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2016-09-09 12:48:24 来源:www.45fan.com 【


Oracle 数据库中查询重复数据:

select * from employee group by emp_name having count (*)>1;

Oracle 查询可以删除的重复数据

select t1.* from employee t1 where (t1.emp_name) in (SELECT t2.emp_name from employee t2 group by emp_name having count (*)>1) and t1.emp_id not in (select min(t3.emp_id) from employee t3 group by emp_name having count (*)>1);

Oracle 删除重复数据

delete from employee t1 where (t1.emp_name) in (SELECT t2.emp_name from employee t2 group by emp_name having count (*)>1) and t1.emp_id not in (select min(t3.emp_id) from employee t3 group by emp_name having count (*)>1);

Tags: oracle 数据 重复
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