管理智慧 创富之道 尽在财富箴言
Sharing responsibility for a three-,four- ,or five-year period in the history of the world was not a big deal.
--Verizon CEO塞登伯格每次收购时都让被收购方的人与他共同干几年
(15/3/2004-08/11/2004) 15/3/2004: A company has a greater responsibility than making money for its stockholders. 公司不光是为了给股东赚钱,它还有重要的责任 。
-- 惠普公司联合创始人戴维•帕卡特的名言。 16/3/2004: We have to deliver on the promises of IT, that it helps them make money. If you feel a client isn't ready for a solution, tell the truth. Sell it to them a year later. 我们必须兑现IT的承诺,即它帮助客户赚钱。如果你觉得客户尚未做好准备,要跟他们讲出实情。一年后再卖给他们。
--SAP首席执行官孔翰宁应对市场疲软的营销之道。 17/3/2004: Strategy consultants are a bunch of beefed-up MBAs with big egos who charge a lot to tell executives what they should already know. 战略顾问是一群刚愎自用、刚加入公司的MBA毕业生,收取很高的费用,然后将企业高级主管早就知道的东西告诉他们
--美国西海岸一位首席执行官如此评价战略管理咨询公司。 18/3/2004: Qualcomm says publicly that it has no favorite standards. But its dream: That we all turn Korean. 高通从不公开说倾向于哪种标准。但它的梦想:我们都变成韩国人。
--不论采用哪种标准,高通公司都是赢家。因为它的技术和专利控制着两种标准的 19/3/2004: If you had to think of an automotive oxymoron, "sexy minivan" would come to mind. 如果让你想出一个有关汽车的前后矛盾的修辞,你的脑海中可能会出现"性感的微面"。
-- 日产汽车公司推出专为职业妇女量身订制的Quest2004版微型面包车,一改 22/3/2004: I always felt department stores and conventional retailers were doomed.They lived and died trying to take advantage of custmers, and they were inefficient. 我一直认为百货商店与传统的零售形式迟早是要消失的。这些形式都是在占消费者的便宜,而且效率低下。
--会员制仓储零售创始人索尔•普莱斯的观点。他创立的好事多 23/3/2004: If you've been at Cisco for 20 years, they don't want you. 你在思科干了20年,他们也不会要你。
-- 一位Google的雇员说,Google招聘只认名校的毕业生,工作经历绝不重要。 24/3/2004: I like bargain securities, why shouldn't I like bargain golf balls? 我喜欢有打折的证券,为什么我就不可以喜欢打折的高尔夫球?
--好事多会员制零售店(Costco Wholesale)是买便宜奢侈品的好地方。 25/3/2004: You have to take the shit with the sugar. We think when you take care of your customer and your employees, your shareholders are going to be rewarded in the long run. 你不得不接受好坏参半的事。我们觉得对顾客和员工有利的事,长期看来也一定会对股东有利。
--美国最大的会员制零售店(Costco Wholesale)董事 26/3/2004: We've succeeded by being a moving target, by hitting them where they ain't. 我们以不断运动的方式成功地避开了对方的跟踪,同时在敌人没有运动的时候打击他们。
-- 会员制零售店好事多(Costco Wholesale)的董事长辛格尔谈成功击 29/3/2004: You are the fiduciary of the customer. You've got to give before you get. If you get something for a lower price, you pass on the savings. 你是顾客的委托人。你要想得到就必须先付出。当你以低价购买一件东西,就要把省出来的还给顾客。
--所有的零售商都这么说,但美国最成功的会员制零售商店(Costco Wholesale)的创始人索尔菲绽乘辜岢终饷醋觥? 30/3/2004: If you don't occasionally make a mistake, you're not doing your job. 如果不偶尔犯些错误,你肯定没认真做自己的工作。
-- 美国最成功的会员制零售店(Costco Wholesale)董事长辛格尔培
My view is that every investor in the world should own a little piece of China. I am not saying it should be 50% or even 5%, but you should at least have some exposure. 我的观点是全世界每一位投资者都应该拥有一部分中国资产。我并不是说要具体到50%或者5%,但你至少应该占一些份额。
-- 上海王朝资产管理公司总经理爱德华马伦认为,虽然中国 1/4/2004: The last thing you want to do is this market is put all your chips on one or two stocks in the hope of finding China's IBM. 你在这个市场上最不该做的事就是把所有的钱投在一两支股票上,以期发现中国的IBM。
-- 香港怡富资产管理公司(JF Asset Management)的专家杰夫•刘易斯 2/4/2004: What outsourcing does is greatly improve the quality of the people who still work for you. I believe you should outsource everything for which there is no career track that could lead to senior management. 外包所起的作用,是大大提高那些为你工作的人员的质量。我认为,对于那些没有可能进入管理高层的人的工作,你都应当把它们外包出去。
--管理大师彼得&#德鲁克认为大多数人错误地把外包仅仅看成 6/4/2004:
The industries that are moving jobs out of the US are the more
--管理大师彼得•德鲁克谈美国的"岗位外移"现象。 7/4/2004: India is Indeed becoming a knowledge center. In contrast, the greatest weakness of China is its incredibly small proportion of educated people. And there is the enormous underdeveloped hinterland with excess rural population. 印度确实在变成一个知识中心。相比之下,中国的最大弱点是受过高等教育的人口比例小得令人难以置信。还有中国巨大的内陆地农村人口过多、不发达。
--管理大师彼得•德鲁克认为,印度的进步比中国令人印象更深刻。 8/4/2004: The CEO is just a hired hand. 首席执行官只不过是雇来的人手
--J.P.摩根曾经说过的话。如今的许多贪得无厌、把功劳归于 13/4/2004: Some of the funnest days were when I knew everybody and essentially had my hand in all the different things going one. Writing a lot of the software, doing most of the sales, accounting , tax, all the various thins that had to be done. 我感觉最有意思的时光当中,有一段就是我认识企业里的每个人,而且基本上亲手做所有的活。要写很多的软件,销售、会计、税务等很多必须做的事。
--比尔•盖茨回忆自己创业的美好时光。 14/4/2004: I think biotechnology is an area where geniuses starting up today can do great things. Another area is understanding how information technology is making the world a more global place. It also represents opportunities for people who understand it and think about. 我认为生物技术是如今的创业天才能大有作为的领域。另一个大有作为的领域,是了解信息技术是如何使世界正在成为全球一体化的。对于那些理解并愿意为之思考的人来说,这意味着机会。
--比尔•盖茨谈未来的创业机会。 15/4/2004: We are a different player than we were five to ten years ago. We are willing to get into any segment where the customer will benefit. 我们已不再是5年和10年前的丰田,我们乐于进入顾客能从中受益的任何细分市常
--被认为是丰田公司下一任总裁的稻叶谈丰田策略的改 16/4/2004: Why do we need 19 brands of toothpaste? 牙膏为什么还要有19种牌子?
--前印度领导人尼赫鲁的话。他不愿意实行市场经济的政策, 16/4/2004: This would pay for our stationery in New York--don't worry about it. You mandate is to export 15 middle management people to New York every year. 这也就够花旗在纽约的公司买办公用品的--别管它了。你的任务就是每年向纽约出口15名中层管理人员。
--花旗银行首席执行官约翰•里德听取花旗驻印度的首席代表 20/4/2004: US society is not being reskilled and retooled to stay on top of the emerging environment. They have no experience with the global delivery model. We are masters at it. 美国社会的生产技能和生产工具都落后了,无法在新的环境里保持领先地位。他们在全球交付模式方面没有经验,而我们是这方面的专家。
--印度首富,IT公司Wipro的董事长阿齐姆普雷姆吉 21/4/2004: Most investment bankers come to china just to sell. Hank doesn't even sell much when hi's pitching a deal. He talks about other things, like conservation. 绝大多数投资银行家来中国就知道推销,而汉克即使在谈交易的时候也没有太多的推销,他会谈其他的一些事情,比如说环保
--中国网通首席执行官田溯宁如此评价高盛公司董事长汉克保•尔森。 22/4/2004: Through the spring of 2002, I had lived nearly 72 years without purchasing a foreign currency. Since then Berkshire has made significant investments in - and today hlds - several currencies. 截至2002年春天,我已有近72年没有买过外汇了。但自那以后,伯克希尔公司斥购买了相当数量--而且目前仍持有--若干种外汇。
--巴菲特美元坚信美元将贬值。 22/4/2004: I don't think of wok as work and play as play. It's all living. 我不认为工作就是工作,玩就是玩。这些都是生活。
--维珍集团首席执行官理查德•布兰森语。他被公认为 26/4/2004: Our customers and partners come from all around the world, and it makes no sense to force the sauna experience, however exotic, on them. 我们的客户和伙伴来自世界各地。不管洗桑拿的体验多么充满异域风情,但如果强加给他们的话,确实行不通。
--诺基亚女发言人派维特•赖萨宁承认,虽然拜访诺基亚的人很多, 27/4/2004: Unfortunately, many of their choices, like Atari, Data /General, and Wang Labs, are now little more than object lessons on how once-dominant tech companies can eventually crash and burn. (1982)(In Search of Excellence) 不幸的是,他们的许多选择,如Atari、数据通用公司及王安电脑公司,现在几乎只能作为失败的教训:一度辉煌的技术公司最终如何失败和毁灭。
--《商务2.0》记者马克•阿提塔克斯称《追求卓越》是价值最被高估的 28/4/2004: It is not just insulting, it's also childishly simplistic. Employees are likely to laugh their tails off at any boss who cites this drivel as inspiration. 这不仅带有侮辱性,而且幼稚、简单化。老板要把这一派胡言奉为灵感,雇员可能会笑掉大牙。
--《商务2.0》记者马克•阿提塔克斯称《谁动了我的奶酪?》 29/4/2004: Bill Gates called this the business book to read if you read only one. Sloan's chronicle of his efforts to shape GM into the world's largest automaker is a superb management and organizational handbook that comes disguised as a CEO autobiography. 比尔•盖茨曾说,假如你只读一本商业书籍的话,就读这本。斯隆把通用塑造把成世界最大的汽车制造商的奋斗史,表面看来是CEO自传,实际上是一部绝佳的管理与组织指南。
--《商务2.0》记者马克•阿提塔克斯高度评价《我在通用的岁月》。 30/4/2004: At GE, there is only one currency: GE stock. There may be different amounts of it s for different levels of performance, but everybody's life raft is tied to the same boat. 在通用电气,只有一种货币:通用电气股票。不同表现的人能拿到的股票数量不同,但大家都是在一条船上。
--韦尔奇在自传中写到。他一向反对旗下的业务单独上市, 3/5/2004: When you are in the movie business, you want your business card to say actor,director,star, Teamster, driver. You just don't want it to say shareholder. 从事电影业的人愿意在名片上印演员、导演、明星、卡车司机、车手,就是不愿意说自己是股东。
--通用电气旗下的NBC首席执行观鲍勃防程爻谱约和耆?私? 4/5/2004: Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined. 庸俗,但乐在其中。
--美国最大的连锁餐厅Hooters的广告语。它乐于承认低俗的 5/5/2004: Good food, cold beer, and pretty girls never go out of style. 美食,冰啤酒,再加上漂亮的女郎,这个组合永远不会过时。
--美国最大的连锁餐厅Hooters联合创始人鲍勃•布鲁克斯对餐饮 6/5/2004: Hooters was a work of art- naughty but not too naughty, an elaborate PG13-joke. Hooters餐厅是件艺术品--它有情色的成分,但又并非是色情之物,它就像一则PG-13级(指在父母指导下才可以看、可以听的--译注)的笑话。
--一位曾参与美国最成功的连锁餐厅Hooters早期经营的人 7/5/2004: I don't envy the guy who gets the top job. It's like when Michael Jordan left the Chicago Bulls. 我并不羡慕将获得最高职位的那个人。现在的情况就好像是乔丹离开了芝加哥公牛队。
--深受股东爱戴的埃克森•美孚公司首席执行官雷蒙德即将 10/5/2004: At its root , we are a very large, very successful, capitalist enterprise that is truly global but American in our parentage. 从根本上说,我们是一家规模庞大、经营成功的资本主义企业。虽然源于美国,但其实是一家真正的全球化企业。
--大石油公司总是面临环保等方方面面的责难。但公关高手, 11/5/2004: This company truly is built by the community of users. 这家公司实际上是客户自己建立起来的。
--eBay首席执行官惠特曼对公司成功的解释。听起来有点像养鸡 12/5/2004: If you can't measure it, you can't control it. Being metrics-driven is an important part of scaling to be a very large company 无法用数字来衡量,就等于无法控制。数字驱动一切是逐步升级为大公司的重要一步。
--eBay首席执行官惠特曼是管理咨询顾问出身,喜欢有数字管理公司。 13/5/2004: You learn flexibility. I am happy to camp. I am happy to stay at the Four Seasons. 你能学会适应。野外露营我也喜欢,住四季大饭店我也喜欢。
--eBay首席执行官惠特曼谈童年旅行的收获。 14/5/2004: Much depended on them, but it was never about them. 企业许多事依赖他,但企业从来就不是围着他转。
--《从优秀到卓越》和《基业常青》的作者吉姆•柯林斯谈CEO的作用。 17/5/2004: The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. 对一流头脑的考验,是同时拥有两种截然不同的想法,但仍然能够行动的能力。
--作家菲茨杰拉德的话用来描述今天常常面临生死抉择的商 18/5/2004: Medicine is for people, not for profits. And if we have remembered that, the profits have never failed to appear. The better we remembered, he larger they have been. 药品是为人们治病的,不是用来获取利润的。如果我们记住这句话,就不会没有利润。记得越牢,利润越多。
--默克公司老板 乔 治 纺 ? 说 纳 ? 饩 ?? 19/5/2004: I have the personality of a promoter,but the soul of an operator. 我具有推销员的性格,但有管理者的灵魂。
--沃尔玛创始人萨姆•沃尔顿个人魅力无穷,但极富自知之明。 20/5/2004: Great value propositions produce sustained, superior returns much better than do hot products or strong geographic presence. 伟大的"价值定位"比热销的产品或强大的覆盖能力更能产生持续、超常的回报。
--管理学者Larry Selden 和 Geoffrey Colvin认为"价值定位"--确定自己在竞争中形成主导地位的客户体验,是现代商业竞争的利器。 21/5/2004: Even the most successful initiatives need to be revised or reinvented over time. 即使是最成功的计划,也需要与时俱进,不断调整和重新构思。
--管理学者Larry Selden 和 Geoffrey Colvin 认为,环境的变化会使曾经成功 24/5/2004: Power, like gravity, can't be observed directly. Only its effects can. If, for instance, your corporate name is popularly used as a verb ("Have you Googled him yet?"), it's an indication you have some power. 影响力,就像重力一样,无法直接观察到,只能观察其影响。例如,如果你的公司名称被习惯当作动词使用,(你还没Google他吗?),那么这表明你具有某种影响力。
--《财富》记者Jerry Useem论影响力。 25/5/2004: I was interviewing Iraqi prisoners of war, and most of them said that if their bosses had tried to make them fight, they'd have shot them. 我采访过伊拉克战俘。他们大多数都说,如果上级要他们去打仗的话,他们会开枪打死他。
--西点军校教授领导力的教授托马斯•科迪茨以此例说明,人们通常 27/5/2004: Lee Scott's Wal-Mart is reshaping about 20 industries at once and would probably qualify for a spot on the US Security Council if that body's membership weren't limited to "countries." 李•斯科特的沃尔玛改变着大约20个行业。要是联合国安理会的成员不限于"国家"的话,沃尔玛也许有资格占据一席之地。
--《财富》记者Jerry Useem说沃尔玛是最具影响力的公司。 28/5/2004:
Bill Gates: The organizational challenge is getting the IQs to add up, and having no subtraction.
--微软两位掌门人的配合渐入佳境,连给员工发表讲话也做到了一唱一合。 31/5/2004: I felt like, "Mom and Dad never argue like this." 我感觉像是"我爹妈吵得最凶的时候。"
--微软负责营销的主管米基•马休斯说,比尔•盖茨和巴尔默刚开始合作 1/6/2004: When people come to work, it's important that they be connected to a dream. 让员工来上班,重要的一点是让他们与梦想联系起来。
--比尔•盖茨谈如何吸引和留住人才。 2/6/2004: We decided that 28-year-olds making $12million a year, wearing sun-glasses to work, and appearing on CNBC were probably a bit too frothy for our liking. 有的人28岁,一年挣1千2百万美元,戴着墨镜上班,到CNBC电视台抛头露面。我们认为这类人太浅薄了,我们看不上。
--当年在美国,稳重的德意志银行韬光养晦,静待网络热的降温。其高级主 3/6/2004: Just as the US set tech standards in the 20th century on everything from the phonograph to the PC, China could set the agenda in the 21st. 美国在20世纪为留声机、个人计算机等各种产品制订了技术标准,与之相仿,21世纪的发展进程可能将由中国来决定。
--〈〈财富〉〉专栏作者Peter Lewis认为中国的影响已超出制造领域, 4/6/2004: For Li, the question is whether jumping at that opportunity will help TCL get better, rather than just bigger. 对李东生来说问题在于:抓住这个机会是否有助于让TCL变得更好,而不仅仅是变得更大。
--《财富》亚洲主编CLAY CHANDLER赞赏李东生收购 7/6/2004: If you cut him, he'd bleed Tesco. 你就是割他一刀,流的也是德士克的血。
--一家咨询公司的分析师对英国零售巨头德士克首席执行 8/6/2004: There are endless examples of instances where this company has blazed a trail and someone else has reaped the benefits. 拓荒的是我们,收获的却是别人,这样的例子数不胜数。
--摩托罗拉手机业务负责人汤姆•林奇描述公司善于发明,却拙于运营的特征。 9/6/2004: I don't think Christ could have done it. 我想就是上帝也做不到。
--500强企业伯利恒钢铁公司陷入破产境地。《财富》问杰克•韦尔奇 10/6/2004: If Puma were a person, who would he hang out with? 如果彪马是一个人,他会和谁厮混呢?
--彪马公司全球品牌主管安东尼奥•伯顿这样考虑彪马品牌定位的思路。 11/6/2004: We live in the same town, but we don't really look at each other. 我们虽然居住在同一座城市,但我们从未正眼瞧过对方。
--彪马公司首席执行官约亨•蔡茨评价比邻而居的阿迪达斯体育用品公司。 14/6/2004: Puma is not about just winning with blood, sweat, and tears. It's about having fun while you're doing it. 彪马并不仅仅体现通过付出心血、汗水和艰辛而获取胜利。它还代表了人们在运动过程中所享受的乐趣。
--彪马公司首席执行官约亨•蔡茨谈彪马的品牌定位。 15/6/2004: For the moment, any strategy in China is a winner for the simple reason that there is undercapacity. 就目前来说,在中国的任何战略都是致胜的战略,原因很简单,那里的产能不足。
--日产首席执行官卡洛斯•戈恩谈中国市场致胜战略。 16/6/2004: It's not cost, it's not quality--it's products. This is where you make your money . 成本与质量不是决定性的,产品才是。钱就是从(热门)产品那里赚的。
--日产首席执行官卡洛斯•戈恩谈怎样从当今的汽车业中赚钱。 17/6/2004: There are 450 million urban customers there. We think at least 200 million of those can afford our food. The Chinese customer loves Western brands. 中国有4.5亿城市消费者,我们认为其中至少有2亿买得起我们的食品。中国的顾客爱吃洋品牌。
--拥有肯德基和必胜客的百胜集团首席执行官 18/6/2004: To lower the world's cost of living. 降低全世界的生活成本
--《财富》记者JERRY USEEM 如此概括沃尔玛的公司使命。 21/6/2004: Shoppers could start feeling guilty about shopping with us. Communities could make it harder to build our stores. 顾客可能会对在我们商店购物有负罪感,社区也能给我们开店制造更多的困难。
--沃尔玛管理层承认公司在增长的同时也面临前所未有的指责。 23/6/2004: It's not a secret what needs to be done. The challenge is to put the strategy, systems, and capabilities in place, and then drive deployment and execution. 需要做什么并不是秘密。问题在于把战略、制度和技能落实到位,然后推动部署和执行。
--宝洁公司首席执行官雷富礼认为管理的关键在于执行。 24/6/2004: Change is shorthand for opportunity, and if you can be a little bit ahead of shifts in business, the opportunities can be big. 变革意味着机遇,你能在业务转变时早迈出哪怕一小步,就会有很大的机会。
--联邦快递公司创始人史密斯谈变革与创新。 25/6/2004: If you can put that into a culture that knows change is inevitable and an opportunity, not a threat. Then I think you have the potential to have a company that can grow to a very large size. 变革是不可避免的,是机遇而不是威胁。如果你能将此融入公司文化,你的公司就有潜力发展到很大的规模。
--联邦快递公司创始人史密斯谈变革与创新。 28/6/2004: We set up picnic tables on the sidewalk, brought computers out, and had our employees explain to passersby how PCs work and what they can help you do. It's not something that would work in L.A. But in Chinese culture, it works wonderfully. 我们在人行道两侧摆上桌子,拿出电脑,让员工想行人解释电脑如何运行,能帮助人做什么。这样做在洛衫矶不管用,但在中国文化里,效果好极了。
--英特尔首席执行官贝瑞特谈在中国做生意。 Change Timetable 21/6/2004: We pull out the strategic-management tool. That's a coin with my name on one side and Kevin's on the other. 我们拿出我们的战略管理工具。这就是掷一枚硬币,一面刻着我的名字,一面刻着凯文的名字。
--董事长戴尔笑谈如何解决与 CEO 凯文•罗林斯分工中出现的问题 28/6/2004: People say, "Dell is IBM." Well, not really. "Dell is Wal-Mart." No, not really. "Dell is Intel." No, not really. Combine all those and you end up with a new animal, which has potential people don't realize yet. 人们说"戴尔像IBM。"不是。"戴尔像沃尔玛。"不是。"戴尔像英特尔。"不是。把他们加在一起,你会得到一种全新的东西,有着人们没有认识到的潜力。
--戴尔公司CEO罗林斯谈公司的与众不同 5/7/2004: They will end up paying for it in the long run. If you give it to somebody else, you outsource your profits. They should fix their own IT departments. 从长远的角度看他们(外包者)要为此付出代价。如果你把IT外包给其他人,你等于把利润也外包出去了。他们应该建立自己的IT部门。
--戴尔CEO罗林斯全盘否定企业的IT外包 12/7/2004: What's your price? I hope that you'll give me a discount. No.1, because I'm Trump. 你的价格是多少?希望给我个折扣,首先,因为我是特朗普。
--美国地产大王特朗普做生意时口气很大 19/7/2004: I'm the ultimate home-builder. I don't think of myself that way, but really, I guess I am. 我是最棒的发展商。我不这么看自己,但我想我确实是。
--美国地产大王特朗普总是自我感觉良好 26/7/2004: One of the advantages I have by being a superstar is that when I call people, no matter who they are, they're honored to be my partner. 作为超级明星,我的优势是只要我给他们打电话,不管是谁,都会为成为我的合作伙伴而荣幸。
--美国地产大王特朗普谈自己的竞争优势 2/8/2004:
If you are honest, when this is through, you'll say Trump is much bigger than people understood. 如果你不违心的话,在离开之后,你应该说特朗普比人们所了解的更伟大。
--美国地产大王特朗普在接受《财富》采访时对记者说 9/8/2004: It is the one place in the world where you could replicate Wal-Mart's success in the US. 世界上只有这个地方,才会重现沃尔玛在美国的辉煌。
--沃尔玛前 CEO 戴维•格拉斯谈中国市场的潜力 16/8/2004: Most people have enough ego that they want to distinguish themselves from a charismatic leader. I like being part of a winning team. I don't have to be the winning team. 大多数人都太自负,总想表现得不同于有个人魅力的领导。我喜欢是成功团队中的一员,自己不一定非是赢家。
--沃尔玛前CEO 戴维•格拉斯谈自己的成功之道 23/8/2004: We are pretty spoiled and expect everyone to speak our language. And I think Americans are naïve about how to go about it. 我们给宠坏了,总是指望全世界的人都讲我们的语言。我觉得美国人在这方面很幼稚。
--沃尔玛前CEO 戴维•格拉斯称美国企业国际化并无优势可言 30/8/2004: What GE seems to have a genius for is picking the right person for the right time for more than 100 years. 100多年来,通用电气最擅长的本领似乎就在于,它总能在合适的时候选出合适的人。
--管理大师吉姆•柯林斯谈通用电气成功的秘诀 6/9/2004: <FONT face="Arial, |