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2016-08-26 17:11:21 来源:www.45fan.com 【


Windows Template Library - WTL Version 7.5 (build 4291) 10/17/04
Development Release

Copyright © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
本文是Windows模板库(Windows Template Library)的一部分。这个软件的使用与分发条款遵循Common Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/cpl.php) 也可以在本发布的根目录下的CPL.TXT文件中找到。以任何方式使用这个软件都表示你已经同意这个许可条款的限制。你不能从这个软件中删除这个注意事项或者其他任何东西。




  1. 简介
  2. 特征与安装
  3. 文件列表
  4. 类纵览
  5. ATL/WTL AppWizard
  6. Windows CE支持
  7. 注意事项
  8. WTL 7.1到7.5的改变
  9. WTL 7.0到71的改变
  10. WTL3.1到7.0的改变
  11. WTL 3.0到3.1的改变



1. 简介


Windows Template Library,或 WTL, 是一个扩展ATL以支持更复杂的应用程序或者各种不同的UI组件的用户界面的类的集合,并且维持ATL的一个大优势 - 紧凑而快速的代码。 WTL类设计 classes were designed to be the best and the easiest way to implement rich Win32 based UI for ATL based applications, servers, components, and controls.


WTL provides support for implementing many user interface elements, from frame and popup windows, to MDI, standard and common controls, common dialogs, property sheets and pages, GDI objects, UI updating, scrollable windows, splitter windows, command bars, etc. The WTL classes are mostly templated and use minimal instance data and inline functions. They were not designed as a framework, so they do not force a particular application model, and can accommodate any. The classes do not use hooks or thread local storage, so they have no restrictions that those techniques impose. They also have no inter-dependencies and can be freely mixed with straight SDK code. In summary, WTL delivers very small and efficient code, very close in size and speed to SDK programs, while presenting a more logical, object oriented model to a programmer.



2. Features And Installation


This is the fifth public release of WTL, after WTL 3.0, 3.1, 7.0, and 7.1. It is also the first release of WTL under the Common Public License, enabling developers from the WTL community to contribute to the library.


WTL classes can be used with either VC++ 6.0 and ATL 3.0, VC++ .NET 2002 and ATL 7.0, VC++ .NET 2003 and ATL 7.1, or EVC++ 4.0 or 3.0 with ATL for Windows CE. AppWizard for VC++ .NET 2002 and 2003 is included.


The WTL classes are provided in header files located in the include directory. The only header files that must be included is atlapp.h, while others can be used when needed. The name of the file doesn't mean that you have to create an application, just that atlapp.h contains base definitions required for WTL projects.


To install WTL, just copy the whole directory structure, or unpack the archive file, to the location of your choice. Please be sure to add the WTL/include directory to the list of include directories in VC++, so that the compiler can find them when you include them in your projects..


Setup programs for the AppWizard are provided. After executing the setup scripts, ATL/WTL AppWizard will appear in the list of AppWizards when you select File.New.Project in VC++ IDE. The file AppWiz70/setup70.js is the setup script for VC++ .NET 2002, while AppWiz70/setup71.js is for VC++ .NET 2003.


To manually install AppWizard for VC++ .NET 2002, copy all WTLApp70.* files from AppWiz70/Files to VC++ .NET projects directory, %VC7DIR%/Vc7/vcprojects, where %VC7DIR% is the directory where VC++ .NET 2002 is installed. After that,open WTLApp70.vsz and modify the like that contains ABSOLUTE_PATH to contain %WTLDIR%/AppWiz70/Files, where %WTLDIR% is the directory where WTL files are.


For VC++ .NET 2003 use the WTLApp71.* files with the same steps.


Platform support and requirements:



Visual C++ 6.0 (ATL 3.0)

Visual C++.NET 2002 (ATL 7.0)

Visual C++.NET 2003 (ATL 7.1)


SDK (optional):

Any Platform SDK from January 2000 release up to the latest (February 2003)


Windows CE development:

eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 - Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002

eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 - STANDARDSDK_410, Pocket PC 2003, Smartphone 2003


This release also brings the preliminary support for the Visual Studio 2005 (codename Whidbey) Beta1. App Wizards for both Windows applications and SmartDevice projects are provided.



3. Packing List


File Name: Description:

readme.htm this file
CPL.TXT Common Public License
atlapp.h message loop, interfaces, general app stuff
atlcrack.h message cracker macros
atlctrls.h standard and common control classes
atlctrlw.h command bar class
atlctrlx.h bitmap button, check list view, and other controls
atlddx.h data exchange for dialogs and windows
atldlgs.h common dialog classes, property sheet and page classes
atlframe.h frame window classes, MDI, update UI classes
atlgdi.h DC classes, GDI object classes
atlmisc.h WTL ports of CPoint, CRect, CSize, CString, etc.
atlprint.h printing and print preview
atlres.h standard resource IDs
atlresce.h standard resource IDs for Windows CE
atlscrl.h scrollable windows
atlsplit.h splitter windows
atltheme.h Windows XP theme classes
atluser.h menu class
atlwinx.h extensions of ATL windowing support
Alpha/... Windows XP 32-bit (alpha) toolbar images
BmpView/... bitmap file view sample
MTPad/... multithreaded notepad sample
MDIDocVw/... WTL version of the MDI sample
GuidGen/... WTL version of the GuidGen sample
WTLExplorer/... Explorer-like application sample
setup70.js AppWizard setup program for VC++ .NET 2002
setup71.js AppWizard setup program for VC++ .NET 2003
setup80.js AppWizard setup program for VC++ 2005 Beta1
Files/... WTL AppWizard for VC++ .NET 2002 and 2003 files
setup80.js AppWizard setup program for VC++ 2005 Beta1
Files/... WTL AppWizard for VC++ 2005 Beta1 files



4. Class Overview


usage: mi base - a base class (multiple inheritance)
  client - wrapper class for a handle
  as-is - to be used directly
  impl - implements a window (has WindowProc) or other support
  helper - a helper class
  base - implementation base class


class name: usage: description:

app/module support
CAppModule   app support, CComModule derived
CServerAppModule   module for COM servers
CMessageLoop as-is message loop
CMessageFilter mi base message filter interface
CIdleHandler mi base idle time handler interface

frame windows
CFrameWindowImplBase<> base  
CFrameWindowImpl<> impl frame window support
COwnerDraw<> impl mi base owner-draw msg map and handlers
CDialogResize<> impl mi base support for resizing dialogs

MDI windows
CMDIWindow client MDI methods
CMDIFrameWindowImpl<> impl MDI frame window
CMDIChildWindowImpl<> impl MDI child window

update UI
CUpdateUIBase base  
CUpdateUI<> mi base class provides support for UI update

standard controls
CStatic client static ctrl
CButton client button ctrl
CListBox client list box ctrl
CComboBox client combo box ctrl
CEdit client edit ctrl
CEditCommands mi standard edit command support
CScrollBar client scroll bar ctrl

common controls
CImageList client/impl image list
CListViewCtrl client list view ctrl
CTreeViewCtrl client tree view ctrl
CTreeItem helper  
CTreeViewCtrlEx client uses CTreeItem
CHeaderCtrl client header bar ctrl
CToolBarCtrl client toolbar ctrl
CStatusBarCtrl client status bar ctrl
CTabCtrl client tab ctrl
CToolTipCtrl client tool tip ctrl
CToolInfo helper  
CTrackBarCtrl client trackbar ctrl
CUpDownCtrl client up-down ctrl
CProgressBarCtrl client progress bar ctrl
CHotKeyCtrl client hot key ctrl
CAnimateCtrl client animation ctrl
CRichEditCtrl client rich edit ctrl
CRichEditCommands mi std rich edit commands support
CDragListBox client drag list box
CDragListNotifyImpl<> impl mi class support for notifications
CReBarCtrl client rebar ctrl
CComboBoxEx client extended combo box
CDateTimePickerCtrl client date-time ctrl
CFlatScrollBarImpl mi impl flat scroll bars support
CFlatScrollBar as-is flat scroll bars support
CIPAddressCtrl client IP address ctrl
CMonthCalendarCtrl client month calendar ctrl
CCustomDraw<> impl mi class custom draw handling support

Windows CE controls
CCECommandBarCtrl client command bar ctrl
CCECommandBandsCtrl client command bands ctrl

property sheet & page
CPropertySheetWindow client  
CPropertySheetImpl<> impl property sheet
CPropertySheet as-is  
CPropertyPageWindow client  
CPropertyPageImpl<> impl property page
CPropertyPage as-is  
CAxPropertyPageImpl<> impl property page with ActiveX
CAxPropertyPage as-is  

common dialogs
CFileDialogImpl<> impl GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName
CFileDialog as-is    
CFolderDialogImpl impl directory picker
CFolderDialog as-is  
CFontDialogImpl<> impl ChooseFont common dialog
CFontDialog as-is  
CRichEditFontDialogImpl<> impl ChooseFont for rich edit
CRichEditFontDialog as-is  
CColorDialogImpl<> impl ChooseColor common dialog
CColorDialog as-is  
CPrintDialogImpl<> impl PrintDlg common dialog
CPrintDialog as-is  
CPrintDialogExImpl impl new Win2000 print dialog
CPrintDialogEx as-is  
CPageSetupDialogImpl<> impl PageSetupDlg common dialog
CPageSetupDialog as-is  
CFindReplaceDialogImpl<> impl FindText/ReplaceText
CFindReplaceDialog as-is  

USER support
CMenu client menu support

GDI support
CDC client DC support
CPaintDC client for handling WM_PAINT
CClientDC client for GetDC
CWindowDC client for GetWindowDC
CPen client GDI pen object
CBrush client GDI brush object
CFont client GDI font object
CBitmap client GDI bitmap object
CPalette client GDI palette object
CRgn client GDI rgn object

enhanced controls
CCommandBarCtrlImpl impl command bar
CCommandBarCtrl as-is  
CBitmapButtonImpl impl bitmap button
CBitmapButton as-is  
CCheckListViewCtrlImpl impl check list box
CCheckListViewCtrl as-is  
CHyperLinkImpl impl hyper link control
CHyperLink as-is  
CWaitCursor as-is wait cursor
CCustomWaitCursor as-is custom and animated wait cursor
CMultiPaneStatusBarCtrlImpl impl status bar with multiple panes
CMultiPaneStatusBarCtrl as-is  
CPaneContainerImpl<> impl pane window container
CPaneContainer as-is  

additional UI components
CScrollImpl impl scrolling support
CScrollWindowImpl impl scrollable window
CMapScrollImpl impl scrolling support with map modes
CMapScrollWindowImpl impl scrollable window with map modes
CSplitterImpl impl splitter support
CSplitterWindowImpl impl splitter window
CSplitterWindow as-is  

theming support
CTheme client Windows XP theme
CThemeImpl<> impl theming support for a window

printing support
CPrinterInfo<> as-is print info support
CPrinter client printer handle wrapper
CDevMode client DEVMODE wrapper
CPrinterDC client printing DC support
CPrintJobInfo client print job info
CPrintJob client print job support
CPrintPreview mi print preview support
CPrintPreviewWindow as-is print preview window

CSize as-is WTL port of MFC's CSize
CPoint as-is WTL port of MFC's CPoint
CRect as-is WTL port of MFC's CRect
CString as-is WTL port of MFC's CString
CWinDataExchange mi data exchange for controls
CRecentDocumentList mi or as-is support for MRU list



5. ATL/WTL AppWizard


ATL/WTL AppWizard generates starting code for a WTL application. It has options to create code for different application types and features.


You can choose the following options:

  • Application type (SDI, multi thread SDI, MDI, dialog based)
  • Support for hosting ActiveX controls
  • COM server support
  • Class implementation in .CPP files
  • Common Control manifest
  • Toolbar, rebar, command bar, status bar
  • View window, and it's type (generic, dialog based form, or a list box, edit, list view, tree view, rich edit based, HTML page)
  • For dialog based apps or a form based view window - support for hosting ActiveX controls in the dialog


ATL/WTL AppWizard supports VC++ .NET 2002 and 2003.



6. Support for Windows CE


WTL now fully supports building projects for the Windows CE platforms. This initial support for Windows CE was implemented primarily for eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 with Pocket PC 2003 and SmartPhone 2003 SDKs. However, it can be used with other versions and configurations. For instance, Standard SDK 4.1 is supported as well. Considerable effort was made to provide the best Windows CE support, however, there might be some limitations because different platforms provide different programming support.


The support for Windows CE was not designed to port projects for the desktop version of Windows as-is to the Windows CE platforms, but to allow use of the same library, WTL, for both desktop Windows and Windows CE. Applications for Windows CE are often designed in a different way, and they use different platform services. WTL depends on the version of ATL provided with each Windows CE platform, and supports controls and services that are appropriate and supported for each Windows CE platform.



7. Notes


~ WTL provides several classes that are also present in ATL 7.0 and 7.1. The classes are: CSize, CPoint, CRect, and CString in atlmisc.h. While their existence will not cause any problems, their usage might. You should qualify the class you want to use with a namespace to resolve ambiguity, either ATL or WTL namespace, depending on which implementation you want to use. Alternatively, you can conditionally exclude WTL implementations, by defining preprocessor symbol _WTL_NO_WTYPES for CSize, CPoint, and CRect; and _WTL_NO_CSTRING for CString.


~ If you use WTL 7.5 with VC++ 6.0/ATL 3.0 and define _ATL_STATIC_REGISTRY, you'll get errors referring to the ambiguous symbol ATL. This is caused by a bug in ATL 3.0 - in atlbase.h, the file statreg.h is included inside of the ATL namespace, and it contains another namespace ATL declaration. Because of that, the compiler cannot decide between ATL:: and ATL::ATL:: namespaces. The solution is either to fix the atlbase.h, or to surround atlbase.h include declaration with following statements:


#define ATL ATLFIX

#include <atlapp.h>

#undef ATL

namespace ATL = ::ATLFIX;


~ Windows XP allows applications to use Common Controls version 6, which supports only Unicode applications. While WTL allows creation of Ansi applications that use Common Controls 6, that should be used only for test programs and is not recommended or supported for released projects. If you want to use Common Controls 6, build your application as Unicode.


~ Several of the sample programs included with WTL were extended to support building for Windows CE. These samples are not specially redesigned for Windows CE, but just modified to allow you to compile and run them on the Windows CE platforms. The samples are: BmpView, GuidGen, and MTPad.


~ WTL supports building projects with EVC++ 3.0 only for Pocket PC and Pocket PC 2002 platforms, as other platforms don't provide minimum support for ATL or other required libraries.


~ The old AppWizards for VC++ 6.0 and eVC++ 4.0/3.0 are not included in this version of WTL because they cannot be a part of an Open Source project. They are still available in the previous release, WTL 7.1.



8. Changes Between WTL 7.5 And 7.1


New and improved:

<< TODO: Add items >>


Fixes and enhancements:

<< TODO: Add items >>



9. Changes Between WTL 7.1 And 7.0


New and improved:

VC7 Compatibility: Support for ATL7 Module classes and critical sections and AppWizard setup for VC++ 7.1

Windows CE Support: Full compatibility with Windows CE platforms and AppWizard for eMbedded Visual C++

Namespace Support: Automatic "using ATL" (ATL7 only) or "using WTL" can now be turned off

CHyperLink New Features: not underlined, underlined when hover, command button, link tags

CCustomWaitCursor class supports custom and animated wait cursors

AtlCreateBoldFont() for creating bold version of an existing font


Fixes and enhancements:


  • CreateSimpleToolBarCtrl() - remove dead code, improve error checking, add a global function that uses it

  • Fix - PrepareChevronMenu() fails to get toolbar strings for Unicode

  • CFrameWindowImplBase::Create() - improve ASSERT not to use m_hWnd if creation fails

  • Fix - CFrameWndClassInfo::Register - should use %p formatting only for _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500 or for _WIN64

  • Fix - Chevron menus not positioned correctly with RTL

  • Fix - CMDIChildWindowImpl: Problems creating maximized child windows and handling focus

  • Fix - CMDIChildWindowImpl: Should activate on WM_MOUSEACTIVATE



  • Fix - Incorrectly clears default item from the system menu in MDI apps

  • Added UISetCheck with bool instead of int for the check state



  • Fix - Doesn't provide a way to change floating point precision

  • Added DDX_CONTROL_HANDLE for non-CWindowImpl objects

  • Added DDX_Check variant with bool instead of int for the check state


Command Bar:

  • Fix - OnDrawItem() and OnMeasureItem() don't do a good check for owner-draw menu items

  • Fix - Disabled 32-bit images not painted correctly in 3D menu mode

  • Fix - Popup menus not positioned correctly with RTL

  • Fix - Uses GCL_HICONSM instead of GCLP_HICONSM with GetClassLongPtr()


MDI Command Bar:

  • Fix - Doesn't refresh icon if MDI children are different

  • OnAllHookMessages() - improve code to handle MDI child window class icon

  • Fix - OnNcLButtonDown() uses TPM_VERPOSANIMATION without checking Windows version

  • Fix - Maximized MDI buttons in wrong place for RTL

  • Should adjust cxIdeal for rebar bands for IE4

  • Add support for different top-level menu widths by handling ideal size for rebar bands



  • Fix - Doesn't support MSDI application as a COM Server

  • Fix - MDI with Form View - stack overflow closing maximized MDI child windows

  • Fix - Generates VERSION resource name 'test1' regardless of the project name

  • Fix - Dialog project with control hosting doesn't derive a dialog from CAxDialogImpl

  • Fix - COM Server doesn't register type library

  • Fix - COM Server doesn't register AppID properly



  • Fix - GetItemData() needs better return value

  • Fix - GetItemState() should use TVM_GETITEMSTATE instead of TVM_GETITEM for IE5

  • GetItem() and SetItem() - added new variants that use TVITEMEX

  • Fix - SortChildren() should add recurse flag argument

  • Fix - CTreeItem doesn't support CTreeViewCtrlExT that has different TBase than CWindow



  • Fix - Uses scalar delete instead of the vector one

  • Fix - EnableThemeDialogTexture() argument is BOOL instead of DWORD



  • Fix - EnableOK() passes wrong arguments to BFFM_ENABLEOK

  • Fix - Always clears m_hWnd, which causes problem for nested messages



  • Fix - DlgResize_Init() forces dialog to be visible by using SetRedraw()

  • Forcing WS_THICKFRAME is not enough to make dialog resizable

  • Min track size should be used for child dialogs as well

  • Fix - DlgResize_PositionControl() incorrectly checks return value from MapWindowPoints()



  • Fix - CAppModule methods not thread-safe

  • Fix - AddSettingChangeNotify() unusable in multithreaded apps because of delayed initialization



  • Fix - Delete() doesn't allow deleting more than the length of the string

  • Fix - Append() can cause buffer overrun

  • Fix - MakeReverse() can cause an infinite loop

  • Fix - _cstrstr() unnecessarily inefficient

  • Fix - FindOneOf() is not DBCS-aware

  • Fix - Format() does not recognize %E

  • Fix - TrimLeft() and TrimRight() are only half-way DBCS-aware

  • Fix - May cause assertions or undefined behavior with SBCS



  • Fix - SetMaxEntries() has an incorrect ASSERT

  • Add CString variant of the GetFromList() method

  • Add a way to replace command IDs used for the MRU list

  • Add a way to replace registry key name



  • CMessageLoop::Run() - improve the loop by checking bDoIdle before calling PeekMessage()

  • CServerAppModule: Clean-up unused code

  • Fix - CServerAppModule::MonitorProc() - no need to call _endthreadex()

  • Fix - CListBox::GetText() and CComboBox::GetLBText() (CString variants) don't check for LBERR/CB_ERR

  • Fix - CAxPropertyPageImpl doesn't create ActiveX controls with ATL7

  • Fix - CDC::GetTextExtentExPoint() missing

  • CDC::SetWindowExt() should have default value NULL for the lpSizeRet argument

  • Fix - CPropertySheetWindow missing methods for PSM_INSERTPAGE, PSM_SETHEADERTITLE, and PSM_SETHEADERSUBTITLE; AddPage should return BOOL

  • Fix - CMapScrollImpl::SetScrollSize() uses wrong variable

  • Fix - CHyperLink: WM_UPDATEUISTATE causes repaint without WM_PAINT

  • Fix - CUpDownCtrl::GetPos() returns incorrect value

  • Fix - CUpDownCtrl::GetPos32() doesn't have default arg value

  • Fix - CMultiPaneStatusBarCtrl: Always uses size grip for positioning panes

  • Fix - CTabCtrl::InsertItem() should return int, not BOOL

  • CReBarCtrl: Added LockBands() method

  • Fix - CFont: uninitialized variable passed to DPtoLP

  • Fix - CPrintDialogImpl: Crash when displaying Print Setup dialog

  • Fix - CPageSetupDialogImpl::PaintHookProc() - should use T* and return UINT_PTR instead of UINT

  • Fix - CPrintJob doesn't support printing to a file

  • Fix - CSplitterImpl: Doesn't handle WM_CAPTURECHANGED - can get in an invalid state

  • CRichEditCtrl: Add method for EM_SETTABSTOPS

  • Fix - CFindFile::GetFilePath() checks for a trailing slash, but doesn't use that info



  • Fix - Problems compiling with /Zc:forScope ('for' loop scope conformance)

  • Use named constants instead of values for pixel sizes, buffer lengths, etc.

  • Support building with Managed C++ (/CLR)

  • CM

Tags: windows 模板 WTL
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