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如何处理Java Serialization UID问题?

2016-08-26 10:31:01 来源:www.45fan.com 【

如何处理Java Serialization UID问题?

一个老版本的object "hello.HelloWorld" 序列化然后保存到数据库中了。

此时对老版本的object "hello.HelloWorld"进行了修改,形成了新版本的class(定义为2.0版本)
hello.HelloWorld; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = -5863503448069391657, local class serialVersionUID = 5362978033127103447


package hello;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class HelloWorld1 implements Serializable
private String m_sName="";
public String getName()
return m_sName;

public void setName(String name){

package hello;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class HelloWorld2 implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5362978033127103447L;
private String m_sName="";
private String property="";

public String getProperty()
return property;

public void setProperty(String property)
this.property = property;

public String getName()
return m_sName;

public void setName(String name){

hello.HelloWorld1.java 定义了1个field,没有指定serialVersionUID,由JVM根据hash算法自动生成。
hello.HelloWorld2.java 定义了2个field,指定serialVersionUID。



只需要写一个工具类完成将bytes stream中的1.0的SUID替换为2.0的SUID。

SerialUIDConvertUtil.java SUID的替换:
helloWorld1_normal.data 为1.0版本的helloWorld类所产生的序列化数据。

FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("./lib/helloWorld1_normal.data");
byte[] FileBytes=SerialUIDConvertUtil.getBytesFromStream(in);
HelloWorld hello = (HelloWorld) SerialUIDConvertUtil.convertNormallySerializedObject(FileBytes);
System.out.println("name:" + hello.getName());
System.out.println("property:" + hello.getProperty());

经过SerialUIDConvertUtil.convertNormallySerializedObject(FileBytes) 后所产生的helloWorld对象已经

package hello.serializeUtil;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InvalidClassException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.util.zip.Deflater;
import java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream;
import java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream;

public class SerialUIDConvertUtil

* @param compressedBytes
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
public static Object convertCompressedSerializedObject(byte[] compressedBytes)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
if ((compressedBytes == null) || (compressedBytes.length == 0)) {
return null;

ByteArrayInputStream inbytes = new ByteArrayInputStream(compressedBytes);
InflaterInputStream inflating = new InflaterInputStream(inbytes);

ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(inflating);

Object return_object = null;
try {
return_object = in.readObject();
} catch (InvalidClassException e) {

ByteArrayInputStream inbytes2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(compressedBytes);
InflaterInputStream inflating2 = new InflaterInputStream(inbytes2);

byte[] normalBytes = getBytesFromStream(inflating2);

return_object = convertSerialID(e, normalBytes);

return return_object;

public static Object convertNormallySerializedObject(byte[] a_bytes)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
if ((a_bytes == null) || (a_bytes.length == 0)) {
return null;

ByteArrayInputStream inbytes = new ByteArrayInputStream(a_bytes);
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(inbytes);

Object return_object = null;
try {
return_object = in.readObject();
} catch (InvalidClassException e) {

ByteArrayInputStream inbytes2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(a_bytes);

byte[] normalBytes = getBytesFromStream(inbytes2);

return_object = convertSerialID(e, normalBytes);

return return_object;

* compress and serialize the object
* @param serializedObject
* @throws IOException
* @return byte[] serialized byte array
public static byte[] serializeObject(Object serializedObject)
throws IOException
Deflater deflater = new Deflater();

ByteArrayOutputStream outbytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DeflaterOutputStream deflating = new DeflaterOutputStream(outbytes, deflater);
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(deflating);


return outbytes.toByteArray();

* deserialize the compress bytes
* @param bytes
* @throws IOException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @return Object deserialized object
public static Object deserializeObject(byte[] bytes)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
if ((bytes == null) || (bytes.length == 0)) {
return null;

ByteArrayInputStream inbytes = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
InflaterInputStream inflating = new InflaterInputStream(inbytes);
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(inflating);

Object deserializedObject = in.readObject();

return deserializedObject;

* 根据InputStream 完全读出所有的byte。算法:处理读byte流时,byte[] 动态增长的办法。
* @param in
* @return
* @throws IOException
public static byte[] getBytesFromStream(InputStream in)
throws IOException

* initSizeRepository.size()和fixedSizeReadStream.size()的数值可以随意设置
byte[] initSizeRepository = new byte[0]; //始终用于保存数据.
byte[] fixedSizeReadStream = new byte[1]; //始终用于读固定长度的byte流

int index = 0;

while (true) {
int counter = in.read(fixedSizeReadStream);

if (counter == -1) {

index += counter;

if (index > initSizeRepository.length) {
int increasedSizeRepository = (initSizeRepository.length * 3) / 2 + 1; //增长因子。
byte[] increasedBytes = new byte[increasedSizeRepository];

System.arraycopy(initSizeRepository, 0, increasedBytes, 0,

System.arraycopy(fixedSizeReadStream, 0, increasedBytes, index - counter,
initSizeRepository = increasedBytes;
else {
System.arraycopy(fixedSizeReadStream, 0, initSizeRepository, index
- counter, counter);


// System.out.println("index:"+index);

byte[] realSizeRepository = new byte[index];
System.arraycopy(initSizeRepository, 0, realSizeRepository, 0, index);

// System.out.println("===========");
// for (int i = 0; i < realSizeRepository.length; i++) {
// System.out.println(realSizeRepository[i]);
// }
// System.out.println("===========");

return realSizeRepository;

* @param invalidClassException
* @param a_bytes
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
private static Object convertSerialID(InvalidClassException invalidClassException,
byte[] a_bytes)
throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
byte[] bytes = changeSerialID(a_bytes, invalidClassException);

ByteArrayInputStream inputStream_bytes = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
ObjectInputStream inputStream_object = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream_bytes);

Object return_object = null;
try {
return_object = inputStream_object.readObject();
} catch (InvalidClassException e1) {
return_object = convertSerialID(e1, bytes);

return return_object;

* @param a_bytes
* @param e
* @return
* @throws IOException
private static byte[] changeSerialID(byte[] a_bytes,
InvalidClassException e)
throws IOException
String exception = e.getMessage();

int first_begin = exception.indexOf("= ");
int first_end = exception.indexOf(",");

String stream_class_serialVersionUID = exception.substring(first_begin + 2,

int second_begin = exception.lastIndexOf("= ");
String local_class_serialVersionUID = exception.substring(second_begin + 2);

System.out.println("stream class UID:" + stream_class_serialVersionUID);
System.out.println("local class UID:" + local_class_serialVersionUID);

long stream_UID = Long.parseLong(stream_class_serialVersionUID);
long local_UID = Long.parseLong(local_class_serialVersionUID);
byte[] changedBytes = replaceBytes(a_bytes, stream_UID, local_UID);

System.out.println("stream_UID:" + stream_UID);
System.out.println("local_UID:" + local_UID);

// System.out.println("origin:");
// for (int i = 0; i < JServiceMsgBytes.length; i++) {
// System.out.print(JServiceMsgBytes[i]);
// }
// System.out.println();
// System.out.println("new:");
// for (int i = 0; i < changedJServiceMsgBytes.length; i++) {
// System.out.print(changedJServiceMsgBytes[i]);
// }

return changedBytes;

* @param a_value
* @return
private static byte[] longToByte(long a_value)
byte[] bytes = new byte[8];
for (int i = 1; i <= bytes.length; i++) {
bytes[8 - i] = new Long(a_value).byteValue();
a_value = a_value >> 8;
return bytes;

* @param a_bytes
* @param oldSuid
* @param newSuid
* @return
private static byte[] replaceBytes(byte[] a_bytes,
long oldSuid,
long newSuid)

byte[] bytes = new byte[a_bytes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
bytes[i] = a_bytes[i];

byte[] oldSuidBytes = longToByte(oldSuid);

System.out.println("oldSuid :");
for (int i = 0; i < oldSuidBytes.length; i++) {

byte[] newSuidBytes = longToByte(newSuid);

System.out.println("newSuid :");
for (int i = 0; i < newSuidBytes.length; i++) {


for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length - 7; i++) {
if (bytes[i] == oldSuidBytes[0]) {
//compare 8-bit
boolean match = true;
for (int j = 1; j <= 7; j++) {
if (bytes[i + j] != oldSuidBytes[j]) {
match = false;
if (match) {
for (int j = 0; j <= 7; j++) {
bytes[i + j] = newSuidBytes[j];
i = i + 8;

return bytes;

如何提前预防上述问题的产生 http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-02-2006/jw-0227-control-p2.html
查看JDK API中的关于Serializable Interface 英文文档以及Specification。

如何根据指定的class 得到这个class的serialVersionUID的值:
C:/j2sdk1.4.2_01/bin>serialver -classpath c:/1.jar hello.HelloWorld
hello.HelloWorld: static final long serialVersionUID = -5863503448069391657L;

The sequence of items in the stream is as follows:
1. The class name written using UTF encoding.
2. The class modifiers written as a 32-bit integer.
3. The name of each interface sorted by name written using UTF encoding.
4. For each field of the class sorted by field name (except private static and private transient fields):
a. The name of the field in UTF encoding.
b. The modifiers of the field written as a 32-bit integer.
c. The descriptor of the field in UTF encoding
5. If a class initializer exists, write out the following:
a. The name of the method, <clinit>, in UTF encoding.
b. The modifier of the method, java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC, written as a 32-bit integer.
c. The descriptor of the method, ()V, in UTF encoding.
6. For each non-private constructor sorted by method name and signature:
a. The name of the method, <init>, in UTF encoding.
b. The modifiers of the method written as a 32-bit integer.
c. The descriptor of the method in UTF encoding.
7. For each non-private method sorted by method name and signature:
a. The name of the method in UTF encoding.
b. The modifiers of the method written as a 32-bit integer.
c. The descriptor of the method in UTF encoding.
8. The SHA-1 algorithm is executed on the stream of bytes
produced by DataOutputStream and produces five 32-bit values sha[0..4].
9. The hash value is assembled from the first and second 32-bit values of the SHA-1 message digest.
If the result of the message digest, the five 32-bit words H0 H1 H2 H3 H4, is in an array of five
int values named sha, the hash value would be computed as follows:
long hash = ((sha[0] >>> 24) & 0xFF) | ((sha[0] >>> 16) & 0xFF) << 8 | ((sha[0] >>> 8) & 0xFF) << 16 | ((sha[0] >>> 0) & 0xFF) << 24 | ((sha[1] >>> 24) & 0xFF) << 32 | ((sha[1] >>> 16) & 0xFF) << 40 | ((sha[1] >>> 8) & 0xFF) << 48 | ((sha[1] >>> 0) & 0xFF) << 56;

Class PutField provides the API for setting values of the serializable fields for a class
when the class does not use default serialization. Each method puts the specified named value into the stream.
An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if name does not match the name of a serializable field for the class
whose fields are being written, or if the type of the named field does not match the second parameter type
of the specific put method invoked.


1) XMLDecode/XMLEncode :从JDK1.4开始,提供了java.beans.XMLEncoder和java.beans.XMLDecoder两个类,
class 来重新定制一个序列化的方法,可以解决不是javaBean风格的object。
<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<java version=”1.5.0-beta3” class=”java.beans.XMLDecoder”>
<object class=”book.Configuration”>
<void property=”recentFiles”>
<array class=”java.lang.String” length=”3”>
<void index=”0”>
<void index=”1”>
<void index=”2”>
<void property=”userHomeDirectory”>
<string>C:/Documents and Settings/Mark/My Documents</string>
<void property=”showTabs”>
<void property=”foregroundColor”>
<object class=”java.awt.Color”>
<void property=”backgroundColor”>
<object class=”java.awt.Color”>

JAXB is fundamentally different from either the Java Serialization API or the XMLEncoder/Decoder API.
It takes a completely different approach. Instead of first specifying a data structure using Java classes, one
first specifies the serialization format itself. The two are drastically different design approaches. In the
Java Serialization and XMLEncoder/Decoder API, you design Java classes and do not worry about the
serialization file format—that is taken care of by the APIs. However, it has the unfortunate disadvantage
of limiting the use of the serialized objects to only Java-based applications. JAXB generates your Java data
classes for you (at the expense of a very loose integration of your data with the JDK libraries) from the
specification of a file format in a W3C standard XML Schema Definition. JAXB adds more complexity to
an application and requires more development effort.

Its advantages are as follows:
---Reads and writes standard file formats that applications written in any language can read, and
in many languages generates classes to use the data similarly to how JAXB generates classes
based on the file
---Resulting serialized documents are human-readable and as friendly to edit as they are defined
---Fast way to read XML data based on an XML schema—uses far less memory to represent an
XML document in memory than a DOM tree

Its disadvantages are namely the following:
---Requires more development effort—sometimes it is necessary to manage two data models: one
your application can more efficiently use and the JAXB-generated data model
---Working with JAXB objects can be unwieldy since they are generated—things like naming and
object creation are more tedious to develop with than custom Java classes

JAXB should be used when you want a human-readable file format that can be edited by users. It should
be used when you are developing a file format you want non-Java-based applications to be able to read.
It can be used in conjunction with other XML technologies, and to read third-party XML documents
based on third-party XML schemas. It is a valuable tool that requires more development effort and more
design, but its benefits far outweigh its costs—if you need a universal file format or just simply humanreadable

Tags: Java uid Serialization
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