'RETURNS:GUID if successful; blank string otherwise.
'Unlike the GUIDS in the registry, this function returns GUID
'without "-" characters.See comments for how to modify if you
'want the dash.
Public Function GUID() As String
Dim lRetVal As Long
Dim udtGuid As GUID
Dim sPartOne As String
Dim sPartTwo As String
Dim sPartThree As String
Dim sPartFour As String
Dim iDataLen As Integer
Dim iStrLen As Integer
Dim iCtr As Integer
Dim sAns As String
On Error GoTo errorhandler
sAns = ""
lRetVal = CoCreateGuid(udtGuid)
If lRetVal = 0 Then
'First 8 chars
sPartOne = Hex$(udtGuid.PartOne)
iStrLen = Len(sPartOne)
iDataLen = Len(udtGuid.PartOne)
sPartOne = String((iDataLen * 2) - iStrLen, "0") _
& Trim$(sPartOne)
'Next 4 Chars
sPartTwo = Hex$(udtGuid.PartTwo)
iStrLen = Len(sPartTwo)
iDataLen = Len(udtGuid.PartTwo)
sPartTwo = String((iDataLen * 2) - iStrLen, "0") _
& Trim$(sPartTwo)
'Next 4 Chars
sPartThree = Hex$(udtGuid.PartThree)
iStrLen = Len(sPartThree)
iDataLen = Len(udtGuid.PartThree)
sPartThree = String((iDataLen * 2) - iStrLen, "0") _
& Trim$(sPartThree)'Next 2 bytes (4 hex digits)
'Final 16 chars
For iCtr = 0 To 7
sPartFour = sPartFour & _
Format$(Hex$(udtGuid.PartFour(iCtr)), "00")
'To create GUID with "-", change line below to:
'sAns = sPartOne & "-" & sPartTwo & "-" & sPartThree _
'& "-" & sPartFour
sAns = sPartOne & sPartTwo & sPartThree & sPartFour
End If
GUID = sAns
Exit Function
'return a blank string if there's an error
Exit Function
End Function