁?地质学家吗!”
He‘s right, it ain‘t. “他说的对,这不是。”
What the hell is it then? “那这究竟是什么?”
RED ::瑞德
Horse apple. “马肥料。”
Bullshit. “胡说!”
RED ::瑞德
No, horse shit. Petrified. “啊不,是马粪,石化了的。”
Cackling, the men go back to work. Heywood stares at the rock. He crumbles it in his hands.
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Despite a few hitches, the boys came through in fine style... “尽管而些困难,但大伙还是很顺利的克服了。”
80 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- BACK ROOM -- DAY (1949) 80 ::内景 – 洗衣房 – 后屋
A huge detergent box is filled with rocks, hidden in the shadows behind a boiler furnace.
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
...and by the week Andy was due back, we had enough rocks saved up to keep him busy till Rapture. “到安迪要回来的那一周,我们已经攒了足够的石头,足以让他忙活到死。”
ANGLE SHIFTS to Red as he plops a bag of "laundry" on the floor. Leonard and Bob toss a few more down. Red starts pulling out contraband, giving them their commissions. 视角切换到瑞德,他扑通一声将一袋“衣物”扔到地板上,莱昂纳德和鲍伯也扔下来几个。瑞德开始取出偷带的违禁品,并付给他们相应的酬劳。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Also got a big shipment in that week. Cigarettes, chewing gum, shoelaces, playing cards with naked ladies on ‘em, you name it... (pulls a cardboard tube) ...and, of course, the most important item. “那周还到了一大批货。香烟、口香糖、鞋带、印有裸体女人的扑克,虽你怎么叫它吧……(拿出一个纸筒)当然,还有最重要的东西。”
81 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1949) 81 ::内景 – 五号囚楼 – 夜晚
Andy, limping a bit, returns from the infirmary. Red watches from his cell as Andy is brought up and locked away. 安迪从医务所回来,走路稍微有点儿瘸。瑞德在他的牢房看着安迪被带上来锁进牢房。
82 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 82 ::内景 -- 安迪 – 夜晚
Andy finds the cardboard tube lying on his bunk. 安迪在他的铺上发现那个纸筒。
GUARD (O.S.) ::守卫
Lights out! “熄灯!”
The lights go off. Andy opens the tube and pulls out a large rolled poster. He lets it uncurl to the floor. A small scrap of paper flutters out, landing at his feet. The poster is the famous Rita Hayworth pin-up -- one hand behind her head, eyes half closed, sulky lips parted. Andy picks up the scrap of paper. It reads: "No charge. Welcome back." Alone in the dark, Andy smiles. 灯灭了,安迪打开纸筒,抽出一大张卷着的海报,他在地下展开。一张小纸片飘出,落到他的脚边。海报是著名的丽塔.海沃斯的照片,一只手放在脑后,眼睛半睁,嘴唇微张。安迪捡起纸片,上面写到:“免费,欢迎回来。”黑暗中,安迪微笑着。
83 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- MORNING (1949) 83 ::内景 – 五号囚楼 – 早晨
The BUZZER SOUNDS, the cells SLAM OPEN. Cons step from their cells. Andy catches Red‘s eye, nods his thanks. As the men shuffle down to breakfast, Red glances into Andy‘s cell – 蜂鸣器响了起来,牢门砰砰的打开,犯人们走出他们的牢房。安迪用眼睛会意瑞德,并点头致谢。人们纷纷去吃饭的时候,瑞德看了一眼安迪的牢房……
84 RED‘S POV -- DOLLYING PAST 84 瑞德的视线 – 镜头扫过
-- and sees Rita in her new place of honor on Andy‘s wall. Sunlight casts a harsh barred shadow across her lovely face. ……看到丽塔在安迪的墙上炫耀着她的风姿,阳光将无情的栅影,映在她可爱的脸庞。
85 INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- NIGHT (1949) 85 内景 – 五号囚楼 – 夜晚
Ernie is mopping the floor. He glances back and sees Warden Norton approach the cellblock with an entourage of a DOZEN GUARDS. Still mopping, Ernie mutters to the nearest cell: 厄尼在拖地板,他回头看到了诺顿典狱长在十几个守卫的随从下来到牢房。厄尼一边拖地,一边小声告之最近的牢房:
ERNIE ::厄尼
Heads up. They‘re tossin‘ cells. “当心!他们查狱来了。”
Word travels fast from cell to cell. Cons scramble to tidy up and hide things. Norton enters, nods to his men. The guards pair off in all directions, making their choices at random. 消息迅速在各个牢房传开,犯人们急忙收拾着、藏着东西。诺顿走了过来,点头示意他的随从们。守卫们组对各自散开,任意地随机抽查。
GUARD ::守卫
What kind‘a contraband you hiding in there, boy? “你在那儿藏了什么违禁品,小子?”
Cells are opened, occupants displaced, items scattered, mattresses overturned. Whatever contraband is found gets tossed out onto the cellblock floor. Mostly harmless stuff. A GUARD pulls a sharpened screwdriver out of a mattress, shoots a nasty look at the CON responsible.
Solitary. A week. Make sure he takes his Bible. “禁闭一周,确保他带着他的圣经。”
CON ::犯人
Too goddamn dark to read down there.“那见鬼的黑地方怎么看书呀!”
Add another week for blasphemy. “口出恶言,加禁一周。”
The man is taken away. Norton‘s gaze goes up. 那个犯人被带走,诺顿仰头凝视。
Let‘s try the second tier. “我们到二层看看。”
86 2ND TIER 86::二层
Norton arrives, makes a thin show of picking a cell at random. He motions at Andy on his bunk, reading his Bible. The door is unlocked. Norton enters, trailed by his men. Andy rises. 诺顿走上来,随意的找牢房简单的搜查。他看到安迪,坐在他的铺上读圣经。牢门打开,诺顿走进来,后面跟着守卫,安迪站起身。
ANDY ::安迪
Good evening. “晚上好。”
请教:sulky lips parted. 在这里sulky这个形容词该如何翻译?
Norton gives a curt nod. Hadley and Trout start tossing the cell in a thorough search. Norton keeps his eyes on Andy, looking for a wrong glance or nervous blink. He takes the Bible out of Andy‘s hand. 诺顿稍点了一下头,哈德利和特劳特开始彻底的翻腾这间牢房。诺顿盯着安迪,等着看到一丝慌乱或紧张。他从安迪手中拿走圣经。
I‘m pleased to see you reading this. Any favorite passages? “很高兴看到你在读它,喜欢哪段?”
ANDY ::安迪
"Watch ye therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh." “所以汝当警醒,因不知屋主何时到来。”
(smiles) (微笑)Luke. Chapter 13, verse 35. I‘ve always liked that one. “路可福音,第13章35节。我一直很喜欢这段。(strolls the cell)(在牢房里踱步)But I prefer: "I am the light of the world. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."但我更喜欢:’我是世界之光,跟随我的人不会行于黑暗,还会拥有生命之光。”
ANDY ::安迪
John. Chapter 8, verse 12. “约翰福音,第八章12节。”
I hear you‘re good with numbers. How nice. A man should have a skill. “我听说你对数字很在行,很好!人应有专长。”
HADLEY ::哈德利
You wanna explain this? “这是怎么回事?”
Andy glances over. Hadley is holding up a rock blanket, a polishing cloth roughly the size of an oven mitt. 安迪瞥了一眼,哈德利拿着一个石垫--用来磨光石头的布,约有烤箱手套那么大。
ANDY ::安迪
It‘s called a rock blanket. It‘s for shaping and polishing rocks. Little hobby of mine. “这是石垫,用来打磨石头的,我的小嗜好。”
Hadley glances at the rocks lining the window sill, turns to Norton. 哈德利看看窗台上排着的石头,转向诺顿。
HADLEY ::哈德利
Looks pretty clean. Some contraband here, nothing to get in a twist over. “看起来很干净。有些违禁品,但并无大碍。”
Norton nods, strolls to the poster of Rita. 诺顿点点头,走到丽塔的海报前。
I can‘t say I approve of this... (turns to Andy) ...but I suppose exceptions can always be made.
Norton exits, the guards follow. The cell door is slammed and locked. Norton pauses, turns back.
I almost forgot. “我差点忘了。”
He reaches through the bars and returns the Bible to Andy. 他通过栅栏把圣经还给安迪。
I‘d hate to deprive you of this. Salvation lies within. “我可不想把它从你这儿拿走,内有得救之道。”
Norton and his men walk away. 诺顿同他的随从们走了。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Tossin‘ cells was just an excuse. Truth is, Norton wanted to size Andy up. “搜查牢房只是个借口,其实,诺顿是想打量一下安迪。”
87 INT -- PRISON LAUNDRY -- DAY (1949) 87 内景---- 洗衣房 -- 白天
Andy is working the line. Hadley enters and confers briefly with Bob. Bob nods, crosses to Andy, taps him. Andy turns, removes an earplug. Bob shouts over the machine noise: 安迪在工作线上干活,哈德利走进来,简短的与鲍伯谈了一下。鲍伯点点头,走到安迪跟前,拍拍安迪。安迪转过身把耳塞拔掉。鲍伯大声说话以盖住机器的噪音:
BOB ::鲍伯
88 INT -- WARDEN NORTON‘S OFFICE -- DAY (1949) 88 内景 – 诺顿的办公室 – 白天
Andy is led in. Norton is at his desk doing paperwork. Andy‘s eyes go to a framed needle-point sampler on the wall behind him that reads: "HIS JUDGMENT COMETH AND THAT RIGHT SOON." 安迪被领进来,诺顿正在他的桌子上批文。安迪看到他身后的墙上挂着副花边外框的刺绣,上面绣着:’主的审判马上就会到来。’
My wife made that in church group. “我妻子在教会做的。”
ANDY ::安迪
It‘s very pretty, sir. “它很漂亮,先生。”
You like working in the laundry? “喜欢洗衣房的工作吗?”
ANDY ::安迪
No, sir. Not especially. “不,先生,不怎么喜欢。”
Perhaps we can find something more befitting a man of your education. “由于你的知识背景,也许我们能找到更适合你的工作。”
89 INT -- MAIN BUILDING -- STORAGE ROOMS -- DAY (1949) 内景 -- 主楼 -- 贮藏室
A series of bleak rooms stacked high with unused filing cabinets, desks, paint supplies, etc. Andy enters. He hears a FLUTTER OF WINGS. An adult crow lands on a filing cabinet and struts back and forth, checking him out. Andy smiles. 数间阴暗的屋子,未使用的文件柜、桌子、油漆等物品堆的高高的。安迪走了进来,他听到翅膀拍动的声音。一只大乌鸦落在文件柜上来回走着审视着他,安迪笑了。
ANDY ::安迪
Hey, Jake. Where‘s Brooks? “嗨,杰克,布鲁克斯在哪儿?”
Brooks Hatlen pokes his head out of the back room. 布鲁克斯. 哈特伦从后屋伸出头来。
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Andy! Thought I heard you out here! “安迪!我想我听到你来了!”
ANDY ::安迪
I‘ve been reassigned to you. “我被派到你这儿啦!”
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
I know, they told me. Ain‘t that a kick in the ass? Come on in, I‘ll give you the dime tour. “我知道,他们告诉我啦,是被踢过来的吧?进来,我带你转转。”
90 INT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1949) 90内景 – 监狱图书馆 – 白天
Brooks leads Andy into the bleakest back room of all. Rough plank shelves are lined with books. Brooks‘ private domain.布鲁克斯带着安迪走到最阴暗的那间里屋,粗糙的木板架上排着书,这是布鲁克斯的私人领地。
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Here she is, the Shawshank Prison Library. Along this side, we got the National Geographics. That
side, the Reader‘s Digest Condensed books. Bottom shelf there, some Louis L‘Amours and Erle Stanley Gardners. Every night I pile the cart and make my rounds. I write down the names on this clipboard here. Well, that‘s it. Easy, peasy, Japanesey. Any questions? “就是这儿了,肖申克监狱图书馆。这边,是国家地理。那边,是读者文摘精简本。书架底部有些路易斯.L阿摩尔和厄尔.斯坦利.加德纳的。每天晚上我都会把书装到小推车上,然后巡游。我把名字记到这个板子上,嗯,就这样。轻松、简单、Japanesey,还有问题吗?”
Andy pauses. Something about this doesn‘t make any sense.安迪停下来,他到这里来并没有什么意义。
ANDY ::安迪
Brooks? How long have you been librarian? “布鲁克斯,你在图书室多久了?”
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Since 1912. Yuh, over 37 years. “从1912年起,嗯,有37年多了。”
ANDY ::安迪
In all that time, have you ever had an assistant? “这么长的时间里,你有过助手吗?”
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Never needed one. Not much to it, is there? “从未需要过,这儿又不忙,对吧?”
ANDY ::安迪
So why now? Why me? “那为什么现在需要?为什么是我?”
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
I dunno. Be nice to have some comp‘ny down here for a change. “不知道,不过有个伙伴来改变一下,也挺好的。”
HADLEY (O.S.) ::哈德利
Dufresne! “杜方!”
Andy steps back into the outer rooms and finds Hadley with another GUARD, a huge fellow named DEKINS. 安迪走到外屋,看到哈德利和另外一个守卫,一个高大魁梧的家伙,叫戴肯。
HADLEY ::哈德利
That‘s him. That‘s the one. “就是他,他就是那个人。”
Hadley exits. Dekins approaches Andy ominously. Andy stands his ground, waiting for whatever comes next. Finally: 哈德利出去了,戴肯不祥地接近安迪。安迪站在地上,等着,不知最终会发生什么。
请教:peasy, Japanesey. What the two words mean?
I‘m Dekins. I been, uh, thinkin‘ ‘bout maybe settin‘ up some kinda trust fund for my kids‘ educations. “我是戴肯,我一直在考虑,也许我应该给我的孩子受教办个信任基金。”
Andy covers his surprise. Glances at Brooks. Brooks smiles. 安迪掩饰住他的惊诧,看了布鲁克斯一眼,布鲁克斯微笑着。
ANDY ::安迪
I see. Well. Why don‘t we have a seat and talk it over? “我明白了,嗯,我们为什么不坐下来谈呢?”
BROOKS Pull down one‘a them desks there. Andy and Dekins grab a desk standing on end and tilt it to the floor. They find chairs and settle in. Brooks returns with a tablet of paper and a pen, slides them before Andy. 布鲁克斯提醒他们那有桌子,安迪和戴肯从最一头弄过来一张,放在地上,并找来椅子,坐了下来。布鲁克斯拿过来笔和纸。
ANDY ::安迪
What did you have in mind? A weekly draw on your pay? “你有什么想法?每到领周薪的时候交一次么?”
Yuh. I figured just stick it in the bank, but Captain Hadley said check with you first. “是的。我想让银行来打理,但哈德利队长说先找你咨询一下。”
ANDY ::安迪
He was right. You don‘t want your money in a bank. “他说的对,你可不想把钱交给银行里。”
I don‘t? “我不想?”
ANDY ::安迪
What‘s that gonna earn you? Two and a half, three percent a year? We can do a lot better than that.
(wets his pen) So tell me, Mr. Dekins. Where do you want to send your kids? Harvard? Yale? “那会用你很多钱的!二倍半,一年百分之三!我们有更好的办法。(把笔蘸上墨水)戴肯先生,你想把孩子送到哪儿?哈佛?耶鲁?”
92 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1949) 92内景 – 食堂 – 白天
FLOYD ::弗洛伊德
He didn‘t say that! “他不会那么说的!”
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
God is my witness. And Dekins, he just blinks for a second, then laughs his ass off. Afterward, he
actually shook Andy‘s hand. “上帝作证。戴肯眨眨眼睛,然后傻笑起来。后来,他实际上还与安迪握手了呢!”
My ass! “我的天!”
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Shook his fuckin‘ hand. Just about shit myself. All Andy needed was a suit and tie, a jiggly little hula girl on his desk, he would‘a been Mister Dufresne, if you please. “他摇着他的手,我都差点尿了。只要在配上一套衣服和领带,一个迷人的夏威夷灰姑娘,你们看,安迪就是杜方先生啦!劳驾。”
RED ::瑞德
Makin‘ yourself some friends, Andy. “你开始交朋友了,安迪?”
ANDY ::安迪
I wouldn‘t say "friends." I‘m a convicted murderer who provides sound financial planning. That‘s a
wonderful pet to have. “我可不会说那是’朋友’。我是一个犯了罪的杀人犯,可以提供不错的经济策划,极好的宠物而已。”
RED ::瑞德
Got you out of the laundry, didn‘t it? “你不用再去洗衣服了,对吧?”
ANDY ::安迪
Maybe it can do more than that. (off their looks) How about expanding the library? Get some new books in there. “也许还能多做点事情。(看看他们的表情)把图书馆扩大怎么样?多弄些书来。”
How you ‘spect to do that, "Mr. Dufresne-if-you-please?" “怎么会那么想?’杜方先生,劳驾。’”
ANDY ::安迪
Ask the warden for funds. “我要找狱长要资金。”
LAUGHTER all around. Andy blinks at them. 大家大笑起来,安迪吃惊的看着他们。
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Son, I‘ve had six wardens through here during my tenure, and I have learned one great immutable truth of the universe: ain‘t one of ‘em been born whose asshole don‘t pucker up tight as a snare drum when you ask for funds. “孩子,在这儿我已经经历过6个狱长啦!这样,我知道了一个百颠不破的宇宙真理:当你要钱的时候,没有一个不会把他们的屁眼绷的像小军鼓一样紧的。”
93 INT -- MAIN BUILDING HALLWAY -- DAY (1949) 93::外景--主楼走廊—白天
DOLLYING Norton and Andy up the hall: 镜头由上移到诺顿和安迪的的身上。
Not a dime. My budget‘s stretched thin as it is. “一毛钱也没有。我的预算太紧。”
ANDY ::安迪
I see. Perhaps I could write to the State Senate and request funds directly from them. “我想。也许我可以致信给州参议院,直接从他们那儿请求这笔资金。”
Far as them Republican boys in Augusta are concerned, there‘s only three ways to spend the taxpayer‘s hard-earned when it come to prisons. More walls. More bars. More guards. “那帮奥古斯塔(缅因州首府)的共和党人才不会关心呢!监狱想得到纳税人的辛苦钱只有三种理由,更高的墙、更多的栅栏、更多的卫兵。”
ANDY ::安迪
Still, I‘d like to try, with your permission. I‘ll send a letter a week. They can‘t ignore me forever. “可我仍想试试,您允许的话。我一星期一封信,他们不会永远不理我的。”
They sure can, but you write your letters if it makes you happy. I‘ll even mail ‘em for you, how‘s that? “他们当然会。但你要觉得好的话,就写你的信好了。甚至我可以帮你寄信,怎么样?”
94 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1949) 94内景—安迪的牢房—夜晚
Andy is on his bunk, writing a letter. 安迪在他的铺上写信。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
So Andy started writing a letter a week, just like he said. “安迪开始一星期一封信,正如他说的那样。”
Andy pops his head in. The GUARD shakes his head. 安迪探头进去,守卫摇摇头。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
And just like Norton said, Andy got no answers. But still he kept on. “正如诺顿所言,安迪没有得到回应,但他继续。”
PRISON LIBRARY/ANDY‘S OFFICE -- DAY (1950)内景--监狱图书馆/安迪的办公室—白天
Andy is doing taxes. Mert Entwhistle is seated across from him. Other off-duty guards are waiting their turn. 安迪在做纳税的账目,莫特做在他的面前,其它不当班的守卫都在等着。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
The following April, Andy did tax returns for half the guards at Shawshank. “第二个五月,安迪为肖申克监狱的一半守卫都做了税目。”
97 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- ONE YEAR LATER (1951) 97内景—图书馆—一年后
Tax time again. Even more guards are waiting. “纳税时间到了,更多的守卫等着。”
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Year after that, he did them all... including the warden‘s. “一年后,所有人的账他都做了,包括典狱长。”
98 EXT -- BASEBALL DIAMOND -- DAY (1952) 98外景—棒球唱白天
A BATTER in a "Noresby Marauders" baseball uniform WHACKS the ball high into left field and races for first. 一个穿着印有’摩斯拜掠夺者’棒球服的击球手猛得将球击向左边的场地并开始首跑。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Year after that, they rescheduled the start of the intramural season to coincide with tax season... “一年后,他们重新制订内部赛季的开始,以与税期相符。”
PRISON LIBRARY/ANDY‘S OFFICE -- DAY (1952) 99内景—图书馆/安迪办公室—白天
The Batter sits across from Andy. The line winds out the door.那个击球手坐在安迪面前,队伍一直排到门外。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
The guards on the opposing teams all remembered to bring their W-2‘s. “另一方的卫兵们都记着带税单。”
ANDY ::安迪
Moresby Prison issued you that gun, but you actually had to pay for it? “摩斯拜监狱给你配的枪,但实际上你为此纳税?”
Damn right, and the holster too. “可不是嘛!枪套也是。”
ANDY ::安迪
See, that‘s all deductible. You get to write that off. “你看,这都是可以免税的,你把这个注销。”
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Yes sir, Andy was a regular H&R Block. In fact, he got so busy at tax time, he was allowed a staff. “是的,安迪就如同H&R Block(税收公司)。实际上,他是如此之忙,在税期的时候都可以要助手的。”
ANGLE SHIFTS to reveal Red and Brooks doing filing chores. 镜头转向瑞德和布鲁克斯在做些整理文档的杂活。
ANDY ::安迪
Say Red, could you hand me a stack of those 1040s? “喂,瑞德,给我拿叠1040s(税单种类)的表格来。”
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Got me out of the wood shop a month out of the year, and that was fine by me. “我可以从木材厂出来一个月,这对我来说好极了。”
Andy enters and drops a letter on the outgoing stack. 安迪进去在要发出的信堆上放下一封信。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
And still he kept sending those letters... “安迪仍然继续寄信。”
101 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1953) 101内景—安迪的牢房—夜晚
Dark. Andy‘s in his bunk, polishing a four-inch length of quartz. It‘s a beautifully-crafted chess piece in the shape of a horse‘s head, poise and nobility captured in gleaming stone. He puts the knight on a chess board by his bed, adding it to four pieces already there: a king, a queen, and two bishops. He turns to Rita. Moonlight casts bars across her face. 黑夜,安迪在他铺上打磨一块四英寸长的石英。一枚手工很好的马头形状的棋子,夜光石制成,宁静而高贵。他把骑士放到床边的棋盘上,那儿已经有四枚棋子了:王、后和两个象。他转身对着瑞塔,月光把栅影映在他的脸上。
102 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- DAY (1954) 102外景—操唱白天
Floyd runs into the yard, scared and winded. He finds Andy and Red on the bleachers. 费洛伊德跑进操场,叫喊着挥着手臂,他在看台上发现了安迪和瑞德。
FLOYD ::费洛伊德
Red? Andy? It‘s Brooks. “瑞德!安迪!布鲁克斯出事啦!”
Floyd rushes in with Andy and Red at his heels. They find Jigger and Snooze trying to calm Brooks, who has Heywood in a chokehold and a knife to his throat. Heywood is terrified. 弗洛伊德跑进来,安迪和瑞德紧跟着。他们看到齐格与斯诺正在劝布鲁克斯冷静,他一个胳膊夹着海沃德的脖子,一只手拿着刀子对着海沃德的颈部。海沃德有些吓坏了。
C‘mon, Brooksie, why don‘t you just calm the fuck down, okay? “别这样,布鲁克斯,你为什么不他妈的冷静些呢?行嘛?”
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Goddamn miserable puke-eatin‘ sons of whores! “去他妈的混账王八蛋狗娘养的!”
He kicks a table over. Tax files explode through the air. 他踢翻了一张桌子,桌子上的文件散得到处都是。
RED ::瑞德
What the hell‘s going on? “到底是怎么回事?”
You tell me, man. One second he was fine, then out came the knife. I better get the guards. “我怎么知道?伙计!刚才还好好的呢,一会就拿上刀子了,我还是去找守卫吧。”
RED ::瑞德
No. We‘ll handle this. Ain‘t that right, Brooks? Just settle down and we‘ll talk about it, okay? “不,我们自己来处理。有什么不对吗?布鲁克斯?坐下来说说,好吗?”
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Nothing left to talk about! It‘s all talked out! Nothing left now but to cut his fuckin‘ throat! “没什么好说的!该说的都说了!只剩下割开这个混蛋的脖子啦!”
RED ::瑞德
Why? What‘s Heywood done to you? “为什么?海沃德怎么你啦?”
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
That‘s what they want! It‘s the price I gotta pay! “那就是他们想要的,那就是我必须付出的代价!”
Andy steps forward, rivets Brooks with a gaze. Softly: 安迪走向前,柔和地盯着布鲁克斯。
ANDY ::安迪
Brooks, you‘re not going to hurt Heywood, we all know that. Even Heywood knows it, right Heywood? “布鲁克斯,你不会伤害海沃德的,我们都知道,即使是海沃德本人,对吗,海沃德?”
(nods, terrified) (点点头,吓坏了)Sure. I know that. Sure. “当然,我当然知道。”
ANDY ::安迪
Why? Ask anyone, they‘ll tell you. Brooks Hatlen is a reasonable man. “怎么回事?问谁谁都会说布鲁克斯.哈特兰是一个通情理的人。”
RED ::瑞德
(cuing nods all around) Yeah, that‘s right. That‘s what everybody says. (来来回地点头)“是呀,是这样,人人都这么说的。”
ANDY ::安迪
You‘re not fooling anybody, so just put the damn knife down and stop scaring the shit out of people. “你并不是在骗人,所以你应该把刀子放下,别再吓唬人啦!”
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
But it‘s the only way they‘ll let me stay. “但是,这是我唯一能留下来的办法。”
Brooks bursts into tears. The storm is over. Heywood staggers free, gasping for air. Andy takes the knife, passes it to Red. Brooks dissolves into Andy‘s arms with great heaving sobs. 布鲁克斯突然哭了起来。没事了,海沃德被放开,蹒跚着、大口地喘着气。安迪拿过刀子,递给瑞德,布鲁克斯倒在安迪的怀里痛哭起来。
ANDY ::安迪
Take it easy. You‘ll be all right. “放松些,没事了。”
Him? What about me? Crazy old fool! Goddamn near slit my throat! “他没事啦?那我呢!老疯子!差点割开我的喉咙!”
RED ::瑞德
You‘ve had worse from shaving. What‘d you do to set him off? “刮胡子都比你那儿伤的厉害。你怎么惹着他了?”
Nothin‘! Just came in to say fare-thee-well. (off their looks) Ain‘t you heard? His parole came
through! “没有!只是来跟他告别。(看着他们的表情)你们没听说吗?他的假释批准了。”
Red and Andy exchange a surprised look. Andy wants to understand. Red just motions to let it be for now. He puts his arm around Brooks, who sobs inconsolably. Softly: 瑞德与安迪惊奇地相互看了一眼,安迪想知道为什么。瑞德则轻轻搂住痛哭中的布鲁克斯:
RED ::瑞德
Ain‘t that bad, old hoss. Won‘t be long till you‘re squiring pretty young girls on your arm and telling ‘em lies. “没那么坏,老伙计。很快你就能挎着小妞对着她们说甜言蜜语啦。”
104 EXT -- PRISON YARD BLEACHERS -- DUSK (1954) 104 外景—操场看台—傍晚
ANDY ::安迪
I just don‘t understand what happened in there, that‘s all. “我真不明白是怎么回事,真不明白。”
Old man‘s crazy as a rat in a tin shithouse, is what. “那老头疯得像屎罐子里的老鼠,就这么回事。”
RED ::瑞德
Heywood, enough. Ain‘t nothing wrong with Brooksie. He‘s just institutionalized, that‘s all. “海沃德,够了。布鲁克斯没什么事,他只是被制度化了,就这样。”
Institutionalized, my ass. “制度化,去它的吧。”
RED ::瑞德
Man‘s been here fifty years. This place is all he knows. In here, he‘s an important man, an educated
man. A librarian. Out there, he‘s nothing but a used-up old con with arthritis in both hands. Couldn‘t even get a library card if he applied. You see what I‘m saying? “他已经在这儿55年了,他只知道这个地方。在这里,他是一个重要的人,一个受过教育的人,图书管理员。可在外面,他只是个双手患着关节炎的老囚徒!甚至都申请不到一张借书证,你知道我的意思么?”
FLOYD ::弗洛伊德
Red, I do believe you‘re talking out of your ass. “瑞德,我的确认为你说的是屁话。”
RED ::瑞德
Believe what you want. These walls are funny. First you hate ‘em, then you get used to ‘em. After long enough, you get so you depend on ‘em. That‘s "institutionalized." “你愿意怎么认为就怎么认为。这些高墙很有趣的,一开始你恨它,然后你逐渐习惯,等时间足够长的时候,你就该依靠它了。这就是’制度化’。”
Shit. I could never get that way. “妈的,我绝不会那样的。”
ERNIE ::厄尼
(softly) (轻轻地)Say that when you been inside as long as Brooks has. “等你呆到布鲁克斯那么长的时候再说这话吧。”
RED ::瑞德
Goddamn right. They send you here for life, and that‘s just what they take. Part that counts, anyway. “没错!他们把你送到这儿生活,于是他们就拿走了生活,至少是一部分。”
“Red just motions to let it be for now.”what this mean?
“Red just motions to let it be for now.”what this mean?
----- motion : give a hint, hint, signal,
it : the situation, the reason why Brooks ..
let it be : let it go naturally
for now : at the very moment
Red gives a hint to Andy that they should keep it ( the reason why Brooks wants to kill Heywood) there, let it go at that moment, you know , later , they two (Red and Andy ) talk about it.
By the way, many Translation Service can not do the translation of " peasy", "Japanesey".
But i think they have the same meanings as the word
if you search the words "peasy", "Japanesey" with the "google", it will show you much infromation about it.
i like this film.
hard work!
thank you very much !
And could you explain the other questions about“请教”?
if you are busy, let it be.
105 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- DAWN (1954) 105外景—肖申克监狱—黎明
The sun rises over gray stone. 太阳从灰色的岩石上升起。
106 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- DAWN (1954) 106内景—安迪的牢房—黎明
ANGLE ON RITA POSTER. Sexy as ever. The rising sun sends fingers of rosy light creeping across her face. [镜头冲着丽塔的海报]玫瑰色的曙光轻轻爬过她的脸庞,性感超常。
107 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAWN (1954) 107内景—图书馆—黎明
Brooks stands on a chair, poised at the bars of a window, cradling Jake in his hands. 布鲁克斯站在一把椅子上,在窗口的栅栏前踌躇,手里搂着杰克。
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
I can‘t take care of you no more. You go on now. You‘re free. “我不能再照顾你啦,走吧,你自由了。”
He tosses Jake through the bars. The crow flaps away. 他把杰克往栏外一扔,它拍着翅膀飞走了。
EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- MAIN GATE -- DAY (1954) 外景—肖申克监狱大门—白天
TWO SHORT SIREN BLASTS herald the opening of the gate. It swings hugely open, revealing Brooks standing in his cheap suit, carrying a cheap bag, wearing a cheap hat. Brooks walks out, tears streaming down his face. He looks back. Red, Andy, and others stand at the inner fence, seeing him off. The massive gate closes, wiping them from view. 随着两声急促的警报,大门打开,它剧烈地摇晃着,显现出站在那儿的布鲁克斯,他穿着廉价的西服,拿着廉价的皮包,戴着廉价的帽子。布鲁克斯走出大门,眼泪从脸上滑落。他向后望去,瑞德、安迪等人站在围栏内目送着他。大门沉重的关上,他们从视线中消失。
109 INT -- BUS -- DAY (1954) 109内景—公车—白天
Brooks is riding the bus, clutching the seat before him, gripped by terror of speed and motion. 布鲁克斯乘着公车,他抓住前面的座位,由于害怕汽车的速度而抓得很紧。
BROOKS (V.O.) 布鲁克斯(画外音)
Dear Fellas. I can‘t believe how fast things move on the outside. “亲爱的伙计们,我无法相信外面的东西怎么跑的这么快!”
EXT -- STREET -- PORTLAND, MAINE -- DAY (1954) 外景—缅因州波特兰大街—白天
Brooks looks like a kid trying to cross the street without his parents. People and traffic a blur. 布鲁克斯就像个没有父母领着的孩子在过马路,忙暇不及街上的行人和车辆。
BROOKS (V.O.) ::布鲁克斯
I saw an automobile once when I was young. Now they‘re everywhere. “小时,我只见过一次汽车。但现在,它们到处都是。”
111 EXT -- BREWSTER HOTEL -- DAY (1954) 111外景—布鲁斯特旅馆—白天
Brooks comes trudging up the sidewalk. He glances up as a prop-driven airliner streaks in low overhead. 布鲁克斯吃力的走在人行道上,一架飞机在低空急驶而过,他慌张的瞥了一眼。
BROOKS (V.O.) ::布鲁克斯(画外音)
The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry. “整个世界都在拼了命的匆忙。”
He arrives at the Brewster. It ain‘t much to look at. 他到了布鲁斯特旅馆,看起来不怎么样。
112 INT -- BREWSTER HOTEL -- DAY (1954) 112内景—布鲁斯特旅馆—白天
A WOMAN leads Brooks up the stairs toward the top floor. He has trouble climbing so many stairs. 一个女人带着布鲁克斯上到顶楼,这么多的台阶,他上起来十分费力。
WOMAN ::女人
No music in your room after eight p.m. No guests after nine. No cooking except on the hotplate... “晚上八点后不要放音乐,九点后不许有客人拜访,不能再烤盘以外的地方做饭。”
BROOKS (V.O.) ::布鲁克斯(画外音)
People even talk faster. And louder. “甚至连人们说话的速度都很快,声音也更大。”
113 INT -- BROOKS‘ ROOM -- DAY (1954) 113内景—布鲁克斯的房间—白天
Brooks enters. The room is small, old, dingy. Heavy wooden beams cross the ceiling. An arched window affords a view of Congress Street. Traffic noise drifts in. Brooks sets his bag down. He doesn‘t quite know what to do. He just stands there, like a man waiting for a bus. 布鲁克斯走进来,房间很小,即破旧又肮脏。粗大的房梁横在天花板,透过一扇拱形的窗户,可以看到议会大街,街上的的喧哗声涌进来,布鲁克斯把包放下,不知道该做些什么。他站在那儿,就像在等公共汽车。
BROOKS (V.O.) ::布鲁克斯(画外音)
The parole board got me into this halfway house called the Brewster, and a job bagging groceries at the Foodway... 假释官们把我放到这座叫布鲁斯特的临时住所,还有一份在福德威超市装食品袋的工作。
114 INT -- FOODWAY MARKET -- DAY (1954) 114内景—福德威超市—白天
Loud. Jangling with PEOPLE and NOISE. Brooks is bagging groceries. Registers are humming, kids are shrieking. 在纷乱的喧哗声下,布鲁克斯正在装食品袋,计价器嗡嗡的响着,孩子们大声的叫着。
WOMAN ::女人
Make sure he double-bags. Last time your man didn‘t double-bag and the bottom near came out. “一定要用两个袋子,上次你们就用了一个,底儿差点就破了。”
You double-bag like the lady says, understand? “依照那位女士说的用双袋,明白了吗?”
BROOKS ::布鲁克斯
Yes sir, double-bag, surely will. “是的,先生。双袋,当然。”
BROOKS (V.O.) ::布鲁克斯(画外音)
It‘s hard work. I try to keep up, but my hands hurt most of the time. I don‘t think the store manager
likes me very much. “这是份困难的工作,我努力坚持,可我的手老是在疼。我想那经理并不喜欢我。”
115 EXT -- PARK -- DAY (1954) 115外景—公园—白天
Brooks sits alone on a bench, feeding pigeons. 布鲁克斯独自坐长椅上,喂鸽子。
BROOKS (V.O.) ::布鲁克斯(画外音)
Sometimes after work I go to the park and feed the birds. I keep thinking Jake might show up and say hello, but he never does. I hope wherever he is, he‘s doing okay and making new friends. “有时,下班后我会去公园喂鸟,我想像着杰克能飞过来说哈喽,但它从未来过。我希望无论他在哪儿都很好,还交上了新的朋友。”
116 INT -- BROOKS‘ ROOM -- NIGHT (1954) 116内景—布鲁克斯的房间—夜晚
Dark. Traffic outside. Brooks wakes up. Disoriented. Afraid. Somewhere in the night, a LOUD ARGUMENT is taking place. 黑暗。外面是行人车辆。布鲁克斯醒来,迷惑又害怕。深夜的某处,有人在大声争吵。
BROOKS (V.O.)::布鲁克斯(画外音)
I have trouble sleeping at night. The bed is too big. I have bad dreams, like I‘m falling. I wake up scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am. “晚上我老是睡不着,床是那么大。我常做恶梦,梦到自己往下掉,然后吓醒。时常得花上一会功夫才记起我是谁。”
117 INT -- FOODWAY -- DAY (1954) 117内景—福德威—白天
BROOKS (V.O.) ::布鲁克斯(画外音)
Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway, so they‘d send me home. I could shoot the manager while I was at it, sort of like a bonus. “也许我该弄把枪把福德威劫了,这样他们就能送我回家了。那时,我要枪击经理,这是附带的好处。”
118 INT -- BROOKS‘ ROOM -- DAY (1954) 118内景—布鲁克斯的房间—白天
Brooks is packing his worldly possessions into the carry bag. Undershirts, socks, etc. 布鲁克斯正在把他所有的家当塞进包里,内衣、袜子等等。
BROOKS (V.O.) ::布鲁克斯(画外音)
But I guess I‘m too old for that sort of nonsense anymore. “但我想我已经老的不能再那样胡闹了。”
119 INT -- BROOKS‘ ROOM -- SHORTLY LATER (1954) 内景—布鲁克斯的房间—不一会儿
Brooks is dressed in his suit. He finishes knotting his tie, puts his hat on his head. The letter lies on the desk, stampe3 and ready for mailing. His bag is by the door. “布鲁克斯穿上了西装,打好了领带,戴上帽子。桌子上放着封信,贴着邮票准备寄出,他的包放在门口。”
BROOKS (V.O.) ::布鲁克斯(画外音)
I don‘t like it here. I‘m tired of being afraid all the time. I‘ve decided not to stay. “我不喜欢这儿,老是害怕,让我感到很累,我决定离开。”
He takes one last look around. Only one thing left to do. He steps to a wooden chair in the center of the room, pulls out s pocketknife, and glances up at the ceiling beam. 他最后看了一眼周围,只剩下一件事情要做了。
He steps up onto the chair. It wobbles queasily. Now facing the beam, he carves a message into the wood: "Brooks Hatlen was here." He smiles with a sort of inner peace. 他站到椅子上,椅子来回摇晃着。对着横梁,他刻下了一行字:“布鲁克斯.哈特兰到此。”他微微的笑了起来。
BROOKS (V.O.) ::布鲁克斯(画外音)
I doubt they‘ll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me. “我怀疑会引起他们的慌张,像我这样的家伙,他们是不会的。”
I am so sorry, you know, some questions i do not know ,either, others you and the guys have talked about, so i would like to deal with anothers in the future if possible.
what is more, i read your other parts in this webpage, and one of them , the advertisement translation , i like, i mean i have the same hobby, so see the reply.
hehe, got it.
120 TIGHT ON CHAIR 120椅子
His weight shifts on the wobbly chair -- and it goes out from under him. His feet remain where they are, kicking feebly in mid-air. His hat falls to the floor. 他用身体的重量推动摇晃的椅子—椅子被推开。脚还留在原地,无力的在半空中蹬着,帽子坠落到地板上。
ANGLE WIDENS. Brooks has hanged himself. He swings gently, facing the open window. Traffic noise floats up from below. [镜头变宽]布鲁克斯上吊了。身体轻轻的晃着,面朝着窗户,街上的嘈杂声从下面浮了上来。
121 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- SHAWSHANK -- DAY (1954) 121外景—操唱白天
Andy reads the letter to Red and the others: 安迪给瑞德和大家读着信:
ANDY ::安迪
P.S. Tell Heywood I‘m sorry I put a knife to his throat. No hard feelings. “另外,告诉海沃德,我很抱歉把刀架在他的脖子上,我无意伤害他的。”
A long silence. Andy folds the letter, puts it away. Softly: 长长的寂静,安迪把信折起,轻轻地放好。
RED ::瑞德
He should‘a died in here, goddamn it. “他一定死在那儿了,见鬼!”
122 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1954) 122内景—图书馆—白天
Andy is sorting books on the cart. He replaces a stack on the shelf -- and pauses, noticing a line of ants crawling up the wood. He glances up. The ants disappear over the top. He pulls a chair over and stands on it, peers cautiously over. 安迪在整理推车上的书,他在更换书架上的一摞书—他停了下来,注意到一行蚂蚁正在木头上往上爬。他抬起头看,蚂蚁消失在顶端。他拉过来把椅子站到上面,仔细地观察。
ANDY ::安迪
Red! “瑞德”
Red steps in with an armload of files. Andy gingerly reaches in, grabs a black feathered wing, and pulls out a dead crow.瑞德胳膊夹着文件走了进来,安迪小心的走近,抓着一只黑色的羽翅,他拖出一只死乌鸦。
RED (softly) ::瑞德(轻轻地)
Is that Jake? “是杰克吗?”
123 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1954) 123内景—木材厂—白天
Red is making something at his bench, sanding and planing. 瑞德在他的长凳上做东西,边打磨边设计。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
It never would have occurred to us, if not for Andy. It was his idea. We all agreed it was the right
thing to do... “如果安迪没有想到,我们永远也想不到。这是他的主意。我们都认为这样做是对的。”
124 EXT -- FIELDS -- DAY (1954) 124外景—田地—白天
Low hilly terrain all around. A HUNDRED CONS are at work in the fields. GUARDS patrol with carbines, keeping a sharp eye. We find Andy, Red, and the boys working with picks and shovels. They glance over to the pickup truck. Hadley‘s chewing the fat with Mert and Youngblood. A WHISTLE BLOWS. 到处都是丘岭,一百多个犯人正在田地上工作。守卫们拿着卡宾枪巡逻,严密的监视着干活的犯人。安迪、瑞德他们拿着镐和锨在干活,他们不时瞥一眼停在那儿的卡车。哈德利和摩特与杨伯拉德则在一起嚼舌头,哨声响起。
GUARD ::守卫
Water break! Five minutes! “喝水时间!五分钟!”
The work stops. Cons head for the pickup truck, where water is dispensed with dipper and pail. Red and the boys look to Andy. Andy nods. Now‘s the time. The group moves off through the confusion, using it as cover. They head up the slope of a nearby hill and quickly decide on a suitable spot. The guards haven‘t noticed. 犯人们停止干活,走向卡车,水在那儿用长勺和桶分发。瑞德他们看看安迪,安迪点点头。是时候了!他们利用混乱,穿过人群。他们走到附近的一个山丘的斜坡,找到一块合适的地方,守卫们并没注意到。
Jigger and Floyd start swinging picks into the soft earth, quickly ripping out a hole. Red reaches into his jacket and pulls out a beautiful wooden box, carefully stained and varnished. He shows it around to nods of approval. 齐格和弗洛伊德开始挥镐锄土,迅速的挖出一个洞来。瑞德从夹克里取出一个漂亮的木盒,被用心的上了色和涂了漆。他让大家看看,大家点头称赞。
ANDY ::安迪
That‘s real pretty, Red. Nice work. “真漂亮!瑞德,干得好!”
Shovel man in. Watch the dirt. “铁锨人来啦,看我的吧。”
Heywood jumps in and starts spading out the hole. 海沃德跳进去开始住洞外铲土。
125 BY THE TRUCK 125卡车旁
Youngblood glances up and sees the men on the slope. 杨伯拉德抬起头看到斜坡上的人们。
What the fuck. “怎么搞的?”
HADLEY (follows his gaze)::哈德利(随着他的眼光望去)
(works his rifle bolt) (他拉上枪栓)
Suddenly, other cons start breaking away in groups, dozens of them heading toward the slope. The guards look around. 突然,其他的犯人们分散开来,有十几个人向斜坡走去,守卫们四处张望。
HADLEY ::哈德利
What am I, talkin‘ to myself? “我在跟自己说话吗?”
126 ON THE SLOPE 126斜坡上
Andy pulls a towel-wrapped bundle from his jacket and unfolds it. Jake. Andy lays him in the box, followed by Brook‘s letter. Red places the casket in the hole. A moment of silence. Andy gives Red with an encouraging nod. 安迪从夹克里取出一个用毛巾裹着的包,打开。是杰克。安迪把它放到盒子里,随后是布鲁克斯的信。接着,安迪把匣子放进洞里。沉寂了一会儿,安迪点头鼓励瑞德。
RED ::瑞德
Lord. Brooks was a sinner. Jake was just a crow. Neither was much to look at. Both got institutionalized. See what you can do for ‘em. Amen. “主啊,布鲁克斯是个罪人,杰克只是个乌鸦。他们都无足轻重,同被制度所化。看看您能为他们做点什么吧,阿门。”
Muttered "amens" all around. The boys shovel dirt onto the small grave and tamp it down. 周围一片“阿门”的声音。人们把土填到这个小墓穴中,夯实。
127 INT -- SHAWSHANK CORRIDORS -- DAY (1955) 127内景—肖申克监狱走廊—白天
RAPID DOLLY with Hadley. He‘s striding, pissed-off, a man on emission. He straight-arms a door and emerges onto – 镜头跟着哈德利快速的移动。他大步走着,极其愤怒,一个要眼看要爆发的人。他伸手推开门走出来。
128 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON WALL -- DAY (1955) 128 外景—监狱高墙—白天
-- the wall overlooking the exercise yard. He leans on the railing, scans the yard, sees Andy chatting with Red. 高墙俯瞰着操常哈德利靠着扶栏,扫视,看见安迪在跟瑞德聊天。
HADLEY ::哈德利
Dufresne! What the fuck did you do? “杜方!你他妈的做什么啦?”
(Andy looks up) (安迪抬头看)
Your ass, warden‘s office, now! “你个混帐,典狱长办公室,快点!”
The plot of Brooks suicide is still very impressive to me now, though i saw the moive long time ago.First. I advise you to wtach the moive, the very plot, or the details about Brooks suicide again , and pay much more attention to it, i think it is helpful, so maybe you can find out it (the question) by your selft.
But i have my own humble opinions about your ask.
Brooks was desperate very much about the life and himself or the environment or something like that at that moment, because he had been used to the life in the jail,so in a word . He wanted to die, very much, he have to , and eagerly, maybe we shall say it.Let‘s go back the question:
1.He has stood on the chair steadily.
2.He just wanted to make the chair steady after finishing the carving on the beam, maybe the chair was wobble when he carved.
3.He tried to make sure the chair steady with his feet(please check the details by watching the moive again , if you like or possible, whether there is the picture of the moment Brooks pressed the chair with his feet).
4.He has been on the chair, as well as his whole body, and his mind, his thought, and his life, and his hope, his willingness,his eagerness....he just was like a statue at that moment, what was coming would make his dream come true, what we waited was his hands holding the rope and putting around his neck, he was calm there.(but i think the "TIGHT ON CHAIR" just emphasizes on the behavior ,not the emotion, or the things inside, how do you think about it ?)
5.He succeeded in making the chair steady before or when he put the rope round his neck .
6. The chair was steady under his feet before or when he put the rope round his neck .
ha, there are so many guesses above,but there are some others in my mind by the imagination,maybe it is not so complex as i thought. so i am meddlesome here.
Well done!
I was attracted by the title of your work to see the movie yet it‘s now that i have a cloze look at your translation.
I am so fond of it! Would u please send me a copy? It will be of great help as i am now trying to put the short story"The Cop and the Anthem"by O Henry in drama.
E-mail: bettershan@163.com
Thanks a lot!
to Jura27:
you are so earnest!
i like your character when you studying or reading something you like.
well, but i still don‘t konw what the "tight on chair" should be transleted. may be it can be expressed like this "踮着脚站在椅子上"。
PS:you are not meddlesome. Not at all. :)
to bettershan:
thanks for your laudatory words. and what you want is the script? if that , i can surly send it to you. but if what you mean is my works, you can copy it here.
Andy shoots a worried look at Red, then heads off. 安迪有心担心的看了一眼瑞德,然后走了。
Dozens of parcel boxes litter the floor. WILEY, the duty guard, picks through them. Hadley enters, trailed by Andy.几十个包裹盒子散落在地板上,韦利,值班守卫,在挑捡信件。哈德进入,安迪跟着。
ANDY ::安迪
What is all this? “这些是什么?”
HADLEY ::哈德利
You tell me, fuck-stick! They‘re addressed to you, every damn one! “你告诉我,臭小子!都是寄给你的,全他妈的是!”
Wiley thrusts an envelope at Andy. Andy just stares at it.韦利塞给安迪一个信封,安迪只是盯着看。
WILEY ::韦利
Well, take it. “喂,拿着。”
Andy takes the envelope, pulls out a letter, reads: 安迪接过信封,抽出信,念道:
ANDY ::安迪
"Dear Mr. Dufresne. In response to your repeated inquiries, the State Senate has allocated the enclosed funds for your library project..." “亲爱的杜方先生,为了答复您重复的请求,州议院已经拔款(信内附支票)给您的图书馆方案。”
(stunned, examines check) (惊喜地看着支票)
This is two hundred dollars. 是两百美元。
Wiley grins. Hadley glares at him. The grin vanishes. 韦利咧嘴笑了起来,哈德利瞪他一眼,笑容消失。
ANDY ::安迪
"In addition, the Library District has generously responded with a charitable donation of used books and sundries. We trust this will fill your needs. We now consider the matter closed. Please stop sending us letters. Yours truly, the State Comptroller‘s Office." “另外,图书馆议院区还提供了大量的捐赠来的旧书和一些杂物。我们相信这能满足您的需要。现在这件事已经结束,请不要再寄信给我们。”
Andy gazes around at the boxes. The riches of the world lay at his feet. His eyes mist with emotion at the sight. 安迪打量着这些包裹,世上的财富躺在他的脚下。看这些书,他的眼睛有些湿润了。
HADLEY ::哈德利
I want all this cleared out before the warden gets back, I shit you not. “典狱长回来之前,所有的东西都得清理出去。”
Hadley exits. Andy touches the boxes like a love-struck man touching a beautiful woman. Wiley grins. 哈德利走了,安迪摸着那些盒子,就像热恋中的男人在抚摸他漂亮的女人。韦利又笑了。
WILEY ::韦利
Good for you, Andy. “你真行,安迪!”
ANDY ::安迪
Only took six years. “只用了六年。”
(beat) (激动)
From now on, I send two letters a week instead of one. “从现在起,我每周不是一封而要寄二封了。”
WILEY ::韦利
(laughs, shakes his head) (大笑,摇摇头)
I believe you‘re crazy enough. You better get this stuff downstairs like the Captain said. I‘m gonna go pinch a loaf. When I get back, this is all gone, right? “我看你是疯够了,你最好听队长的话把这些东西弄到楼下去。我现在出去偷个闲,回来时,所有的都要收拾完,好吗?”
Andy nods. Wiley disappears into the toilet, Jughead Comix in hand. Alone now, Andy starts going through the boxes like a starving man exploring packages of food. He doesn‘t know where
to turn first. He gets giddy, ripping boxes open and pulling out books, touching them, smelling them. 安迪点头答应。韦利,手里拿着本色情漫画走进洗手间。安迪现在独自一人,他开始检查这些盒子,像是饥饿的人在浏览食品袋,不知道该先开哪一个。他手忙脚乱的撕开包裹取出书本,摸着,闻着。
He rips open another box. This one contains an old phonograph player, industrial gray and green, the words "Portland Public School District" stenciled on the side. The box also contains stacks and stacks of used record albums. 他撕开又一个包裹,里面有一台旧留声机,银绿相间,“波特兰公立校区”的字样印在一边,盒子里还有一叠叠的旧唱片。
Andy reverently slips a stack from the box and starts flipping through them. Used Nat King Coles, Bing Crosbys, etc. He comes across a certain album -- Mozart‘s "Le Nozze de Figaro." He pulls it from the stack, gazing upon it as a man transfixed. It is a thing of beauty. It is the Grail. 安迪虔诚地解开一叠唱片,开始逐张审视。.耐特.金、冰.克罗斯比等等。他看到了一张唱片—莫扎特的’费加洛婚礼’。他抽出来,看呆了。它真美丽,有如圣盘!
130 INT -- BATHROOM -- DAY (1955) 130内景—洗手间—白天
Wiley sits in one of the stalls, Jughead comic on his knees. 韦利坐在马桶上,膝盖上放着色情漫画。
131 INT -- GUARD STATION/OUTER OFFICE -- DAY 内景--播音室/外间办公室—白天
Andy wrestles the phonograph player onto the guards‘ desk, sweeping things onto the floor in his haste. He plugs the machine in. A red light warms up. The platter starts spinning. 安迪把唱机搬到桌子上,胡乱地把桌上的东西拔拉到地上。他插上插销,唱机上的红灯亮了起来,托盘开始旋转。
He slides the Mozart album from its sleeve, lays it on the platter, and lowers the tone arm to his favorite cut. The needle HISSES in the groove...and the MUSIC begins, lilting and gorgeous. Andy sinks into Wiley‘s chair, overcome by its beauty. It is "," a duet sung by Susanna and the Contessa. 他从封套中取出唱片,放在托盘上,把唱臂放到他最喜欢的一节上,唱针在唱片的凹槽上发出’嘶嘶’声,音乐响起,明快、宜人。安迪躺在韦利的椅子上,为音乐的美丽而沉醉。’Deutino: Che soave zeffiretto’苏珊娜和孔德萨的二重唱。
132 INT -- BATHROOM -- DAY (1955) 132内景—洗手间—白天
Wiley pauses reading, puzzled. He thinks he hears music. 韦利停止看书,疑惑地,他觉得听到了音乐声。
WILEY ::韦利
Andy? You hear that? “安迪,你听到了吗?”
Andy shoots a look at the bathroom...and smiles. Go for broke. He lunges to his feet and barricades the front door, then the bathroom. He returns to the desk and positions the P.A. microphone. He works up his courage, then flicks all the toggles to "on." A SQUEAL OF FEEDBACK echoes briefly... 安迪看看洗手间,笑了笑。他快速起身,想尽办法锁住前门,然后是洗手间的门。他返回桌子,摆好扩音器的麦克,鼓起勇气,把所有的开关打到“开”的位置,扩音器发出大声的回响。
134 INT/EXT -- VARIOUS P.A. SPEAKERS -- DAY (1955) 134内/外景—各个扬声器—白天
...and the Mozart is suddenly broadcast all over the prison. 于是莫扎特的音乐突然就遍布了监狱的各个角落。
135 INT -- BATHROOM -- DAY (1955) 135内景—洗手间—白天
Wiley lunges to his feet, pants tangling around his ankles. 韦利猛得站起来,裤子缠在脚踝处。
Cons all over the prison stop whatever they‘re doing, freezing in mid-step to listen, gazing up at the speakers. 整个监狱的犯人们全部停下来,愣在那儿听着,看着扬声器。
137 The stamping machines in the plate shop are shut down... 137
138 The laundry line goes silent, grinding to a halt... 138
139 The wood shop machines are turned off, buzzing to a stop... 139
140 The motor pool...the kitchen...the loading dock...the exercise thru yard...the numbing routine of prison life itself...all grinds thru 140
143 to a stuttering halt. Nobody moves, nobody speaks. Everybody just stands in place, listening to the MUSIC, hypnotized. 143
请教:I shit you not.?
Hi, it took me a long time to read what you said in Tianya Tittle-tattle and the work (the translation)here you have done today ,i found your speed has been improved. Now, let me go back the two questions above:
--- may be it can be expressed like this "踮着脚站在椅子上"。
Actually,I don‘t agree with you.Two reasons:
a. Have you noticed these?
119 INT -- BROOKS‘ ROOM -- SHORTLY LATER (1954) 内景—布鲁克斯的房间—不一会儿
118 INT -- BROOKS‘ ROOM -- DAY (1954) 118内景—布鲁克斯的房间—白天
117 INT -- FOODWAY -- DAY (1954) 117内景—福德威—白天
116 INT -- BROOKS‘ ROOM -- NIGHT (1954) 116内景—布鲁克斯的房间—夜晚
115 EXT -- PARK -- DAY (1954) 115外景—公园—白天
you know what they are , right ? so i think the "TIGHT ON CHAIR" has the same function as the ones i copied just now. Maybe it is just the short introduction or the "aside", it tells us or shows us the lens foucus on the chair,then next ,after the background, something happens.We see Brooks‘ body in the mid-air.
if it is, i am so sorry that i misleaded you last time, but i really,at the two times(the day before yesterday and today) ,have the different understandings ,guesses , or the response, the instantaneous response from your " may be it can be expressed like this "踮着脚站在椅子上"。"
b.Brooks couldn‘t spend a long time "踮着脚站在椅子上"before he put the rope around his neck(he can reached the rope easily,because he even could reach the beam to carve),and after he put the rope around his neck(he wanted to die, he can shift the chair easily also).
so, a piece of advice, check the detail about the very plot, whether there is the picture of the "lens foucus on the chair". if not, you know what, something flashed in my mind, and i have another opinion about it, haha, if the"TIGHT ON CHAIR" doesn‘t have the same function as those copyies, maybe your translation of it is right, because we can image ,what Brooks was doing there, it would take him some time to put the rope through the beam, and make a tight knot,so we can see that he "踮着脚站在椅子".but anyhow, this explanation is closely related to the reason"a". Okay, stop here, hope you find out by any means at last.
(2) And the second question:
请教:I shit you not.?
you know what"shit" is, i am sure. Generally speaking, it is used as a noun,but here, i think, it is used as a verb, so we can understand it : i will shit you if you don‘t clear out.... We can see the rudeness of HADLEY......
To Jura27:
Thank you very much! Thanks for the carefully seriously earnest attitude of you!
And if possible, I could be a understanding friend to you, couldn’t I?
I have the different views in different times to the same things as you, espcially in doing works like this. So, we have the ilk cognition at this point. you need not say sorry about what you said you think is wrong, really. ^_^
Indeed, good translation just as writing. It needs to be recomposed many times over and over. Well, I’m just talking about good translation works, not this one here. I’m only a new writer just now.
Let us go back to the question. Well, I definitely think the ‘a’ of your explanation is right, no doubt. The ‘tight on chair’ means ‘lens focus on chair’. And it should be translated as ‘镜头紧盯着椅子’.
I’v seen the part of the film at this moment. But, the script has many a little dissimilarities in every part of the movie. That’s the reason I made up my mind to drop it aside after I translated it for a few weeks. And the film on this scene is ‘Brooks steps up the chair then steps up the table. He stand on the table finished his carving and also his hanging’.
I really feel unhappy when I’m watching the scene once more. It did when I seen it at first. And it did when I translated it. And it did this time. So classic is the classic, feeling forever!
As to ‘I shit you not’, you are right. So I translate it into “否则有你好受的!”.
perfect movie!
hi,glad that you are satisfied with those explanations,and glad to be your friend here.
you don‘t know the function "send message" in this webpage Tianya? i sent one message to you when you were on line, but you missed.
now, i have one question:
WILEY ::韦利
ANDY ::安迪
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
(小个子)Four! ::四包!
why there are two colons in such steps?
to Jura27:
sorry, i‘v not noticed the message you sent to me then. but i have this time. ^_^
the colons just are unment which express C to E. I mean is i fiddle it, not in due form. ^)^
144 INT -- GUARD STATION -- DAY (1955) 144内景—播音室—白天
Andy is reclined in the chair, transported, arms fluidly conducting the music. Ecstasy and rapture. Shawshank no longer exists. It has been banished from the mind of men. 安迪斜躺在椅子上,如痴如醉,双臂挥动着指挥着音乐,全神贯注、兴高采烈。肖申克已不存在,它被人们从内心里忘却。
145 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD -- DAY (1955) 145 外景—操唱白天
CAMERA TRACKS along groups of men, all riveted. 镜头掠过人群,所有的人都怔在那儿。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
I have no idea to this day what them two Italian ladies were singin‘ about. Truth is, I don‘t want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I like to think they were singin‘ about something so beautiful it can‘t be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because of it. “我可听不懂这一天那两个意大利女人唱得什么,说实话,也不想知道,有些事情不说出来更好。我是想说她们唱得太好了,无法用语言来形容,好得让你心痛。”
CAMERA brings us to Red. 镜头拉回瑞德。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
I tell you, those voices soared. Higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made these walls dissolve away...and for the briefest of moments -- every last man at Shawshank felt free. “告诉你们,那声音激扬。比这个灰色地方里的任何人敢于梦想的都要遥远、高昂。就像鸟儿振翅飞进我们枯燥的牢笼将围墙释放……就在那一刻—肖申克的每一个人都感到了自由。”
146 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- DAY (1955) 146内景—走廊—白天
FAST DOLLY with Norton striding up the hallway with Hadley. 镜头急速的跟着大步走来的诺顿和哈德利。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
It pissed the warden off something terrible. “这声音十分地激怒了监狱长。”
INT -- GUARD STATION/OUTER OFFICE -- DAY (1955) 内景--播音室/外间办公室—白天
Norton and Hadley break the door in. Andy looks up with a sublime smile. We hear Wiley POUNDING on the bathroom door: 诺顿和哈德利破门而入,安迪抬起头,面带庄严的微笑。韦利正在使劲地敲击洗手间的门。
WILEY (O.S.) ::韦利
LET ME OUUUUT! “让我出……去!”
148 INT -- SOLITARY WING -- DAY (1955) 148内景—禁闭室大门—白天
LOW ANGLE SLOW PUSH IN on the massive, rust-streaked steel door. God, this is a terrible place to be. 低镜头缓慢地推进那扇沉重的、锈迹斑斑的铁门。上帝!这真是个可怕的地方。
RED (V.O.) 瑞德(画外音)
Andy got two weeks in the hole for that little stunt. “安迪因为他那小小的惊人之举,禁闭两周。”
149 INT -- SOLITARY CONFINEMENT -- DAY (1955) 149内景—禁闭室—白天
Andy doesn‘t seem to mind. His arms sweep to the music still playing in his head. We hear a FAINT ECHO of the soaring duet. 安迪似乎并不在意,还在指挥着盘旋在脑海中的音乐。可以听到微弱的响起那激扬的二重唱。
150 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1955) 1 50内景—食堂—白天
Couldn‘t play somethin‘ good, huh? Hank Williams? “不能放首好的吗?汉克.威廉姆斯(音乐家)。”
ANDY ::安迪
They broke the door down before I could take requests. “在我能够接受点播时,他们把门撞破了。”
FLOYD ::弗洛伊德
Was it worth two weeks in the hole? “在那洞里呆两星期值得吗?”
ANDY ::安迪
Easiest time I ever did. “我曾有过的最轻松的一段时间。”
Shit. No such thing as easy time in the hole. A week seems like a year. “狗屁!在那里没有什么轻松的时刻,一星期就像一年!”
ANDY ::安迪
I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company. Hardly felt the time at all. “我有莫扎特先生陪着,根本感觉不到时间。”
RED ::瑞德
Oh, they let you tote that record player down there, huh? I could‘a swore they confiscated that stuff. “哦?他们能让你带着留声机么?我发誓他们一定没收了。”
ANDY ::安迪
(taps his heart, his head) (拍拍胸口、脑袋)
The music was here...and here. That‘s the one thing they can‘t confiscate, not ever. That‘s the
beauty of it. Haven‘t you ever felt that way about music, Red? “音乐在这儿……在这儿。这他们可没收不了,永远别想。这就是它的美丽所在,你从来没有那样听过音乐吗?瑞德?”
RED ::瑞德
Played a mean harmonica as a younger man. Lost my taste for it. Didn‘t make much sense on the inside. “年轻时吹过差劲的口琴,后来没有了兴趣,再说在牢里也没什么意义。”
ANDY ::安迪
Here‘s where it makes most sense. We need it so we don‘t forget. “在这里音乐是有意义的,我们需要它,这样便不会忘记。”
RED ::瑞德
Forget? “忘记?”
ANDY ::安迪
That there are things in this world not carved out of gray stone. That there‘s a small place inside of us they can never lock away, and that place is called hope. “在这个世界上,有些东西用石头是刻不来的。在我们的心中有块地方是关不住的,那块地方称为自由。”
RED ::瑞德
Hope is a dangerous thing. Drive a man insane. It‘s got no place here. Better get used to the idea.
ANDY ::安迪
(softly) (轻轻地)
Like Brooks did? “就像布鲁克斯?”
151 AN IRON-BARRED DOOR 151一扇铁栅门
slides open with an enormous CLANG. A stark room beyond. CAMERA PUSHES through. SEVEN HUMORLESS MEN sit at a long table. An empty chair faces them. We are again in: 随着一声巨响铁门打开,远端是一间屋子,镜头推近。七个人一本正经的在一张长长的桌子边挨着坐着,面前是一张空椅。镜头再次推进房子。
INT -- SHAWSHANK HEARINGS ROOM -- DAY (1957) 内景—听讯室—白天
Red enters, ten years older than when we first saw him at a parole hearing. He removes his cap and sits. 瑞德进入,首次看他的假释听证会已是十年前了。他摘下帽子坐下来。
MAN #l ::男1
It says here you‘ve served thirty years of a life sentence. “档案上看你已服了三十年的终生监禁。”
MAN #2 ::男2
You feel you‘ve been rehabilitated? “你觉得你已改过了么?”
RED ::瑞德
Yes sir, without a doubt. I can say I‘m a changed man. No danger to society, that‘s the God‘s honest
truth. Absolutely rehabilitated. “是的,毫无疑问。我可以说我是一个改过自新的人,不再危害社会,上帝保证。完全悔过。”
A big rubber stamp slams down: "REJECTED." 大大的橡皮图章砸下:’驳回’。
152 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DUSK (1957) 152外景—监狱操唱傍晚
Red emerges into fading daylight. Andy‘s waiting for him. 瑞德出现在渐渐暗淡的日光中,安迪正等着他。
RED ::瑞德
Same old, same old. Thirty years. Jesus. When you say it like that... “老样子,还是老样子。三十年了,上帝!当说起这些时……”
ANDY ::安迪
You wonder where it went. I wonder where ten years went. “你想知道是怎么过的,这十年都去哪儿了?”
Red nods, solemn. They settle in on the bleachers. Andy pulls a small box from his sweater, hands it to Red. 瑞德严肃的点点头。他们坐在看台上,安迪从身上拿出一个小盒子,递给瑞德。
ANDY ::安迪
Anniversary gift. Open it. “周年礼物,打开它。”
Red does. Inside the box, on a thin layer of cotton, is a shiny new harmonica, bright aluminum and circus-red. 瑞德打开。盒子里,薄薄的棉垫上,一个闪闪发光的新口琴,琴身是明亮的银色并系着红绳。
ANDY ::安迪
Had to go through one of your competitors. Hope you don‘t mind. Wanted it to be a surprise. “找你的同行买的,希望你别介意,只想给你个惊喜。”
RED ::瑞德
It‘s very pretty, Andy. Thank you. “它真漂亮,安迪,谢谢你!”
ANDY ::安迪
You gonna play something? “想来一段儿吗?”
Red considers it, shakes his head. Softly: 瑞德考虑了一下,轻轻地摇摇头:
RED ::瑞德
Not today. “今天不。”
CELLBLOCK FIVE/ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1957) 153内景—五号/安迪的牢房—夜晚
Men line the tiers as the evening count is completed. The convicts step into their cells. The master switch is thrown and all the doors slam shut -- KA-THUMP! Andy finds a cardboard tube on his bunk. The note reads: "A new girl for your 10 year anniversary. From your pal. Red." 人们在楼层上排着队完成晚上的例行点名。犯人们各自走进他们的牢房。主开关被关上,所有的门都被’咔—砰’地锁祝安迪发现他的铺上有个纸筒,上面写着:“一个新的姑娘,纪念你的十周年。你的伙计,瑞德。”
154 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- LATER (1957) 154内景—安迪的牢房—一会儿
Marilyn Monroe‘s face fills the screen. SLOW PULL BACK reveals the new poster: the famous shot from "The Seven Year Itch," on the subway grate with skirt billowing up. Andy sits gazing at her as lights-out commences... 玛里琳.门罗的脸出现在画面上。镜头缓缓后拉显现出这张新的海报:出自于“七年之痒”中一个著名的画面。她站在铁道上,裙裾飞扬。安迪坐在那儿盯着看,此时,开始熄灯了……
INT -- RED‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1957) 155内景—瑞德的牢房—夜晚
...and we find Red gazing blankly as darkness takes the cellblock. Adding up the months, weeks, days... 瑞德发着怔,黑暗包围了囚室,接着是月、星期、天……
He regards the harmonica like a man confronted with a Martian artifact. He considers trying it out -- even holds it briefly to his lips, almost embarrassed -- but puts it back in its box untested. And there the harmonica will stay... 他像对待一件火星来的物品那样看待这个口琴。他想试一下,甚至都放到嘴唇上了,局促不安地--但还是没有吹就又放回盒子里。
WE HOLD IN BLACKNESS as THUMPING SOUNDS grow louder... 随着“砰,砰”的关灯声愈来愈大,一切都溶进黑暗。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
Andy was as good as his word. He kept writing to the State Senate. Two letters a week instead of one. “安迪就像他说的那样,不停的给州议院写信。一星期两封而不是一封。”
...and the BLACKNESS disintegrates as a wall tumbles before our eyes, revealing a WORK CREW with picks and sledgehammers, faces obscured outlaw-style with kerchiefs against the dust. Behind them are GUARDS overseeing the work. 黑暗渐渐消退,看到一堵墙倒下。一列工作队拿着镐和锤,防尘的毛巾遮着犯人们的脸,守卫们在身后监视着他们干活。
Andy yanks his kerchief down, grinning in exhilaration. Red and the others follow suit. They step through the hole in the wall, exploring what used to be a sealed-off storage room. 安迪扯下毛巾,愉快的笑着,瑞德和其他人也都笑了起来。他们跨过墙洞,在这个曾被封闭的储藏室中搜寻。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
In 1959, the folks up Augusta way finally clued in to the fact they couldn‘t buy him off with just a
200 dollar check. Appropriations Committee voted an annual payment of 500 dollars, just to shut him up. “1959年,奥古斯塔(缅因州首府)的人们终于发现仅凭一张200美元的支票是打发不了安迪的。拔款委员会投决出每年500美元的支付,为了让他停止写信。”
157 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1960) 157 内景—图书馆—白天
TRACKING the construction. Walls have been knocked down. Men are painting, plastering, hammering. Lots of shelves going up. Red is head carpenter. We find him discussing plans with Andy. 墙被推倒,大家干着活,刷漆的、涂灰的、敲东西的,还有许多的铁锨在忙活着。瑞德是领头的木匠,他正与安迪商量事情。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Those checks came once a year like clockwork. “那些支票准确无误的一年一到。”
158 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1960) 158 内景—图书馆—白天
Red and the boys are opening boxes, pulling out books. 瑞德和大家正在打开箱子,把书拿出来。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
You‘d be amazed how far Andy could stretch it. He made deals with book clubs, charity groups...he bought remaindered books by the pound... “你想不到安迪都会做些什么。他与图书俱乐部做交易、与慈善组织……他论磅购买廉价图书……”
...and we find Red gazing blankly as darkness takes the cellblock. Adding up the months, weeks, days... 瑞德发着怔,黑暗包围了囚室,接着是月、星期、天……
so what does "接着是月、星期、天……" mean here ?
is the screen showing the time ?
to Jura27:
it‘s implied here, which that‘s what i think. and i‘ll watch the scene tonight. maybe there‘s an answer to it.
Treasure Island. Robert Louis... “金银岛,罗伯特.路易斯”
ANDY ::安迪
(jotting) (记下)
...Stevenson. Next? “下一个是斯蒂文森吗?”
RED ::瑞德
I got here an auto repair manual, and a book on soap carving. “我找到一本汽车维修和一本有关肥皂雕刻的书。”
ANDY ::安迪
Trade skills and hobbies, those go under educational. Stack right behind you. “商业技巧及习惯,这些放到教育类,就在你身后。”
The Count of Monte Crisco... “基科山恩仇记……”
FLOYD ::弗洛伊德
Cristo, you dumbshit. “基督山,你个笨蛋。”
...by Alexandree Dumb-ass. “亚力山大.大马屎著……”
ANDY ::安迪
Dumas. You boys‘ll like that one. It‘s about a prison break. “是大仲马,你们一定会喜欢,是一本有关越狱的书。”
Floyd tries to take the book. Heywood yanks it back. I saw it first. Red shoots Andy a look. 弗洛伊德试图拿那本书,海沃德赶忙把书收了回来。(请教:I saw it first.I指的是谁?)瑞德瞄了安迪一眼。
RED ::瑞德
Maybe that should go under educational too. “也许也应归教育类。”
159 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1961) 159内景—木材厂—白天
Red is making a sign, carefully routing letters into a long plank of wood. It turns out to be – 瑞德正在做牌子,他仔细地在一块长长的木头板子上排列字母。这些字母是:
160 INT -- PRISON LIBRARY -- DAY (1963) 160内景—图书馆—白天
-- the varnished wood sign over the archway: "Brooks Hatlen Memorial Library." TILT DOWN to reveal the library in all its completed glory: shelves lined with books, tables and chairs, even a few potted plants. Heywood is wearing headphones, listening to Hank Williams on the record player. 上过漆的牌子挂在图书馆的门上:’纪念布鲁克斯.哈特兰图书馆’。镜头向下,显示出图书馆内:书架上摆放着成行的书,桌子、椅子,甚至还有几盆植物。海沃德戴着耳机在听汉克.威廉姆斯的唱片。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
By the year Kennedy was shot, Andy had transformed a broom closet smelling of turpentine into the best prison library in New England. “到肯尼迪遇刺的那一年,安迪已经把散发着松节油味的杂物室变成新格兰(由缅因州、新罕布什尔州、佛蒙特州、马萨诸塞州和康涅狄格州和罗德岛组成)最好的监狱图书馆。”
161 EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- DAY (1963) 161外景—肖申克监狱—白天
FLASHBULBS POP as Norton addresses MEMBERS OF THE PRESS: 闪光灯’砰砰’的频闪,诺顿在新闻发布会上讲话:
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
That was also the year Warden Norton instituted his famous "Inside-Out" program. You may remember reading about it. It made all the papers and got his picture in LIFE magazine. “也是在那年,典狱长诺顿开始实行他的著名的’狱外’计划。你也许还记得看到过这样的新闻吧。充斥在各种报纸上,他的照片还登在了生活杂志上。”
...a genuine, progressive advance in corrections and rehabilitation. Our inmates, properly supervised, will be put to work outside these walls performing all manner of public service. Cutting pulpwood, repairing bridges and causeways, digging storm drains... “一个真正的、有进步意义的服刑和改造。我们的服刑人员,被正确的监管的服刑者,将走出高墙,为各种公共服务进行劳动。加工木材、修理桥梁堤道、挖沟掘道……”
ANGLE TO Red and the boys listening from behind the fence. 镜头转向围栏后倾听着的瑞德和他的伙计们。
These men can learn the value of an honest day‘s labor while providing a valuable service to the community -- and at a bare minimum of expense to Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer! “这些人会从有价值的社会服务中明白做一个诚实劳动者的意义。并且,以最低的支出来节省纳税人的花费!”
Sounds like road-gangin‘, you ask me. “听起来像修路的,要问我的话。”
RED ::瑞德
Nobody asked you. “没人问你。”
162 EXT -- HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION SITE -- DAY (1963) 外景—筑路工地—白天
A ROAD-GANG is grading a culvert with picks. There‘s dust and the smell of sweat in the air. GUARDS patrol with sniper rifles, A pushy WOMAN REPORTER in an ugly hat bustles up the grade, trailed by a PHOTOGRAPHER. 一队筑路的犯人正在用镐推动管道,空气中充满着尘土和汗味。卫兵们拿着步枪巡逻,一个出风头的女记者,戴着一顶难看的帽子,匆匆地走上坡,后面尾随着一个摄像师。
You there! You men! We‘re gonna take your picture now! “你们在那儿!你们这些人!我们现在要给你们拍照!”
Give us a break, lady. “让我们休息会儿,女士。”
Don‘t you know who I am? I‘m from LIFE magazine! I was told I‘d get some co-operation out here! You want me to report you to your warden? Is that what you want? “你不知道我是谁吧?我是生活杂志的!有人告诉我会得到很好的配合的,大老远的!你想让我告诉你们监狱长吗?你想吗?”
(sighs) (叹口气)
No, ma‘am. “不,夫人。”
That‘s more like it! Now I want you all in a row with big bright smiles on your faces! Grab hold of your tools and show ‘em to me! “那还差不多!现在,我要你们排成一列,脸上露出灿烂的笑容来!拿着你们的工具展示给我看!”
She turns, motioning her photographer up the grade. Heywood glances around at the other men. 她转身示意摄像师走上坡来,海沃德环视其他的人。
You heard the lady. “你们听到她说的了吧。”
Heywood unzips his pants, reaches inside. The others do likewise. The woman turns back and is greeted by the sight of a dozen men displaying their penises and smiling brightly. Her legs go wobbly and she sits heavily down on the dirt grade. 海沃德解开裤子,手伸进去,其它的人照做。女人转过身来发现这十几个人正在以他们的阴径和灿烂的笑容向她示意,她的腿一下子软了下来,重重地跌坐在肮脏的土坡上。
C‘mon! We‘re showin‘ our tools and grinnin‘ like fools! Take the damn picture! “来呀!我们正展示我们的工具并像傻瓜一样的笑着呢!拍他妈的照哇!”
Floyd tries to take the book. Heywood yanks it back. I saw it first. Red shoots Andy a look. 弗洛伊德试图拿那本书,海沃德赶忙把书收了回来。(请教:I saw it first.I指的是谁?)瑞德瞄了安迪一眼。
First, i am a little doubt about the original drama.Anything wrong with the sentence ? It should have the quotation marks or something like that.But, if that, i have my own opinions about it:
1.It couldn‘t be HEYWOOD, he made mistake when he read the title.
2.It could‘t be Floyd, becasue he "Floyd tries to take the book",if he read, he would not do it.
3.It could‘t be RED.He made no comments before the sentence and when the guys talked about the book, and no any behavior, such as "take","yank".
4.It should be ANDY.
He liked books(letters ---library ).
He was more knowledgeable than the other guys.
He read it(the book)----"ANDY ::安迪 Dumas. You boys‘ll like that one. It‘s about a prison break. “是大仲马,你们一定会喜欢,是一本有关越狱的书。”".
It is reasonable that when they talked about the book, after HEYWOOD, Floyd , he(ANDY) said"I saw it first", and next "Red shoots Andy a look".
It is impossible that if Red said "I saw it first" then "shoots Andy a look", becasue he could not make any hint to ANDY, he was in the jail longer than others around him, have no intention about jail break. he just can find something from ANDY, becasue at the moment when ANDY entered into the jail, he looked upon ADNY, but later , Red changed his mind, he thought ANDY would always do something surpirising or unexpected.
what is more, ANDY really succeeded in prison break at last, which is the most convincing reason. And it is a foreshadowing here.
ha, i changed my mind.
Floyd tries to take the book. Heywood yanks it back. I saw it first. Red shoots Andy a look. 弗洛伊德试图拿那本书,海沃德赶忙把书收了回来。(请教:I saw it first.I指的是谁?)瑞德瞄了安迪一眼。
pay attention to it "saw",you know, the other tense is general present tense,but here it is general past tense. so it should be Heywood said "I saw it first."
It was Heywood who found the book then read the title , and then they talked about it.when Floyd tried to take the book, Heywood said "i saw it first , then i should read it first than you(Floyd)", so he "Heywood yanks it back."
The new young yugs in the prison have the curiousity about the book,maybe in their heart, they had the dream to break the prison. Yes, they have, haha, all the people have, but few peole can do it succeessfully.
ANDY and RED are different. The former always kept silent,do something surprsing. Even if he read, and he had the plan to break the jail, he couldn‘t make any hints to others. And the latter, he was in the prison long long time, he had used to the life, and had no the breaking prison intention either.
As for the "Red shoots Andy a look". I have the same explanation as above.
why i changed my mind about it ? because at first ,i understood the "saw" as "read", so i thought it should be ANYD. :( , i am satisfied with my attitude about such problems.
oh, made mistake again. haha
:( , sorry , i am not satisfied with my attitude about such problems, very much.
You know, you did very well in free translation.I do not like to tranlate literally, either.But the work, translation, it is a hard work, which needs the carefulness,and deliberation,and linking with context or something like that. The careless or a small mistake can cause "big problem", just like i did above.
to Jura27:
ha! in fact, i‘v waked up to what the ‘i saw it first‘ mean before i see the second of your reply.
i‘m always find something out when i see someone‘s thoughts.
thank Jura again! ^_^
well, it‘s should be right that ‘i saw it first‘ should has quotation marks with it.
to nbm:
thanks for the support of you. :)
to 莜遥:
163 INT -- SOLITARY CONFINZMENT -- NIGHT (1963) 163内景—禁闭室—夜晚
Heywood sits alone in the dark. He sighs. 海沃德独自坐在黑暗中,叹息着。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
None of the inmates were invited to express their views... “没有人会让服刑犯来说出他们的想法。”
164 EXT -- WOODED FIELDS -- DAY (1965) 164外景—林区—白天
A ROAD-GANG is pulling stumps, bogged down in mud. 一队筑路的犯人在泥沼中拖动着树桩。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
‘Course, Norton failed to mention to the press that "bare minimum of expense" is a fairly loose term. There are a hundred different ways to skim off the top. Men, materials, you name it. And, oh my Lord, how the money rolled in... “当然,诺顿并没在新闻发布会上提及’最低的支出’是一个相当不准确的用词。有上百种不同的方法都可以从中取利的。人工、物料,随你说吧。我的主哇!钱就是那样滚进来的……”
Norton strolls into view with NED GRIMES at his heels. 诺顿走过来视察,耐德紧跟着。
NED ::耐德
This keeps up, you‘re gonna put me out of business! With this pool of slave labor you got, you can
underbid any contractor in town. “如果你继续的话,我就别干这行了!有这些奴隶劳工,你可以出低于镇上任何承包商的报价。”
Ned, we‘re providing a valuable community service. “耐德,我们正在提供有意义的社会服务。”
NED ::耐德
That‘s fine for the papers, but I got a family to feed. The State don‘t pay my salary. Sam, we go
back a long way. I need this new highway contract. I don‘t get it, I go under. That‘s a fact. “报纸当然喜欢这个,可我还要养家呢。州政府可不付给我薪水。老兄,我们处理时间不短了。我需要这条新高速公路的合同,如果得不到,我就完蛋了,真的。”
(hands him a box) (递给诺顿一个盒子)
Now you just have some‘a this fine pie my missus baked specially for you, and you think about that. “尝一下我太太特意为你烤制的馅饼吧,然后再考虑一下。”
Norton opens the box. Alongside the pie is an envelope. He runs his thumb across the thick stack of cash it contains. 诺顿打开盒子,馅饼的旁边是一个信封,他用拇指拔弄信封中那叠厚厚的钞票。
IN THE BACKGROUND, a winch cable SNAPS and whips through the air, damn near severing a man‘s leg. He goes down, screaming in mud and blood, pinned by a fallen tree stump. Men rush over to help him. Norton barely takes notice. 在两人的背景处,一个绞盘的缆线所忽然断裂,在空中抽动,几乎抽断了一个人的大腿,他倒在泥泞和血泊中,大叫,一个倒下的树桩拌着他,人们冲过来帮忙。诺顿几若无睹。
Ned, I wouldn‘t worry too much over this contract. Seems to me I‘ve already got my boys committed elsewhere. You be sure and thank Maisie for this fine pie. “耐德,别对这份合约担心,我已准备让我的人去做别的事了。一定帮我谢谢梅齐(耐德妻子)烤了这么好的馅饼!”
165 INT -- NORTON‘S OFFICE -- NIGHT (1965) 165内景—诺顿办公室—夜晚
ANGLE on Maisie‘s pie. Several pieces gone. 镜头对着梅齐的馅饼,已经吃掉了几块。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
And behind every shady deal, behind every dollar earned... “在每笔幕后的交易下,赚来的每一美元……”
TILT UP to Andy at the desk, munching thoughtfully as he totals up figures on an adding machine. 镜头移向桌子旁的安迪,嘴里一边嚼着一边在计算机器上加数字。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
...there was Andy, keeping the books. “都是安迪,登记入册。”
Andy finishes preparing two bank deposits. Norton hovers near the desk, keeping a watchful eye. 安迪准备好两笔存款,诺顿走到桌子跟前,仔细的看。
ANDY ::安迪
Two deposits, Casco Bank and New England First. Night drop, like always. “两笔存款,凯斯科和新格兰第一银行,夜存,如同往常。”
Norton pockets the envelopes. Andy crosses to the wall safe and shoves the ledger and sundry files inside. Norton locks the safe, swings his wife‘s framed sampler back into place. He cocks his thumb at some laundry and two suits in the corner. “诺顿把信封装到兜里,安迪走到墙上的保险柜那儿,把账薄和相关文件放进去。诺顿锁住保险柜,把他妻子的刺绣作品旋回原处。”
Get my stuff down t‘laundry. Two suits for dry-clean and a bag of whatnot. Tell ‘em if they over-
starch my shirts again, they‘re gonna hear about it from me. “把我的东西拿到洗衣房,两套西装要干洗,还有架子上的包。告诉他们,如果再浆洗过了的话,我就要找他们麻烦了。”
(adjusts his tie) (整理领带)
How do I look? “看上去如何?”
ANDY ::安迪
Very nice. “非常好!”
Big charity to-do up Portland way. Governor‘s gonna be there. 有个大的慈善会(请教:to-do up Portland way.),州长会去。
(indicates pie) (示意馅饼)
Want the rest of that? Woman can‘t bake worth shit. 想要剩下的这些吗?女人只能烤出恶心的东西。
166 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- NIGHT (1965) 166内景—监狱走廊—夜晚
Andy trudges down the corridor with Norton‘s laundry, the pie box under his arm. 安迪拿着诺顿的衣物在走廊里拖着沉重的脚步,胳膊下面夹着那盒馅饼。
167 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 167内景—图书馆—白天
TILT UP FROM PIE to find Red munching away as he helps Andy sort books on the shelves. 镜头从馅饼照到大嚼着的瑞德,他在帮安迪摆放架子上的书。
RED ::瑞德
Got his fingers in a lot of pies, from what I hear. “他把手伸到了许多的馅饼里,我听说的。”
ANDY ::安迪
What you hear isn‘t half of it. He‘s got scams you haven‘t dreamed of. Kickbacks on his kickbacks.
There‘s a river of dirty money flowing through this place. “你听说的还不到一半,他做的勾当你做梦都想不到。一层又一层回扣,那些黑钱如河一般在此流淌。”
RED ::瑞德
Money like that can be a problem. Sooner or later you gotta explain where it came from. “像那样得来的钱会有麻烦的,迟早要解释它从哪儿来。”
ANDY ::安迪
That‘s where I come in. I channel it, funnel it, filter it...stocks, securities, tax free municipals... I send that money out into the big world. And when it comes back... “那就是用我的原因。我把钱流通、汇集、过滤……什么股票、证券、免税公债……我把钱投入到这大千世界中,当它再返回的时候……”
RED ::瑞德,
It‘s clean as a virgin‘s whistle? “干净的就像处女吗?(请教:virgin’s whistle?)”
ANDY ::安迪
Cleaner. By the time Norton retires, I will have made him a millionaire. “还要干净。诺顿退休时,我将把他变成百万富翁。”
RED ::瑞德
Jesus. They ever catch on, he‘s gonna wind up wearing a number himself. “天!要是被逮住,他也会完蛋穿上号衣的。”
ANDY ::安迪
(smiles) (微笑)
I thought you had more faith in me than that. “我以为你相信我的能力的。”
RED ::瑞德
I‘m sure you‘re good, but all that paper leaves a trail. Anybody gets too curious -- FBI, IRS, whatever -- that trail‘s gonna lead to somebody. “我当然知道你很棒,但文件会留下痕迹的。任何有着强烈好奇心的人—联邦调查局、国税局不管是谁—他们顺着痕迹会找到的。”
ANDY ::安迪
Sure it will. But not to me, and certainly not to the warden. “的确会找到。但不是我,当然更不会是典狱长。”
RED ::瑞德
Who then? “那是谁?”
ANDY ::安迪
Peter Stevens. “皮特.斯蒂文斯。”
Big charity to-do up Portland way. Governor‘s gonna be there. 有个大的慈善会(请教:to-do up Portland way.),州长会去。
I am not sure about my understanding .
1."Portland way", place. ----Big charity will be held there.
2."Portland way",means.---Big charity will be effective, or will play an important role to something.
to jura27:
maybe the first of you, the place which big charity to-do up.
RED ::瑞德
Who? “谁?”
ANDY ::安迪
The silent, silent partner. He‘s the guilty one, your Honor. The man with the bank accounts. That‘s
where the filtering process starts. They trace it back, all they‘re gonna find is him. “沉默的、无声的合伙人。他是有罪的,大人。银行帐户是他的,洗钱就是从那儿开始的。他们如果追查,最终只会找到他。”
RED ::瑞德
Yeah, okay, but who the hell is he? “是的,好吧,但他倒底是谁?”
ANDY ::安迪
A phantom. An apparition. Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit. “一个影子,一个幻影,哈维兔子(电影)的远房亲戚。”
(off Red‘s look) (看看瑞德的表情)
I conjured him out of thin air. He doesn‘t exist...except on paper. “我凭空变出了他,他并不真实存在,只存在于文件上。”
RED ::瑞德
You can‘t just make a person up. “你怎么能编造出一个人呢!”
ANDY ::安迪
Sure you can, if you know how the system works, and where the cracks are. It‘s amazing what you can accomplish by mail. Mr. Stevens has a birth certificate, social security card, driver‘s license.
They ever track those accounts, they‘ll wind up chasing a figment of my imagination. “当然可以,如果你知道制度是如何运作的,漏洞又在哪里的话。只通过邮件就可以做成这件事,令人惊奇。斯蒂文斯先生有出生证、社保卡、驾驶执照。他们去查些帐户,只能追踪到我想像出来的虚构物。”
RED ::瑞德
Jesus. Did I say you were good? You‘re Rembrandt. “天呢!我说过你很棒么?你简直就是伦布兰特(著名画家)。”
ANDY ::安迪
It‘s funny. On the outside, I was an honest man. Straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to
be a crook. “这很好笑,在外面时,我是一个正直人,直如利箭。可我不得不来到监狱做一个骗子。”
168 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DUSK (1965) 外景—操唱傍晚
RED ::瑞德
Does it ever bother you? “这使你苦恼过吗?”
ANDY ::安迪
I don‘t run the scams, Red, I just process the profits. That‘s a fine line, maybe. But I‘ve also built
that library, and used it to help a dozen guys get their high school diplomas. Why do you think the
warden lets me do all that? “阴谋不是我出的,瑞德,我只是处理利润,那也许是个分界线吧。可我还建造了图书馆,并用它帮助十几个狱友获得中学文凭。你凭什么认为监狱长允许我做这些?”
RED ::瑞德
To keep you happy and doing the laundry. Money instead of sheets. “为了让你乐于做洗东西的活,但是洗钱不是洗床单。”
ANDY ::安迪
I work cheap. That‘s the trade-off. “我工作的廉价,这就是交易。”
TWO SIREN BLASTS draw their attention to the main gate. It swings open, revealing a prison bus waiting outside. 两声急促的笛声把他们的注意力转移到监狱大门,大门摇晃着打开,显现出在外面等着的囚车。
169 INT -- PRISON BUS -- DUSK (1965) 169内景—囚车—黄昏
Among those on board is TOMMY WILLIAMS, a damn good-looking kid in his mid-20‘s. The bus RUMBLES through the gate. 汤米.威廉姆斯坐在车上,一个长相俊秀二十多岁的小伙子。囚车隆隆地驶进大门。
170 EXT -- PRISON YARD -- DUSK (1965) 170 外景—操唱黄昏
The new fish disembark, chained together single-file. The old- timers holler and shake the fence. A deafening gauntlet. 新犯走下车,被锁链连成一排。老犯人摇动围栏,大声呼喝,两旁的辱骂声震耳欲聋。
171 INT -- CELLBLOCK EIGHT -- NIGHT (1965) 171 内景—八号囚室—夜晚
Tommy and the others are marched in naked and shivering, covered with delousing powder, greeted by TAUNTS and JEERS. 汤米和其它人光着身子、颤抖着排着队向前走,身上洒着消毒粉,两边是老犯人的辱骂与讥笑。
172 INT -- TOMMY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1965) 172 内景—汤米的牢房—夜晚
The bars slam with a STEEL CLANG. Tommy and his new CELLMATE take in their new surroundings. 牢门铿锵的撞上,汤米和他的新狱友们来到了的新的环境。
TOMMY ::汤米
Well. Ain‘t this for shit? “好哇,这是人住的地儿吗?”
173 INT -- PRISON CORRIDOR -- DAY (1965) 173 内景—走廊—白天
DOLLYING Tommy as he struts along, combing his ducktail, cigarette behind his ear. (We definitely need The Coasters or Del Vikings on the soundtrack here. Maybe Jerry Lee Lewis.) 移动拍摄 汤米大步走来,梳着鸭尾式的发型,耳朵上夹着香烟。(毫无疑问,这时的电影配乐应是可斯特斯或是戴尔.维京的,也许应该是杰瑞.李.路易斯。)
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
Tommy Williams came to Shawshank in 1965 on a two year stretch for B&E. Cops caught him sneakin‘ TV sets out the back door of a JC Penney. “汤米.威廉姆斯于1965年由于’破门入室’被判两年刑期而来到肖申克监狱。警察在一家JC.攀尼便利店的后门抓住了正在偷电视的他。”
174 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1965) 174 内景—木材厂—白天
A SHRIEKING BUZZSAW slices ten-foot lengths of wood. Red runs the machine while some other OLD-TIMERS feed the wood. 尖叫的圆锯将木材锯成10英尺长的段儿,瑞德操作着机器,其它的老狱友往机器上运送木头。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Young punk, Mr. Rock n‘ Roll, cocky as hell... “一个小混混--摇滚先生,极其骄傲自大……”
Tommy is hauling the cut wood off the conveyor and stacking it, It‘s a ball-busting job, but the kid‘s a blur. 汤米正在把锯下来的木头从传送带上拖下来并堆成堆,(请教:It‘s a ball-busting job, but the kid‘s a blur.)
TOMMY ::汤米
(slapping his gloves) (拍打着他的手套)
C‘mon there, old boys! Movin‘ like molasses! Makin‘ me look bad! “来呀,老家伙们!怎么慢慢吞吞的!好像我多笨似的!”
The old guys just grin and shake their heads. 老家伙们只是笑着摇摇头。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
We liked him immediately. “我们很快就喜欢上了他。”
175 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1965) 175 内景—食堂—白天
Tommy regales the old boys with his exploits: 汤米正向大家吹嘘他的事情:
TOMMY ::汤米
...so I‘m backin‘ out the door, right? Had the TV like this... “于是我退出门,对吧?像这样拿着电视机……”
(mimes his grip) (做出抱着东西的样子)
Big ol‘ thing. Couldn‘t see shit. Suddenly, here‘s this voice: "Freeze kid! Hands in the air!" Well I just stand there holdin‘ on to that TV, so the voice says: "You hear what I said, boy?" And I say,
"Yes sir, I sure did! But if I drop this fuckin‘ thing, you got me on destruction of property too!" “它太大,我什么东西也看不见啦!突然,一个声音传来:’不许动,小子!举起手来!’ 这时我还是站在那抱着电视,那个声音又说:’听到我说什么了吗?小子!’ 然后我说:’是的,警官,我听到了。但是我要把这倒霉玩意放下来的话,你就会再给我加上一条毁坏财物啦!”
The whole table falls about laughing. 整个桌子上的人笑做一团。
a a a a a a a a
176 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 176内景—图书馆—白天
Poker game in progress. Tommy, Andy, Red and the boys. 汤米、安迪、瑞德和其它人在打扑克。
You did a stretch in Cashman too? “你还在凯什曼服过刑?”
TOMMY ::汤米
Yeah. That was an easy ride, let me tell you. Work programs, weekend furloughs. Not like here. “是的。那是一段轻松的日子,我告诉你,工作有序,周末休息,可不像这儿。”
Sounds like you done time all over New England. “听起来你走遍了整个新英格兰。”
TOMNY ::汤尼
Been in and out since I was 13. Name the place, chances are I been there. “从13岁起我就进进出出了,你只要说出一个地方,很可能我就呆过。”
ANDY ::安迪
Perhaps it‘s time you considered a new profession. “也许你该考虑一个新的职业了。”
(the game stalls) (暂停打牌)
What I mean is, you don‘t seem to be a very good thief. Maybe you should try something else. “我的意思是,你似乎并不适合做一个优秀的贼,也许你应该试着做点儿别的。”
TOMMY ::汤米
What the hell you know about it, Capone? What are you in for? “你他妈的知道什么,卡蓬(黑社会头子)?你是怎么进来的?”
ANDY ::安迪
(wry glance to Red) (瞥眼看瑞德)
Everyone‘s innocent in here. Don‘t you know that? “这儿每个人都是无辜的,你不知道么?”
The tension breaks. Everyone laughs. 紧张感被打破,大家笑了起来。
177 INT -- VISITOR‘S ROOM -- DAY (1965) 177 内景—探访室—白天
CAMERA TRAVELS the room. Chaotic. CONS are waiting their turn or talking to visitors through a thick plexi shield. 镜头扫过整个房间,一片混乱。犯人们在等着轮到自己,通过厚厚的有机材料制成的防护罩与探访者交谈。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
As it turns out, Tommy had himself a young wife and new baby girl... “后来知道汤米有一位年轻的妻子和一个出生不久的幼女。”
Tommy‘s at the end of the row, phone to his ear. Other side of the glass is BETH, near tears, fussing with a BABY on her lap. 汤米坐在一排的末端,话筒贴在耳边。有机玻璃的另一边是含着眼泪的贝斯,情绪激动,膝上搂着一个婴儿。
BETH ::贝斯
...said we can stay with them, but Joey‘s gettin‘ out of the service next month, and they barely got
enough room as it is. Plus they got Poppa workin‘ double shifts and the baby cries half the night. I just don‘t know where we‘re gonna go... “说我们能与他们住在一起,但乔伊下个月就要退职了,不像原来,他们都几乎没地儿可住了。再加上,他们让爸爸上两班倒,孩子一哭就是半夜。我真的不知道我们还能去哪儿……”
PUSH IN on Tommy‘s face as he listens. 镜头推进正在仔细倾听的汤米的面部。
RED (V.O.) 瑞德(画外音)
Maybe it was the thought of them on the streets...or his child growing up not knowing her daddy... “也许是想到她们流落街头,或者是孩子长大后不认识爸爸……”
178 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 178内景—图书馆—g白天
Tommy enters, the strut gone from his step. A little scared. He finds Andy filing library cards. 汤米走进来,没有了那份趾高气扬,带着些惶恐。他看到安迪在归置借书证。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Whatever it was, something lit a fire under that boy‘s ass. “不管是因为什么,这个男孩有些坐不住了。”
TOMMY ::汤米
I‘m thinkin‘ maybe I should try for high school equivalency. Hear you helped some fellas with that. “我在想也许我能试试考中学学历,听说你已经帮助一些人得到了这样的文凭。”
ANDY ::安迪
I don‘t waste time on losers, Tommy. “我不想把时间浪费到废物身上,汤米。”
TOMNY ::汤米
(tight) (紧张地)
I ain‘t no goddamn loser. “我可不是他妈的废物。”
ANDY ::安迪
That‘s a good start. If we do this, we do it all the way. One hundred percent. Nothing half-assed. “这很好。不过我们一旦开始,就要坚持到底,全心全力,不可半途而废。”
Tommy thinks about it, nods. 汤米考虑了一下,点头同意。
TOMMY ::汤米
Thing is, see... “可是……”
(leans in, mutters) (探身小声说)
...I don‘t read all that good. “我不大会阅读。”
ANDY ::安迪
(smiles) (微笑)
Well. You‘ve come to the right place then. “很好,那你就来对地方了。”
179 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 179 内景—图书馆—白天
We find Andy giving an impassioned reading: 安迪在热情的朗读:
ANDY ::安迪
"...and the lamplight o‘er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor...and my soul from out that
shadow that lies floating on the floor, shall be lifted nevermore!" “他头上的灯光把他的身影映在地板上……我的灵魂从影子中飘出,浮在上面,再也不能升起!”
Andy slaps the book shut, immensely pleased with himself. 安迪用力合上书本,对自己非常满意。
TOMMY ::汤米
So this raven just sits there and won‘t go away? “那只乌鸦就坐在那儿没有离开吗?”
ANDY ::安迪
That‘s right. “没错。”
TOMMY ::汤米
(beat) (拍了一下桌子)
Why don‘t that fella get hisself a 12-gauge and dust the fucker? (请教:Why don‘t that fella get hisself a 12-gauge and dust the fucker?)
180 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 180 内景—图书馆—白天
Tommy tries to read as Andy looks on: 汤米努力阅读,安迪一旁看着:
TOMMY ::汤米
"The cat sh--The cat shh..." “那猫…那猫……”
(glances up) (抬头看了一下)
The cat shat on the welcome mat? “那猫把屎拉在了那只欢迎老鼠上?”
Andy shakes his head. 安迪摇摇头。
Not exactly. “不对。”
181 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 181 内景—图书馆—白天
Andy chalks the alphabet on a blackboard. 安迪在黑板上写字母。
RED (V.O.) 瑞德
So Andy took Tommy under his wing. Started walking him through his ABCs... “这样,安迪就带着汤米,开始从ABC教起……”
182 INT -- MESS HALL -- DAY (1965) 182 内景—食堂—白天
TRACK the table to Tommy and Andy. Discussing a book. 镜头沿着桌子,推向汤米和安迪,两人拿着一本书在讨论。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
Tommy took to it pretty well, too. Boy found brains he never knew he had. “汤米学得很快,小孩子从不知道自己还有这般本事。”
183 EXT -- EXERCISE YARD BLEACHERS -- DAY (1965) 183 外景—操场看台—白天
TOMNY ::汤米
The cat sh--shh--shimmied up the tree and crept st--stel--stealthily out on the limb... “那只猫晃动着树,悄悄地爬上去……”
184 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1965) 184 内景—木材厂—白天
Tommy intent on a paperback, mouthing the words. Behind him, wood is piling up on the conveyor belt. 汤米专心看着书,喃喃地读着。他的身后,传送带上的木头堆成一堆。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
After a while, you couldn‘t pry those books out of hands. “再看一会儿,你就拔不出来啦!”
RED ::瑞德
Ass in gear, son! You‘re putting us behind! “抬起你的屁股,小子!大家都等着你呢!”
Tommy shoves the book in his back pocket and hurries over. 汤米把书塞进口袋,赶忙干活。
185 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1965) 185 内景—图书馆—白天
Tommy writes a sentence on the blackboard. Andy steps in, shows him how to reconstruct it. 汤米在黑板上写上一个句子,安迪走上前,教他如何改句。
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Before long, Andy started him on his course requirements. He really liked the kid, that was part of it. Gave him a thrill to help a youngster crawl off the shit heap. But that wasn‘t the only reason... “不久,安迪开始安排他的课程需要。他真的喜欢那孩子,这是原因之一,帮助一个年轻人走出泥潭使他感到快乐,但那并不是唯一的原因……”
186 INT -- ANDY‘S CELL -- NIGHT (1966) 186 内景—安迪的牢房—夜晚
TIGHT ANGLE on chessboard. Most of the pieces complete. PAN TO Andy lying in his bunk, carefully polishing... 镜头紧盯着棋盘,棋子已完成大多数。镜头摇动全景,安迪躺在他的铺上仔细的打磨……
RED (V.O.) 瑞德(画外音)
Prison time is slow time. Sometimes it feels like stop-time. So you do what you can to keep going... “监狱的时间过得是很慢的,有时感觉如同停止一般。”
...and we keep going past Andy in a SLOW PAN of the cell. Sink. Toilet. Books. Outside the window bars, we hear another TRAIN passing in the night... 镜头缓缓扫过安迪和他的牢房。洗脸池、马桶、书。狱窗外又一辆火车驶过黑夜……
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
Some fellas collect stamps. Others build matchstick houses. Andy built a library. Now he needed a new project. Tommy was it. It was the same reason he spent years shaping and polishing those rocks. The same reason he hung his fantasy girlies on the wall... “有些人收集邮票,有些人造火柴房子,安迪则成立图书馆。现在他需要一个新的计划,那就是汤米。这与他花费数年打磨那些石头是一个道理,也与那些挂在墙上镜中花似的美丽姑娘一个道理。”
...STILL PANNING, past a chair, a sweater on a hook...and finally to the place of honor on the wall...镜头继续扫过,一把椅子,挂勾上的一件衫衣……最终到了墙上的那块荣耀之地……
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德(画外音)
In prison, a man‘ll do most anything to keep his mind occupied. “在监狱里,人们会想尽办法来消磨时间。”
...where the latest poster turns out to be Racquel Welch ins fur bikini. Gorgeous. "One Million Years, B. C. " SLOW PUSH IN ……最新换上的海报是穿着裘皮比基尼的瑞蔻.薇芝。海报上写着’ 公元前一百万年’镜头推进……
RED (V.O.) ::瑞德
By 1966...right about the time Tommy was getting ready to take his exams...it was lovely Racquel. “到了1966年,汤米准备参加考试那年,海报换成了可爱的瑞蔻。”
187 INT -- LIBRARY -- DAY (1966) 187 内景—图书馆—白天
Tommy‘s taking the big test. Andy‘s monitoring the time. Deep silence, save for Tommy‘s pencil-scribbling. A few old-timers are browsing the shelves, sneaking looks their way. Tommy tries to ignore them. Concentrate. 汤米在做测试,安迪看着时间。非常安静,只有汤米写字的声音。几个老家伙们在书架子那儿逛悠,还不住地偷偷往这儿看。汤米尽量不去理会,专心作测验。
Andy clears his throat. Time‘s up. Tommy puts his pencil down, 安迪清清嗓子,时间到了。汤米把铅笔放下。
ANDY ::安迪
Well? “怎么样?”
TOMMY ::汤米
Well. It‘s for shit. “怎么样?狗屁!”
(gets up in disgust) (厌恶的站起身)
Wasted a whole fuckin‘ year of my time with this bullshit! “为了这狗屁玩意,浪费我的他妈的整整一年的时间!”
ANDY ::“安迪”
May not be as bad as you think. “也没你想的那么坏。”
TOMMY ::汤米
It‘s worse! I didn‘t get a fuckin‘ thing right! Might as well be in Chinese! “比我想的还要坏!我一个他妈的也没弄对!简直就像做中文。”
ANDY ::安迪
We‘ll see how the score comes out. “我们先看看你得了多少分。”
TOMMY ::汤米
I‘ll tell you how the goddamn score comes out... “我来告诉你那该死的分数吧……”
Tommy grabs the test, wads it, slam-dunks it into the trash. 汤米抓起卷子,奋力将其揉成一团,扔到地上。
TOMMY ::汤米
Two points! Right there! There‘s your goddamn score! “两分!就在那儿!那就是你的该死的两分。”
(storms out) (气冲冲的往外走)
Goddamn cats crawlin‘ up trees, 5 times 5 is 25, fuck this place, fuck it! “该死的猫爬上树,5乘5等于25,去他妈的这个地方!去他妈的!”
Tommy is gone. Red and others stare. Andy gets up, pulls the test from the trash, smoothes it out on the desk. 汤米走了,瑞德和其它人面面相觑,安迪站起来,把卷子捡起来,在桌子上铺平。
188 INT -- WOOD SHOP -- DAY (1966) 188 内景—木材厂—白天
Rest break. Tommy and Red sipping Cokes. 休息时间,汤米和瑞德喝着可乐。
TOMMY ::汤米
I feel bad. I let him down. “我感觉很糟,我让他失望了。”
RED ::瑞德
That‘s crap, son. He‘s proud of you. Proud as a hen. “没那事,孩子。他以你为荣,如同他的孩子。”
(off Tommy‘s look) (看看汤米的表情)
We been friends a long time. I know him as good as anybody. “我们是老朋友,我十分了解他。”
TOMMY ::汤米
Smart fella, ain‘t he? “聪明之人,是吗?”
RED ::瑞德
Smart as they come. Used to be a banker on the outside. “聪明之极,没进来时曾是银行家。”
TOMMY ::汤米
What‘s he in for anyway? “那他是怎么进来的?”
RED ::瑞德
Murder. “杀人。”
TOMMY ::汤米
The hell you say. “瞎扯。”
RED ::瑞德
You wouldn‘t think, lookin‘ at him. Caught his wife in bed with some golf pro. Greased ‘em both. C‘mon, boy, back to work... “看外表是看不出来,把妻子与一个高尔夫球手捉奸在床,开枪打死了他们。来吧,孩子,回去干活。”
SMASH! Red turns back. Tommy‘s Coke has slipped from his hand and shattered on the floor. The kid‘s gone white as a sheet. 砰!瑞德转身,汤米的可乐从手中滑出掉在地上碎了,那孩子的脸色如同白纸。
TOMMY ::汤米
(bare whisper) (喃喃的说)
Oh my God... “哦,上帝……”

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